Bucco Bruce Arians

January 9th, 2019

Call it the return of Bucco Bruce.

The original mascot of the Bucs, which adorned the helmets of the glorious creamsicle uniforms, has come back to life. And you can thank Bruce Arians for it.

While rumors swirled over the weekend that Arians was coming to Tampa Bay to coach the Bucs, dudes with more clever minds, talented artists like @Samer__Ali,  began to make alterations to the original Bucco Bruce graphic to depict Arians wearing the Bucco Bruce hat.

It must have gotten to Arians himself, who used the hashtag in his message to Bucs fans.

Joe just has a hunch that Arians’ reign with the Bucs will be anything but boring.

And you have to respect the man’s sense of bonding with Bucs fans on his first day on the job.

If Arians somehow gets the Bucs into the playoffs, he can just hear the crowd at the Stadium on Dale Mabry Highway chanting, “Bucco Bruce… Bucco Bruce… Bucco Bruce… “

55 Responses to “Bucco Bruce Arians”

  1. Nate Says:


    The bucs should go with the flow and push the whole logo change back to the old logo

    Make it up to date more fierce…shoot even lavante David pushed for it…

    It may take a few years but let’s do it glazers!!! Really all the way put Bruce’s stamp tampa

  2. Snook Says:

    Make it official and bring back the creamsicles.

  3. Sport Says:

    Nice!!! Now this is a guy who gets it.

  4. MagicMarpet Says:

    Beyond stoked about this

  5. Sport Says:

    Nice!!! This is a guy who.gets it!


  6. Howard Cosell Says:

    i’m getting verklempt…… talk amongst yourselves…..

  7. DruBuc Says:

    Where can I buy the shirt!?!

  8. Bucs 14 Says:

    Good luck making Magoo a franchise QB Bruce. I really hope you can do it, because I want my team to be a winner.

  9. BucFan252 Says:

    Ist hire I’ve been excited about since we canned Chucky. Fix Jameis B.A.

  10. NCFlorIdiot Says:

    I absolutely love that!!!! Please make that into a shirt we can purchase… I would proudly wear that!

  11. Bucsace Says:

    Love this!!!! Let’s bring back the old colors!!!!

  12. Whatinthebuchappend Says:

    I’m so happy for our fans , our players & I’m so happy for our coach ! Now we will finally after over a decade have competent men on the sidelines having our guys competing and winning more than we lose..I can just feel the change for the better in the air already ! Thanks for taking on this tall task bucco Bruce..you have always had my respect n now you have my full attention..1 luv all and GO BUCS!

  13. TampaTown Says:

    We HAVE to have a throwback game! Why does the NFL care if it’s a different helmet as long as it’s a regulation helmet? Don’t get that rule

  14. adam from ny Says:

    bucco bruce the pewter pirate


  15. PRBucFan Says:

    im geeked

    I wont lie

  16. PRBucFan Says:

    Yup… Im geeked

  17. PRBucFan Says:

    Definitely geeked

    No use hiding it

  18. Ray Rice Says:

    #’s 8,9, and 10. That’s all it took for me to realize why players love to play for SQ Smooth.

  19. PriMech54 Says:


    I once read that it’s because typically players will use the exact same helmet throughout the entire season, and the interior padding will naturally come to fit that individual person. So, if they were to switch from, say, pewter to white helmets they’d have to do so only by painting them (theoretically). That’s as far as I understood it, anyway.

    On a related note, I expect the uniforms to at least be tweaked, if not changed again completely (hopefully to something closer to our SB era uniforms). If I’m not mistaken the same thing happened pretty quickly after Lovie was hired and they rebranded everything. Fingers crossed.

  20. Architek Says:


  21. AfrikaThaRapper Says:

    Yeah boyyyyy !!!!!!!

  22. OneBucPerson Says:

    I’d just like to point out that Bruce was apparently asked if we might have a uniform change coming soon enough. His response was, and I quote, “You know I like ’em flashy” If potentially changing our horrendous uniforms doesn’t make you love the man then nothing will.

  23. RealBucFan Says:


  24. Alaskan Abdominal Snowman Says:

    Now that it’s official, I watched “A football Life” and I’m so pumped about this dude. I didn’t think I could get more excited.
    The guy is QB gold, he turned a kicker to an all SEC QB in his first season. Crazy. Watch it if you haven’t, it’s free on YouTube.
    Not to mention the swag of this guy and how much fun it’s going to be for media to interview and fans to watch.
    This is the dude right here!
    Go BUCS!!

  25. Trench War Says:

    Great rendition of him. It would really be fun to see him in his pressers wearing buccaneer red musketeer hat and puffy orange peacock feathers. How fun is that?

  26. AndyinLA Says:

    Almost $30 for that t-shirt is about $10 too much… c’mon man.

  27. Rod Munch Says:

    We’ve been stuck with these God awful uniforms for 5 years… they can now finally change them. Please Glazers, do what you did in 1997, mix it up. Easy solution, go to 1976, hit copy, then paste, call it a day. Don’t let Nike touch anything. Please, make it happen. Give everyone some hope. In 1997 the hope was a team with promise, needed a new look, needed to escape from the last 15 years of losing. Do it again.

  28. '79Defense Says:

    “And you have to respect the man’s sense of bonding with Bucs fans on his first day on the job.”

    Exactly, Joe!!! Welcome to the Bucs, Bruce!

  29. GhostofSchiano Says:

    Just needs a small cardinal at the tip of the blade, with an evil grin on its beak.

  30. Pete I Says:

    I love the old logo and uni’s – That pic is awesome!

    What can I say … Go BuccoBruce!

  31. Pete I Says:

    As a fan from the beginning I am always on board with the original logo and uni’s – that pic is awesome!!!

    What can I say… Go BuccoBruce!

  32. Bird Says:

    He was the right hire. No question.

    He will get he best out of Jameis …
    Bucco Bruce Arians shirts will be in the way shortly. To easy

  33. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Finally a coach that trust jameis….skied the limit with his talent now

  34. canadianbucsfan Says:

    You are completely right! Jason litch deserves credit for this , Bruce didnt come here to work for the Glazer kids he came because of Jason litch


    Thank you Glazers!!!!!

    Your Dad is dancing in heaven!!!!!

    You got it RIGHT!!!!!

  36. VFL98 Says:

    Welcome Bruce! Now get to work and win the division.

  37. VFL98 Says:

    why don’t you post anymore of my comments JOE????

  38. MJG09 Says:

    Welcome Bruce!!! Now go win the division.

  39. down in the dirt Doug Says:

    I feel like the man who is facing a very serious operation.Due to finances you are having a younger doctor operate.Then the hospital informs you that a famous doctor on staff has agreed to assist with the operation.When you are introduced to this doctor you look into his eyes and know that you are in great hands and relief sweeps across your brow.BOY TO I FEEL GREAT TODAY.WELCOME DOCTOR BUCO BRUCE.WE SURE NEED SOME BAD PARTS REMOVED.

  40. cobraboy Says:

    I pray for the day when those horrendous digital alarm clock unis are the “throwbacks”…

  41. LJS4th Says:

    Glad Bucco Bruce is on board!! Now draft a big LT at #5 – Williams – and move Smith to RT and pick up a guard in Free Agency or draft one and we will be rolling!! Then the rest of the draft defense!!! Let’s get to work!!!

  42. SchlomieBarmitzvahCircumScissorStein Says:

    Just purchased a retro bucs shirt. Orange and white. So much better than the current look. If they don’t want to go back to that, at least do a little bit of a modern version with orange and grey/white.

  43. Aceofaerospace Says:

    Bucco Bruce? You’re welcome.

  44. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Too bad the Stick Carriers are not still around. They made the news their first year and were on their way to being an established fanbase. A change in coaches should not have caused a name change.

    Honestly, I was skeptical of them at first, but they were growing on me. I was becoming proud of them. Until…well…they gave me reason not to be proud. Apparently, the Stick Carriers were a fairweather fad.

    Just think. Come training camp, a portrait of Arians could be given to him. A new tradition for new coaches. And he could say their slogan.

    Ah well.

  45. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    The website is delaying posts again. Is this happening to everyone?

  46. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Agree completely about BA’s connection with the fans.

    If he wins here in this STARVED community he can write his own ticket.

    Yeah it’ll be Bucco Bruce and imagine Ray Jay filled with fans all wearing Kangol hats with Buc logos.

    I’m like everybody else…very hopeful. I do know this…the opportunity for Arians here is enormous…not just players but desperate fans and organization. If he can win….

  47. miken Says:

    i follow sammer on twitter… he is a talented designer!
    i hope we have a uni change!!!!

  48. Erik w/ Clean Athletics Says:

    The Swaggiest Coach in the NFL!

    And for Good Reason!

    The Bucs are Back Baby!

  49. 813bucboi Says:

    pump the brakes on the hype train….lol….

    folks made this mistake a few years ago….

    bruce is a good coach but i aint crowning him king or saying he’s a savior just yet….games have to be played….

    good luck bruce…get to work….


  50. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    Hello Bonzai, yes the delay is happening to everyone, I think.

  51. Denny Gay Says:

    That’s pretty awesome, that he’s pandering to a logo moniker created by a fan on the fly.. Sounds like he’s “all in” with the Bucs. The Bus should feed of off this and roll with it.

  52. Bucsace Says:

    Dump the pewter and red colors……Yeah, I admit the dream sickle uniforms looked bad when we played the Bears and the Packers in the snow when we were still in the NFC central, but the old colors would look fantastic playing in the domes at Atlanta and New Orleans in the NFC south…….bring back the orange pants Glazers!!!!!

  53. Schlomiebarmitzvahcircumscissorstein Says:

    @Bucsace. It was the wrong shade of orange back then. Bring back true orange!

  54. Barack's Crack Pipe Says:

    Screw Nike. Hire Adidas to do the unis.

  55. PaulW Says:

    Oh f–k.



    Now all of a sudden I’m a convert. How the hell did this happen?!?!