DJax Wants Barkley

March 6th, 2018

“Damn Jason, can you imagine our offense if you could get that Penn State kid?”

It’s a total pipe dream, but what the hell.

If you ever have a chance to talk NFL Draft players still collecting a check in the league, almost universally they will tell you they don’t care about the draft and maybe they might watch 15 minutes or so, just to find out who their team will pick.

But man, these guys sure get into the NFL combine.

NFL players were all over social media this weekend offering their two cents into how guys performed and in some cases, indirectly lobbied their own teams to get a certain player.

Last week, perhaps the biggest combine buzz was created by Penn State running back Saquon Barkley, who tore things up in Indianapolis. It even got the attention of speedy Bucs wideout DeSean Jackson who seemed to beg Barkley to find a way to drop in the draft.

As Joe already wrote, it is pure fantasy to think Barkley could somehow slip to No. 7 where the Bucs currently sit.

But this tells Joe that even Jackson has in his mind the Bucs must find a running back so the offense isn’t so one-dimensional.

72 Responses to “DJax Wants Barkley”

  1. Gary Says:

    Find a way to draft Barkley!!

  2. BetterBuccinBelieveIt Says:

    Holla!!! Great to have DJax onboard for the primarily most sensible use of draft capital this offseason in SA-QUON, SA-QUON! DJax knows FULL well what Barkley will do for the Bucs in 2018….and BEYOND.

    This Bucs fan has been pining a loonnngg time for Mr. Barkley.

    Go get him Jason, save for job (for at least 2018).

    Go Bucs! Go Bold! Go BARKLEY! Go Primetime!

  3. Dewey Selmon Says:

    well I guess we could trade Djax and some draft picks to Cleveland and move up….

  4. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    hahahah Dewey awesome…..i think cleveland is turning the corner because their defense has some impact players, they need to draft barkley at 1 and go get fitzpatrick or a QB at 4, throw money at cousins and they immediately become a playoff team, in an average division

  5. Jason Mclaurin Says:

    He’s not coming to the Bucs

  6. doctor_berto Says:

    Not gonna happen. Draft Derwin if Chubb is gone

  7. Mike Johnson Says:

    I’m starting to get this gnawling feeling that under this current regime, Our Bucs will..screw up no matter what they do.

  8. ChanEpic Says:

    Mike Johnson – #same why should we expect any different?

  9. Sierra048 Says:

    No. First. Round. RB!

  10. BetterBuccinBelieveIt Says:


    Completely understandable notion, but Licht might just have something up his sleeve–as long as it’s Barkley! THink about the holistic difference he would make for the entire Bucs organization.

    Go Bucs!

  11. Jolly Bucs Fan Says:

    If somehow, through a miracle saquon drops to #4. Better make clv an offer they cant refuse

  12. tnew Says:

    The issue is, this would mean moving up to the first spot. My only thought is that since the Bucs brass feels they are so close, why not use this year’s and next year’s #1 and see how far that gets them. My guess is that could land them at Indy’s spot. Chose Chubb then and there and see how far you can go with him.

    If they are so close, why not the third for Quinn? We will really see how close they believe they are during free agency. They need to get a CB, RB, G and DT to be considered serious IMO.

  13. 813bucboi Says:



    #NOEXCUSESIN2018!!!!!….GO BUCS!!!!!

  14. Pa Privateer Says:

    just for Discussion……….If Barkley falls to #4……trade players?

    Trade DJax and Brate and late rounder to get the #4 pick.

    Promote Auclair

  15. mike10 Says:

    Would I be pissed if we draft Barkley? No way

    However, we need help on each of our lines. Iā€™d rather draft an OLineman that makes a 2nd or 3rd back look like Barkley, AND help Jameis

  16. BetterBuccinBelieveIt Says:

    Forest through the trees boys…forest through the trees.

    Go Bucs! Go Bold! Go Barkley! Go Primetime!

  17. Lamarcus Says:

    I don’t believe Barkely is THAT good. His measurements are amazing which usually doesn’t translate well in the NFL. Barkely still have to earn it.

  18. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    2017 1st Round Trade Bears Move Up One Spot
    Bears gave the 49ers their No. 3 overall pick, 2017 third- and fourth- round picks, and a 2018 third-round pick to move up one spot – to No. 2.

    Can U imagine how much it would cost to move from #7 into the Top-3???

    Phuckinā€™ Crazy

  19. BringBucsBack Says:

    Joes, is it intentional that you only post pictures of Licht looking half-crunk? Do any even exist?

  20. Etzel Says:

    If we trade up it should be for Chubb

  21. Mr. Ed Says:

    Can Barkley rush the passer? How are his coverage skills?

    Cā€™mon man.

  22. Pickgrin Says:

    Its a moot point. Barkley will be long gone by #7 and the notion of paying a King’s ransom to trade up to the very top of the 1st rd for a RB is so ridiculous its not even worth mentioning.

    I’d be pissed if we did it even for Chubb – but a RB?? In a draft loaded with 2nd and 3rd rd RB talent???

    Chubb/Nelson at 7 or trade down!

  23. Blake_Bucsfan Says:


    He certainly has the athletic ability.

    All joking aside though, after this week I am really beginning to wonder whether or not Tremaine Edmunds has any type of future as a pass rusher. I’ve seen him being compared to Anthony Barr which is really intriguing.

    He has an unusual large/ long frame for his age and position. You don’t see too many 19 year old linebackers at 6’5 253. Edmunds had a very strong showing at the combine despite being over shadowed by the inspirational Shaquem Griffin. Running 4.54 at his weight is not too shabby at all.

    From the little bit of film I have watched, he doesn’t really seem to be used as a pass rusher, he has a few sacks here and there but gets there mostly untouched on blitzes.

    But still at his extremely young age, and with his physical gifts, I can’t help but wonder if he could be trained as a 3-4 OLB pass rusher.

  24. Not there yet Says:

    Psycho fans lol who cares what djax thinks about the draft….ummm he wanted John Ross last year and how did he do? We have too many weapons to draft a running back with that pick. He’s an Alvin kamara type back just go back and look at the number of carries per game, he’s a home run hitter like kamara and would take the place of Charles Sims which would be good since he can run between the tackles but to many others needs. Doubt he’ll be the first pick in the draft especially not based on the combine because the raiders don’t have first pick

  25. GhostofSchiano Says:

    Agree with above comments – Chubb/Nelson at 7 or trade down!

  26. donuts Says:

    I will be do happy after the draft so we don’t have to talk speculation daily.

    Underwear football GOAT. Great…means nothing on Sundays. I still doubt the high value being placed on Barkley. RB rarely are worth a top 10 pick in the passing NFL.

  27. LocalJoker Says:

    See PFF mock draft 3.

  28. Pā€™cola Buc Says:

    Defensive Ends take more time to acclimatize to the NFL then do running backs. Licht/Koetter need to have players who will be able to show an immediate positive impact in 2018 or they will be gone. What can be done to get Barkley? Hope we donā€™t end up regretting lowering our draft position for our last win.

  29. NFLNut Says:


    I think it’s highly unlikely as well, as I have Saquon going #1 overall and no later than #3, but it’s not impossible:

    1. Browns: QB
    2. Giants: QB, Chubb or Quenton Nelson
    3. Colts: Bradley Chubb or Nelson
    4. Browns: Minkah Fitzpatrick
    5.Broncos: QB
    6. Jets: QB
    7. BUCCANEERS: Saquon Barkley


  30. Tom Edrington Says:

    Could do a Mike Ditka and give up the entire draft for Barkley, like Ditka did to draft Ricky Williams…….not sure that would sit too well…

  31. Tom Edrington Says:

    @NFL Nut:

    That’s hallucinating

  32. stevek Says:

    Thanks for sharing the PFF Mock, Local Joker.

    Maurice Hurst before Chubb? I question those dudes to the fullest.

    No shot in hell Barkley lasts til 7.

  33. StPeteBucsFan Says:

    I think there is just too much pressure on Cleveland to pass him twice. We got no shot.

    That’s OK. Saquan Barkley would have made us marginally better last year. If the franchise QB misses three games and is hurt at least three others…if your top pass rushing threat misses the season…if you have the most games lost to injury of any team in the league…a running back might have helped a couple of more wins last year but we NEED to get a pass rush!!! We can find decent RB’s.

  34. El_Buc941 Says:

    Joe just cause it is almost certain that Barkley won’t be there at #7 doesn’t mean Tampa can’t go up and get him.say trade #7 for #4 with the browns and add our 4th rounder and next year’s 2nd and 5th.

  35. chargedcbh Says:

    NFLNut that scenario is possible. Depends on Free Agency. GM’s are not “Fans” they don’t go ALL CRAZY over a combine workout. If you weren’t going to draft him, a combine workout doesn’t change your mind.

  36. Joeypoppems Says:

    “Stronger than Joe Thomas” has to be one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever heard.

  37. JimmyJack Says:

    What is that? A Twitter rant? Looks like jibbirish to me. But if I deciphered it correctly it looks like Joe Thomas is the only one who doesnā€™t use twiter. Now thatā€™s a real man.

  38. Tnew Says:

    That PFF draft is the craziest thing Iā€™ve seen in a long long time. Hurst and Landry before Chubb. Not gonna happen.

    This is the scary scenario from my point of view. This could happen.

    Iā€™m not as sold on Minkah as i was pre combine. He looks more like a Tyrann Mathieu type safety Also, none of his metrics were special enough for me to warrant that 7 pick.

  39. JimmyJack Says:

    I think the Browns should take Barkley #1 overall. Getting a franchise QB and RB in the same draft would be quite a haul. I believe Mayfield would then be their target so it depends how much they like him. Or how much they donā€™t like Darnold.

  40. JimmyJack Says:

    5)Broncos-Rosen(who busts btw)

  41. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    maybe had the man driving the pirate ship not screwed up so badly and have ZERO vision when building this organization the past 4 off seasons the bucs would be primed to add a difference maker like derwin james but licht has created so many holes on this squad that cannot be filled through this draft and not sure there are ppl available via FA

  42. Bobby M. Says:

    I would love Barkley but it just seems highly improbable unless you give away an entire draft and we cant do that because we have holes everywhere. Licht and Koetter are playing for their careers, i just dont see them going all in on one back, a position with a high likelihood of injury (example Dalvin Cook). Its my opinion that this staff is on notice and they wont be allowed to trade away picks from 2019….those are preserved for the next staff if this thing flames out again. So basically Licht would have to trade our entire draft plus a player, likely TE if Cleveland is shooting for a young QB. Not happening.

    Now if it were a kicker, totally different scenario……go big or go home.

  43. JonBuc Says:

    You mean D-Jax wants a back that keeps the safeties honest and God forbid even up in the box/defensive front?! How dare he! Jacksonā€™s career is winding down/slipping away…heā€™s feeling the sense of urgency. Somebody has to other than the fans I suppose. A good back will keep the defense off the field and pressure of Winston. Offensive lines by and large prefer run blocking. Barkley would be a tremendous ā€œdeodorantā€ for a somewhat stinky squad.

  44. 813bucboi Says:

    lamarcus joiner is off the board…..

    tre boston will be next…..we should be looking at eric reid…..good strong safety….talented….

    #NOEXCUSESIN2018!!!!!….GO BUCS!!!!

  45. LakeLand Says:

    John Dorsey has complete control of this draft and he knows it.

  46. Bossmode Says:

    It we trade up trade up to get Chubb. He better then any 3rd round or 2 round pick this year or next year so go get that man. No matter the cost like any other team when there a player if need. And like most fans will will forget the cost if he produces.

  47. Iā€™m a Tandyman Bucs Fan Says:

    Maybe Jason has screwed up so much with his draft picks and Free Agent signings that someone higher is telling him yay and nay now !!! We will soon know the rest of the story. Sure hope we can make some productive choices and give all us Bucs Fans reason to hang on. If not I suppose we will have to wait on the next regiment to right the ship!!!

  48. ManzielMadness Says:

    I like K. Johnson and D. Guice. Not a big fan of R. Jones early though… good change of pace back however not sure he can carry the load.

  49. AlteredEgo Says:

    If Barkley was @ 4…. I’d be very tempted…aside from his on field accomplishments…he is a high character well spoken young man….I’d consider swapping picks and trading ME 3….

  50. Mike Johnson Says:

    Come on guys..If we trade up for should be Chubb. To trade up to no 1 would be so costly, it would set our Bucs back 2 more yrs. And I’m not even sure the cost of getting Chubb would be worth it. Our best bet is to try to convince AZ to trade up to us. and get 2 for 1.

  51. DubyaEater Says:

    Lol Lamarcus! Speed, strength, and agility definitely doesnā€™t translate to the NFL. Now maybe if you said that measurable donā€™t ALWAYS translate I would see what you mean. But cmon man, Barkley is clearly going to be a good NFL back

  52. Bossmode Says:

    What the cost for trading up to number 1 to pick Chubb the #7 a 4th this year and 2 next year. We have the cap to fix any gap a 4th round and 2nd round pick could offer

  53. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucs are a club with more holes than a piece of Swiss cheese. Makes perfect sense to give up several draft picks to fill ONE of those holes. Well, in Bucsville it makes perfect sense anyways.

  54. feelthepewterpower Says:

    MJ says Trade Mike Evans? What??

  55. SB Says:

    This is stuck behind a pay wall over at BSPN. I thought I would post it for you guys. It is about trades that should happen this off season

    4. The Oakland Raiders send a 2018 second-round pick to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for DT Gerald McCoy.

    Defensive tackle is a big question mark for the Raiders. McCoy, who turned 30 last month, remains a front-line player at the position. He is signed through 2020, with base salaries between $10 million and $13 million, and only $500,000 of proration remaining, all in 2018.

    Tampa Bay could use its early picks to revamp its defensive line, with an emphasis on outside rushers. There was some question among execs whether McCoy would command a second-round pick at age 30 and whether the Buccaneers could comfortably part with him.

    Buffalo could be another logical destination for McCoy. Tampa Bay could conceivably ask for defensive end Jerry Hughes as part of its return for McCoy. Hughes is scheduled to earn $7.35 million in salary and bonuses for each of the next two seasons. Sending receiver DeSean Jackson to Kansas City for Dee Ford was another suggested trade to help the Bucs’ pass rush, despite doubts over whether the Chiefs would be interested in Jackson at this stage.

  56. SB Says:

    Oh and every single one of you who want to get rid of the best WR Tampa has ever had, you have obviously bumped your heads

  57. Lamarcus Says:


    When the last it actually translate? Barkely imo was not amazing at PSU and his workout numbers were stellar. Name a player who was a workout warrior at the combine and actually bdid something in the NFL? I’ll wait……

  58. AlteredEgo Says:

    ME is a very good young WR…I am concerned about him hitting FA with an attitude and be gone with nothing in return. If there is a coaching/FO change all the more reason he’ll leave…if he stays it will be a HUGE contract. If the Bucs could get Barkley at the 4th slot by trading ME 3 and swapping picks….I would do it.

  59. BucsLifeSentance Says:

    WEEK 17 moral VICTORY SMH

  60. Eric Says:

    We can always franchise ME.

  61. Duke Says:


    JJ Watt!

  62. stevek Says:


    Bo Jackson!

    Deion Sanders!

  63. Lamarcus Says:

    Bo Jackson = injury prone
    JJ Watt = injury prone
    Sanders a workout warrior in on speed, mirrors, and Primetime

    But I will take that answer from u guys. But what about

    That packers oline guy maravich
    Vernon Gholston
    Kijuana Carter
    Curtis Ennis
    Vernon Davis
    Courtney Brown
    Trent Richardson

    There are more who will bust than actually be anything on the next level

    Barkely…..I’ll pass

  64. SteveK Says:


    What about Aaron Donald?

    I see your point, and film is important. It is nice to see the players stand out in terms of athleticism. It doesnā€™t mean the world, but it helps.

    Bo Jackson wouldā€™ve been a stud if not injured.

  65. BucEmUp Says:

    100% move up and draft Barkley. Please don’t waste a high pick on defense when they will be ruined by Mike Smith.

    Trade up for Barkley

  66. Lamarcus Says:

    Steve K

    Aaron Donald was not a by any means a combine super hero. I know ppl get all hyped up from combine workouts I mean I get it. By my point is that they are more likely to bust at the nfl level than any type of player

  67. Bucsfansince89 Says:

    Didnt we said that about OJ Howard last year? It was a pipe dream we would get him….

  68. SteveK Says:


    Donald ran a 4.68 40, and had 35 reps on the bench. Dude is a complete stud. Best undertackle since Sapp.

    Donaldā€™s combine numbers:

    40 YARD DASH: 4.68 SEC
    BROAD JUMP: 116.0 INCH
    3 CONE DRILL: 7.11 SEC
    20 YARD SHUTTLE: 4.39 SEC

  69. Bobby M. Says:

    Just a thought….but its interesting to consider shifting the focus from how the Bucs could get Barkley to trading for the Steelers RB L. Bell. The Steelers tagged him, they cant agree on a value for him, he’s destined for free agency next year and they would get nothing. Seems like the Steelers would at least entertain offers.

  70. NFLNut Says:

    DO NOT TRADE UP! TRADE DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. Off the Cuff Says:

    Barkley isn’t falling from the top three picks.

    Guice, Penny, Vea, Davenport will all be available to us without having to mortgage the farm.

    I would start with one of the premium defensive tackles and a guard in free agency.

  72. Skyline Crew (obsolete) Says:

    Browns would be smart to take Barkley at #1. They don’t need to draft a QB there. Let the #2 and #3 positions take who they want to let your #4 pick be easier at QB for you.

    We aren’t getting Barkley, but I don’t want Derwin either. Hoping Minkah falls to us or we take Nelson.