Chucky’s Spinning Out Of Control
January 18th, 2018
“You’re spinning, Chucky!”
Jiminy Christmas, the amount of nonsense that Chucky was spewing this morning to the great Mike Florio on PFT Live nearly threw Joe out of his recliner.
And that was just three questions into a nearly 30-minute interview, seen and heard on NBC Sports Network.
Of course, Joe already detailed how Chucky indirectly blamed Team Glazer for his bolting the BSPN broadcast booth and into the waiting arms of Raiders owner Mark Davis. Chucky claimed the mid-December Ring of Honor ceremony at the Den of Depression on Monday Night Football convinced him to return to the sidelines — in Oakland.
Never mind that Hall of Fame general manager Bill Polian, also an employee of BSPN, said recently on SiriusXM NFL Radio that all parties at the four-letter knew Chucky was out the door at Thanksgiving.
Then there was Chucky claiming he didn’t talk to Davis about returning to the Raiders until Jack Del Rio was fired. That’s just a flat out lie. Davis had been panting all over Chucky for years to return to the Raiders worse than a drunk pining for affection at a clothing optional establishment on Dale Mabry Highway. Davis himself said it was an annual ritual to visit Tampa to woo Chucky.
Besides, if Chucky really was so concerned about the coaching fraternity, as he often says and implied when he claimed he had no negotiations with Davis until Del Rio was axed, Chucky would have long ago shot down the rumors of him returning to the Bucs, if for no other reason than to spare Dirk Koetter and his family the gossip. You know, that beloved coaching fraternity?
Has Chucky yet stated on the record he or his representatives had zero conversations with Team Glazer and that rumors of him replacing Koetter were lies? No he has not.
Then again, as much cow dung as Chucky spews, who would believe him anyway?
Chucky also repeated his favorite saying of how he never wanted to leave the Raiders when he was traded to the Bucs. Don’t ever bring this up to prized columnist Ira Kaufman. That drives Ira up a wall. In short, it’s another fabricated untruth concocted by Chucky. You’ll hear the story in today’s Ira Kaufman Podcast.
Oh, then there is Chucky’s deep love for Oakland, so he claims.
“I was raised by the people in the Black Hole,” Chucky said.
Joe’s calling BS here, as well. Chucky signed a 10-year contract with Davis. If Chucky finishes that contract as a coach, he will have coached in Las Vegas for eight of those 10 years, and maybe more. The Raiders’ lease in their current crib expires after the 2018 season. If Las Vegas had any sort of a stadium that was remotely capable of hosting an NFL team, other than that decrepit high school stadium UNLV plays in, they’d be in Sin City by now.
If Chucky has such an erection for the San Francisco Bay area, then why uproot his family for only two years there (or less) when he’s destined for the Nevada desert?
Chucky raved about returning to the Black Hole of Oakland yet the only Black Hole in Las Vegas is the level of business women working Fremont Street — so Joe is told.
This guy, Chucky, is simply incapable of talking straight.
January 18th, 2018 at 12:16 pm
Chucky was always talking out of both sides of his mouth. That’s why most of his players and staff couldn’t stand him, even if he got the best out of them.
Is anyone surprised?
January 18th, 2018 at 12:16 pm
The exact reason he faded away in Tampa and won’t last with the Raiders. The players wont be able to trust his baloney talk and fabricated dedication. It’s all about Chucky, not the team.
January 18th, 2018 at 12:24 pm
Same interview he said team glazer didn’t speak with him about a return . . . Take that as u will
January 18th, 2018 at 12:31 pm
None of this matters. If..he takes the Las Vegas Raiders all the way, then he will be on top again. HE got and is..getting paid. Nothing matters but WINNING in the NFL. Noth-thing!
January 18th, 2018 at 12:39 pm
Joe don’t be a bitter ex-girlfriend. Chucky just chose the better team
January 18th, 2018 at 12:42 pm
Damn Joe…gotta say you guys are acting butthurt about Chucky
Let it go man
We DON’T CARE about the raiders hc!!!!!!!!!!
January 18th, 2018 at 12:49 pm
dang, someone’s butthurt chucky give the bucs the finger. what would you expect. he was the greatest coach we ever had, followed by schiano, then dungy
January 18th, 2018 at 12:52 pm
the raiders will become contenders now. playoffs next year probably and SB bound within 3 years. just like the Titans, the bucs need to make their decision and then do the opposite.
January 18th, 2018 at 12:55 pm
A man has got to get paid so whatever that takes.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:03 pm
Yeah good thing we are in the hands of straight shooter Dirk Koetter though. What coaches say to the media means very little.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:05 pm
“Nothing matters but WINNING in the NFL. Noth-thing!”
So being a totally classless Shole is irrelevant? What has happened to my nation? Money means EVERYTHING and honesty and personal character mean nothing in this nation anymore. You can lie through your teeth…be a pathological liar and nobody cares. What has happened to America?
Money? Do you guys ever really think about this in terms of money? Chucky is already sporting a net worth that possibly already exceeds his entire Oakland/LV contract. He’s has made multiple millions of dollars for waaay over a decade now. Unless he was taken like some players by an unscrupulous investment adviser Chucky’s millions from decades ago have multiplied greatly!!!!
Can somebody HONESTLY justify this as a money deal and not use the word GREED!!!! How much money does somebody need?
So the top 1% of this nation own more than 60% of our nation’s wealth. The bottom 40% own less than 1% of our wealth. Yet we just cut a tax package to benefit that “poor” 1%.
BTW I’m just repeating what dozens of posts have expressed about Chucky’s reasoning. I do not believe money was the determining factor in this decision.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:06 pm
When Gruden had his Raiders in the Superbowl and the Bucs are home watching, nobody will care what he says.
However, Gruden is bringing something to the Raider Nation that the Bucs and their fans don’t have, and that is excitement. Something to get and be excited about
January 18th, 2018 at 1:11 pm
So funny how triggered people are by the Chucky interview, joe included. What is he supposed to say?? I prefered Tampa but Davis gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse, no way is he going to say that. Also, the Raiders have to kiss the fan’s ass bc they are leaving in two years. Most cities would turn their back on a franchise that was leaving, why do you think the chargers are playing in a 30,000 seat stadium for 3 years instead of staying in SD for a few more years? Chucky isn’t bs ing, it’s the way life / football work. He told his agent , about the time he told pewter report he was interested incoming back (before the season) to his agent and his agent did any dirty work because thats his job. Gruden was probably 90% sure he wanted back in throughout the season and after the ring of honor, it was 100%. He gave the Bucs a chance and Davis gave him a sweeter offer. He’d be pumped to be in either spot, and he’d win in either spot.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:12 pm
I understand the hurt joe…..I really do….I wanted harbaugh first but would’ve gladly taken gruden…..
I best way to get over a coach is to get under another one…..sadly, we’re in bed with dirk for another year….GO BUCS!!!!
January 18th, 2018 at 1:14 pm
Would be refreshing, yes.
If a guy is going to lie like a rug in every question, what’s the point of wasting anyone’s time listening much less interviewing him? Then it’s nothing more than pro wrestling.
The whole reason one interviews a subject (or watches/listens) is to get insight and gather knowledge, not be sold to like a late-night TV pitchman for an over-the-counter snake oil.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:15 pm
@st pete.
gruden needs to get paid hile he can. he’s worth it. he took his last two teams to the SB and came away with a title.
as to being a classless shole being irrelevant. blame goodell. he has single handedly brought this league to it’s knees along with some players and a good old fashion black panther party SB 1/2 time show, and the owners who support it.
chucky better get paid while he can.
“Adding all these numbers up 120.8 million viewers watched the NFL divisional round playoffs in 2018 vs. 144.1 million who watched in 2017, a decline of 23.3 million total viewers,” Travis wrote.
Overall viewership declined over 16 percent, according to this reading of the numbers. It amounts to a ten-year low, Travis said.”
January 18th, 2018 at 1:16 pm
Thank god we have a losing head coach that speaks softly and oh so refreshingly.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:19 pm
Its business and he made the smart business move. I could careless how he spins it.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:20 pm
Chucky was the benefit of one of the best D’s ever assembled during the SB run. After that, he changed the culture and here we are today. Who cares about Chucky? He was not the answer for the Buc’s. Where the Glazers missed was not making John Lynch the president of football operations. Watch when SF is in the SB in the next 5 years.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:22 pm
Been saying it a long time Chucky is a salesman I wouldn’t listen to half of what he says. I think his players started to see thru that his last go around also. A few of them commented about him not being trust worthy.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:23 pm
@ Robert
“Brought this league to it’s knees”
Every major television network is on its knees in a bidding war for the NFL on Thursday nights.
The NFL is just fine.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:25 pm
It would be refreshing to who if he answered the truth? The interviewer? PFT views increased regardless because it’s chucky. At least chucky has personality and can motivate and excite fans and players. Our coach has none of that juice.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:31 pm
LOfknL at Schiano being a better coach than Dungy…
January 18th, 2018 at 1:44 pm
Such hatred for the only guy who got us the trophy.
Such love for the incompetent boobs that have gotten us nothing since.
The local hack Tampa media on full display…….in all their butt hurt glory.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:44 pm
@joe… not realistic. Go on a date and enjoy yourself, then you would tell her you’d rather be with Rachel Watson. Ask Jameis how he feels about Dirk, is he a bs er if he has positive thing to say or if he doesn’t say he wished he was in Sean Payton’s of Kyle Shanny’s offense. If you go by that standard, they are all liars. Grudden is ecstatic to be back and be in Oakland.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:48 pm
@ robert
Gtfoh trying to blame kneeling and super bowl performances. Butt hurt fans such as yourself are so full of it. The nfl viewership is down just like HBO, TNT and any other channel because many people/millenials have moved on from cable and are streaming their programs. Thats why nfl is in negotians with facebook etc in order to recoup some of the viewers. I know the alt right thing to say is black players hurt the viewership but the truth is the nfl still had 10 of the 15 most watched shows this year so theres that.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:49 pm
This is sort of like how Gruden blamed the salary cap for letting Lynch and Sapp go then signed an injured Charlie Garner to a big contract as well as every 35-year old injured offensive lineman he could find and even found money to get Tim Brown to leave his retirement home to come here.
January 18th, 2018 at 1:49 pm
“Davis had been panting all over Chucky for years to return to the Raiders worse than a *one-beer drunk PFF nerd drooling over a cocktail waitress
Fixed for podcast listeners, no charge Joe 👌
January 18th, 2018 at 1:55 pm
Eric – I know it’s hard when you worship someone only to find out they’re a fraud and a turd, but keep in mind not everyone is as gullible as yourself. Dungy built the team and Gruden destroyed it – two years after going 15-4 and winning the SB the Bucs were 5-11.
January 18th, 2018 at 2:06 pm
so whats your answer for the empy stadiums?
is this where you tell me the millenials have move on from the real world to virtual reality and video games. sure seems like the world your living in.
I never named kneeling or (insert color here) players, but thanks for playing.
as to the SB 1/2 time show………they should put David Allen Coe or Hank Jr for some good ol American entertainment.
January 18th, 2018 at 2:20 pm
BrianBucs we had enough “excitement” last off-season, what we need is a good draft, free agency and off-season program…that’s it and that’s all.
January 18th, 2018 at 2:21 pm
Jon lied constantly when was here before.
January 18th, 2018 at 2:22 pm
“chucky better get paid while he can.”
Several posters have said this. Again sorry I literally just do not understand this.
He’s ALREADY BEEN PAID!!!! He’s not needing money!! The Bucs gave him 15 million for the three years he didn’t even coach and then add his BSPN salary to that. He made millions and millions from the Bucs and Raiders prior to that and millions and millions from BPSN and Hooters since then.
Do the freaking math. Dude is probably worth more than the entire Oakland contract already. He does not NEED money at or tomorrow!
He’s going to Oakland for ego reasons…he’s an unfulfilled artist who wants to complete his painting. I get this and am fine with it. But if he went to Oakland for money then he is truly sick!
January 18th, 2018 at 2:24 pm
He will be in the AFC playoffs next year with a BIG middle finger pointing down here, he probably will face the Jags in Jacksonville for the AFC championship game and the bucs will have hopfully hired a new GM and coach by then after suffering through a 6-10 season
January 18th, 2018 at 2:27 pm
January 18th, 2018 at 2:25 pm
@ robert
I am glad to know you like alternative facts and try to spin what you just said as if the rest of us are missing something. But i will play along any way. What color are the black panthers? Obviously you are a butt hurt fan who do not like black people protesting. As it relates to stadium attendance…….yes, milineals/big screen tvs and concession prices have affected attendance. And that is why the nfl lifted their antiquated black out rule years ago. But i will let you think it was the black players kneeling uurr black panther protest party urrr ….
January 18th, 2018 at 2:29 pm
Who cares really? Lovie Smith was much worse. I expect Chucky to win period but I could see how the ring of honor made him want to coach again but he considered coaching here again. He considered it and doesn’t owe anyone more than that, he did what he felt was best for him
January 18th, 2018 at 2:39 pm
it’s all good webster. we just disagree. the economy is booming, everyone is working and you’re saying the stadiums are empty soda, beer and ticket prices are too high?
C’MON MAN! a problem can’t be fixed until it’s 1st acknowledged.
January 18th, 2018 at 2:47 pm
Desperate owner who was willing to give an NFL record 10 year 100 Million deal to return to glory. That is the story. Glazer’s couldn’t or shouldn’t have even been close to matching that. For us, I am glad he didn’t come. You can’t just repeat the glory years, it is not that simple. For Chucky… A chance to join a team with a good young QB a year removed from 12 wins and playoffs. A potential piece of the pie if the rumors are correct. A chance to go to a dynamic city that never had a team and be the face of the franchise. He, and his family will be set for generations.
Your point about his lies regarding Oakland are true, but the fact is that his return was always hanging over that franchise. Any HC had to deal with the love affair junior Davis had on Gruden. Del Rio was dead man walking after losing the team following a 12-4 record anyway.
I will miss Gruden on TV, don’t think he will be as successful as many believe, but can’t blame him for taking this amazing opportunity.
January 18th, 2018 at 3:27 pm
Rod Munch
Dungy the Clown Failure built NOTHING in tampa but an underachiving one dimensional team. It was a GREAT defense on a CRAP team that never contended only pretended because the one dimensional failure could not field even a high school level offense. 2 playoff wins in 6 years is failure by even Cleveland brown standards. Those offense Dungy and McKay fielded were embarrassing at best and high school level more often than not. Head coaches are responsible for all phases of the game and the undeserving hall of famer with a career losing playoffs was the pure definition of ONE DIMENSIONAL. Bad offense, Bad Game day philosophy, choked when it matter most and coached scared week in and week out… He wasted the careers of the 2 hall off famers handed to him by sam whyce not to mention the careers of several other great players not in hall. Dungy era was pure failure not glory years. you can’t rewrite history because you have a crush on mr peanut.
January 18th, 2018 at 3:29 pm
That was Dungy’s super bowl. Chucky is a fart and flop
January 18th, 2018 at 3:29 pm
WINNING IS ALL THAT MATTERS. There are no moral victories, No good losers..Just WINNING. If you cannot win, then you are losers like the Bucs. Give me a nasty hard hittin, smash mouth, take no prisoners..DEFENSE. Save your high moral character for the Church!! WIN Got=Ammit!!!
January 18th, 2018 at 3:32 pm
gruden will fail… i proud of the man for the money grab.
st. pete
money means everything. work hard earn as much as you can. nothing wrong with that… hard work used to be more respected than receiving handouts I know that was a long long time ago though. end handouts. earn or suffer.
and believe me given recent history a democrat need not bring up the word integrity with a straight face LOL.. dems would not know the truth if it was spelled for them that being said I always enjoy your humor.
January 18th, 2018 at 3:36 pm
Mike Johnson is 100% correct
until the object of the game is changed from Winning to feel good stories and subjective BS than WINNING IS ALL THAT MATTERS. you win or you fail.. there is no positives in ” well they played hard” or “they did not quit” that is nothing more than excuses to justify failing. trying hard is for the loser trophies and hugs for all crowd.
January 18th, 2018 at 3:42 pm
If Chucky wins a Super Bowl with the Raiders, he’ll go into the hall of fame as a Raider. And we’ll be stuck with a statue of a guy who will go down in history as a Raider.
January 18th, 2018 at 4:01 pm
If you honestly believe that it makes you a greedy &&&. Nobody is faulting people for working for a good living and a nice life. I certainly did that.
See Tmax you do not understand hyperbole,…100 million is not a good living it’s an excessive amount of money for coaching a sport…but it is what it is.
money means everything.
If you actually feel that way you need to check your tmax. I feel sorry for you and anybody you call family. Also hope you don’t get the wrong kind of health scare where you’ll find out money can’t really change that.
January 18th, 2018 at 4:22 pm
Joe, are you trying to convince us we’re better off without Gruden, or yourself? I was hoping we’d get Gruden, we didn’t, move on. The Raiders will make the playoffs next year, we won’t.
January 18th, 2018 at 4:49 pm
I worked at two Fremont street casinos in a former life, Joe. At least during the time I was there, what you were “told” is, if not totally accurate, at least apropos.
January 18th, 2018 at 5:23 pm
Raiders were 12-4 and made the playoffs last year without Gruden and probably would’ve gone to the super bowl if Carr didn’t get hurt. At 10 mil a year anything less than a super bowl would be a failure.
January 18th, 2018 at 7:32 pm
Joe – let him go. After next year we will have a new GM and HC .
January 18th, 2018 at 9:20 pm
Thanks Birdman!
January 18th, 2018 at 9:21 pm
@ St Pete ,,,,, Your Correct $ Wise but Ego Wise Chucky needs it ,,,,,, many posters have very accurately touched on Grudens BS that will again catch up with him ……….His ego can’t accurately keep track of his spewing self centered fabricated mouth, which is fine if your announcing but not so good as a leader/ coaching !!!
January 18th, 2018 at 9:22 pm
January 19th, 2018 at 5:18 am
Damn Joe you just raked Chucky through the coals. Lol. But with that said I agree. Makes you kinda appreciate how Koetter doesn’t BS us……at least not all the time. Personally its a bad look IMO. What I don’t understand is why does he keep lying? What’s the point now?
January 19th, 2018 at 8:22 am
If he played us next year, he would whip our arse, his first year back. Because he is a real coach. Do you think New England fans care if Belicheat is an a-hole. Thanks for bringing us a Super Bowl Chucky good luck!! The fact he didn’t come back here only show’s how smart he is. He found an owner that wants to win, no matter what. Malcomb was like that, his sons not so much.
January 19th, 2018 at 5:08 pm
he can say whatever he wants for the next 10 years. truth, lies, coachspeak, inflammatory remarks, gloating over wins, explaining away losses….whatever path he chooses, it ends in $100 million. good for him, but no longer anything to do with us. i’m hoping he is just so-so out west, if for no other reason than i don’t want him to become Michael Bennett’s successor at the top of the JBF “regret posts” list
January 19th, 2018 at 7:54 pm
tmaxcon – LOL!