Howard Hopes To Channel Grandmother
April 28th, 2017
Magnet for football fans.
So new Bucs tight end O.J. Howard hopes he can have the same impact on the Tampa Bay community as his grandmother did in his hometown of Prattville, Ala.
Back home when Howard was growing up, his grandmother ran a restaurant. She had scrimped and saved for years to launch her own eatery. It became the center of town, Howard said, known for good meals and in particular, the sweet potato pies.
So popular were the pies, Howard, who offered a helping hand in the restaurant any way he could, said it was not uncommon for folks to travel 40 if not 50 miles to buy his grandmother’s sweet potato pie.
“Everybody loved to go there and eat,” Howard said. “If [out-of-town visitors] were there in town, they won’t leave without getting a bite.
“If someone was in town for business, they definetly would get a pie before they would leave.”
And Howard wants to do the same in Tampa Bay. Howard wants to have such an impact with the Bucs, he wants visitors to the area to know that they can’t leave without watching him and the Bucs play at the Den of Depression.
(Note from Joe: Joe looks forward to dropping this moniker for the stadium the moment the Bucs win five home games in the same season. Is that too much to ask?)
April 28th, 2017 at 4:09 pm
If I was a conspiratoriaiist I would wonder if HBO somehow rigged this draft so we could get OJ. LOL
Seriously! If I’m a “Hard Knocks” producer I’m licking my chops. Are you kidding me? Self starting entrepreneur? Sweet Potato pies…oh my what stories are going to come out of Central Alabama which has now given us our franchise QB and a franchise TE to go with him.
How cool is it that #3 and OJ grew up just 90 miles apart.
I can’t wait for “Hard Knocks” this year because these guys now seem like guys you’d like to get to know better.
April 28th, 2017 at 4:17 pm
StPete..doesn’t Kwon come from that part of Alabama too?
April 28th, 2017 at 4:19 pm
This dude is so chill HBO won’t want anything to do with him. 🙂 Supremely nice guy, very well-spoken. Borders on quiet. Seems smart as hell.
In other words, boring for reality TV.
April 28th, 2017 at 4:20 pm
Sweet Potato Pie Field at RJS.
April 28th, 2017 at 4:24 pm
The Browns just cut Gary Barnidge. Maybe we should pick him up and run more 3 TE sets?
April 28th, 2017 at 4:29 pm
Seems like a really good guy. I am so happy that he is a Buccaneer. Winston, ME13 and OJ ” how’s my pie taste” Howard to grow and excel together……gotta put those shades on!!!! Bright!!!
April 28th, 2017 at 4:54 pm
He may be personally boring so they’ll have to focus in on grandma! America loves the story of the self made small businessperson who succeeds despite the odds.
And who wouldn’t love reporting on Sweet Potato Pie. I see a recipe in “Hard Knock’s” future.
April 28th, 2017 at 5:01 pm
You can find recipes online st pete. Hard knocks is going for excitement and drama. OJ seems like he is all about football, what a pick. Hard knocks is gona get me to watch this year. Id love more weapons tonight but ole smitty would love some players to im sure. Curtis samuel or dede westbrook are my two favorites for round 2. Lets run up some scores this year! Go Bucs
April 28th, 2017 at 5:27 pm
no worries, Joe. It soon will be a den of depression for opposing defenses!
April 28th, 2017 at 6:20 pm
Winston and OJ Howard demonstrated that a grown (albeit young) man knows how honor his grandmother without…well, embarrassing your grandmother. Unlike the child who was drafted by ATL shortly after. And don’t tell me that was emotions bubbling up, the kid clearly rehearsed that scene
Got a solid foundation of young guys with their heads on straight and who understand the world and their teammates are watching at all times. Good way to build a winner. Oh and they can play their butts off too