Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2017


Happy New Year, everyone!

Joe is bummed this time of the year. Sad a year has gone by; sad that football season is that much closer to an end; sad the best sport in the world is the shortest sports season of all, which is just plain wrong!

But there are good things to look forward to! Always remember and never forget: Joe never takes a day off. Even though the offseason is just hours away (barring an Act of God), Joe will be here for you daily for your Bucs fix and news and commentary. Each day, everyday. Just like always.

Joe suspects this should be an exciting offseason as Bucs AC/DC-loving Jason Licht has pockets full of Team Glazer loot to go shopping. Joe just doesn’t believe in taking a siesta on his readers (a seƱorita back to his Las Vegas hotel room in the wee hours of the morning is another matter).

Joe always has ideas brewing to make this site better than ever. Hey, you never know.

And Joe hopes all of his readers have a very prosperous and happy 2017! Could this finally be the year the Bucs get to the playoffs? In Dirk Koetter and in Jameis and in Jason Licht, Joe trusts.


16 Responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Trubucfan22 Says:

    Happy new year Joe’s. I know I give you a lot of crap, but I love your site. Keep up the great work.

  2. DB55 Says:


    You are my drug of choice. Here’s to another 365 days of JBF.

  3. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    I’m drunk AF LOL.

  4. BennyBucs Says:

    Happy New year’s Joe, your journalism is legendary and absolutely appreciated my friend. Your subtle and not so subtle humour is always a welcome read. Keep up the good work.

  5. Rojas Says:

    Happy New Year to Joe, and everyone one this site. Be safe.

  6. John Herb Says:

    Hey Joes. Much love and happy new year wishes to the team. 2017 looms in the wings but our BUCS will bring home a winning season. So let it be written, so let it be done!

  7. Chris Says:

    Happy New Years Joe’s. DB55, Buc87, St Petersburg. Tampa Bay/Pedro

  8. Chris Says:

    Two bottles down me Mike Evans, feeling good myself

  9. Nole on Sat- Bucc on Sun Says:

    Happy New Year SB,Tmax,Bonzai,St. Pete,DB,orlbuc,Pat,Cocoa bch,GOAT,87,ndog,Big,LWD and Celly I know y’all out there and anyone else I might’ve forgot to mention that eat sleep and breathe all things Bucs(1 c don’t wanna pist anyone off first day of 2017)and last but not least the Joes. Appreciate the work and effort y’all put in to keep the base informed.

  10. Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    Happy New Year to the Joes and everyone else on this site. God Bless you all.

  11. MarineBucsFan Says:

    Happy New Year Bucs Fans

  12. BucinJAX Says:

    Happy New Year all.

  13. The Buc Realist Says:

    What a great Year 2016 was!!!! The Buc Realist was on the edge that they would give the incompetent one 1 more year of futility!!!! But the winds changed and everything changed the way the “real” fans wanted!!!!! they did just about everything that I and a few others had asked!!!!!!! It was beyond wonderful to be vindicated!!!!!!!!

    The excitement is just starting buc fans!!!!

    Go America!!!!!!!!!!!

    And GO BUCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Blackmagic00 Says:

    Happy New Year everyone. To a great year from the only team that matters. GOOOOOO BUCS! ! ! ! ! !

  15. Pickgrin Says:

    Happy Happy Joy Joy to Joes and to all.

    2017 is going to be a GREAT year for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers!!!

  16. Buccfan37 Says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! Except the Carolina Panthers.