Best Compliment For Donovan Smith
January 31st, 2017
Reasoned logic from Falcons veteran defender.
Joe may have found the final word to shut up the PFF tribe and their apparent conquest to run Bucs left tackle Donovan Smith out of the NFL.
The PFF tribe, along with Madden Warriors who watch All-22 and, thus, think they are unemployed Belicheats, believeĀ Smith is nothing short of a sieve, despite not missing one snap in his NFL career.
NFL folks, when mentioning the PFF tribe’s offensive line grades, roar out loud the way Joe does watching “Blazing Saddles.” Count Sean Weatherspoon among those who scoff at the PFF tribe.
The veteran Dixie Chicks linebacker blew out his Achilles early in the season. He has only played against Smith once but it was enough to make an impression.
When Joe asked him last night during “Super Bowl Opening Night” held at Minute Maid Park in Houston what makes Smith a good left tackle that the PFF tribe cannot see, Weatherspoon told Joe it was common sense.
In short, Weatherspoon said Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht and winning coach Dirk Koetter are no dummies.
“[The Bucs] are not going to go get a guy and put him at left tackle if he can’t play and have him trying to protect the blindside of the franchise,” Weatherspoon said referring to America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
It was a simple, yet profound statement. Given the heavy investment in Jameis, if Licht and/or Koetter didn’t think Smith was getting the job done, there is no way Smith would have started 32 straight games protecting Jameis with Smith not being pulled for one snap in two NFL seasons.
Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
Despite what the nerds and the loud crowd might say, the fact Smith has played every snap in his still young NFL career demonstrates left tackle is of no concern for the braintrust of the Bucs.
January 31st, 2017 at 9:08 am
That’s your conclusive evidence that Smith is a better than mediocre left tackle? Sean Weatherspoon, a guy who probably doesn’t our left tackle from a TacoBell line cook, says he is good so he must be?
Case closed baby! JoeLichtFan just nailed it!
January 31st, 2017 at 9:17 am
Haha, Dallas, you didn’t get your lame point across because you had a typo…
January 31st, 2017 at 9:19 am
Donovan is solid. He just needs to lose a few pounds to maybe get a bit quicker, IMO.
January 31st, 2017 at 9:28 am
I lost all respect for PFF, when they graded Mike Evans ahead of Julio Jones. Mike Evans is good, but no WR in the NFL is better than Julio Jones.
January 31st, 2017 at 9:32 am
Young D. Smith’s not the problem. It’s the RT that needs to be fixed.
Broken record, I know.
January 31st, 2017 at 9:38 am
Dallasbuc you sir are an uneducated ignorant blow hard. Shuffle off with your nonsense..
January 31st, 2017 at 10:03 am
PFF has always been garbage when it comes to evaluations and ratings………..
January 31st, 2017 at 10:17 am
Can a guy just be average? Average may not be a pro-bowler but it isn’t stink either. Smith is solid. He’s also young. He makes mistakes sure, but some opposing DEs have been silent against him. Hardly the biggest issue on the OL.
January 31st, 2017 at 10:31 am
Dallasbuc you sir are an uneducated ignorant blow hard.
Agree that he presents himself that way but I believe the answer is simple
He’s a troll! Nobody could actually be that ignorant…even a Texan…although I concede that does throw suspicion…I think he just comes here to see how badly he can tick us off.
There is an internet acroynm DNFTT Do not feed the troll. They come for attention and to the degree we bother responding we just feed their need.
There are three posters here that were bashing Lovie from the get go. But after the past year I can see clearly where they are coming from…well all but one..
Realist is just as his name suggests a realist. He was right about Lovie when I was still wrong…he wasn’t hating on Lovie just pointing out what is now obvious to the rest of us.
Tmax…he’s from St. Pete so I don’t want to throw him under the bus. If he could get rid of his GMC obsession his posts make sense.
Then there’s Dallas who has NOTHING to add to this board…he’s simply a troll.
Now I prepare for the onslaught from Dallas. LMAO Perhaps this time the insults will be creative.
January 31st, 2017 at 10:57 am
Joe can you ban dallasbuc again. Guy is a straight fool. Would love to see what his credentials are to be superior to anyone currently employed by the Bucs franchise….. Including the ones serving luke warm beers on Sunday afternoons.
January 31st, 2017 at 10:58 am
StPete the lackey got it all figured out with his troll conclusions. This is the lazy and simplistic retort for those that have different opinions. Like calling someone a hater, a lazy and simplistic word JoeLichtFan loves to use too.
Fact is that I disagree with a lot of you when it comes to players, coaches and front office decisions and that makes you dismissive petulant little high schoolers with me in response. Like you know me with your personal insults and such. Been through it for years and been proven right more times than not so go ahead and whine and ask the Joes to ban me. I’m still here for now and Donovan Smith is still mediocre along with the track record of your overrated GM!
January 31st, 2017 at 11:29 am
LOL Quality rage from DallasBuc.
January 31st, 2017 at 11:58 am
^^^Running quality cover for Jason Licht and his lousy talent acquisition here on JoeLichtFan!
January 31st, 2017 at 12:37 pm
Smith is much better than the previous left tackle…
January 31st, 2017 at 12:42 pm
For an article that uses the term “common sense” there appears to be a severe lack of it, lol. Smith is a starting LT…therefore he is good. That’s just brilliant.
January 31st, 2017 at 12:44 pm
“J-Rod Says:
January 31st, 2017 at 12:37 pm
Smith is much better than the previous left tackleā¦”
The previous LT Amfomy Collins paid a pantload of cash by the one and only Jason Idiot Licht only to get benched before the end of that iconic 2-14 season of woe.
Now the previous LT Donald Penn who was unceremoniously kicked off this roster by none other than idiot Licht is by far better than both guys Licht has brought in here.
Cue the excuses and running cover for poor talent evaluations and decision making!
January 31st, 2017 at 12:46 pm
“winning coach Dirk Koetter “….LOLOLOL….what did he win, the division?….the conference?….LOLOLOL…..that was a good laugh…..
smith is a good LT….the man is only 23 years old and just finished his 2nd year in the league…..its amazing that after his rookie year people except him to be tyron smith……yet another good laugh…LOLOLOL…GO BUCS!!!!
January 31st, 2017 at 4:21 pm
Smith is young and makes to many mistakes. Much like our young QB. Neither need to be replaced at this point. We simply have to many other glaring weaknesses that need to be addressed.. All we can hope for is improvement with experience. I will say I’m not buying the statement that he must be good he started the last two years. That just equates to him being the best option on the squad at LT, not that he is good.
January 31st, 2017 at 4:38 pm
Sorry, I’m not sold on Donovan Smith. I think he could be a good right tackle, but the Bucs would be foolish to not consider a blue-chip LT of they have the chance to draft one. Smith isn’t the worst, but he’s been average at best, and needs to improve significantly if he wants to be better than “just okay.”
As far as this article, just quoting someone saying that Licht and Koetter believe in Smith doesn’t mean anything. They could both believe in Smith, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be wrong.
January 31st, 2017 at 5:38 pm
DallasBuc says:
” Donovan Smith is still mediocre along with the track record of YOUR overrated GM!”
Oops – busted. Most people here who are actually fans of the Buccaneers would refer to Licht as “OUR overrated GM”. Soooooo its just a little Freudian slip on your part confirming what I have always suspected….
And considering the total mess and lack of roster talent that Dom (and Bruce Allen) had left behind when Licht got here, it makes your negative opinions of Licht look consistently ignorant considering how much better our talent level (especially young talent) is now across the board compared to the day JL arrived at OBP 3 years ago.
January 31st, 2017 at 5:48 pm
Donovan Smith has been decent but not good since he got here. He’s big, he’s athletic for his size and he’s durable. All good qualities for a LT. He’s gotten as much experience as a player his age can have to this point so thats a good thing and hopefully Smith continues to improve and becomes the top 10 LT that Jameis needs and deserves covering his blind side. Smith has got a ways to go to be top 10 as it sits now though….
Its very hard and very expensive (top 10 draft pick or tons of FA $) to acquire a stud LT in the NFL – so we really don’t have much choice atm but to stick w/ Smith there for now and hope he makes a big jump in capabilities over the next couple of years.
January 31st, 2017 at 8:12 pm
Started as a rookie and hasn’t missed a start in two years. Expecting a 2nd round pick to be an all pro in 2 years means you are a child with little to no understanding of talent.
January 31st, 2017 at 10:12 pm
Great catch Pickgrin.
January 31st, 2017 at 10:23 pm
@ dallas buc
Licht drafted Mike Evans.
You know the guy you called Mike clayton Evans last year.
Ding Dong!
You got that one wrong!