Saints At Bucs, Open Thread

December 11th, 2016

bucs cheerleader 0820The Bucs are the real deal through 12 games, perched in a tie for first place and owning a stranglehold on the final Wild Card spot in the NFC.

Now what?

The train has to keep rolling right over Drew Brees and the Saints today. Beat New Orleans and Tampa Bay has its first five-game winning streak since the Super Bowl season of 2002.

React with fans all game long in the comments section right here!!

And come back for Joe’s savage postgame coverage live from the locker room.

448 Responses to “Saints At Bucs, Open Thread”

  1. Pit Says:

    I wish there was video coverage of the pregame and when the players enter the stadium 🙁

  2. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    Almost every1 us picking the AINTS to come into OUR house and WIN!?!? I say let’s him em with that BIG MUTHA F’IN STICK

  3. SeattleBuc Says:

    Dominate LOS and shut out Brees. Show your best today fellas! This is the defining game of the season. I wish I could be at Ray Jay today. TAMPAAAA…..

  4. Mikadeemas Says:

    All right Big D(fence), let’s push ’em back all day long!! JW and company, let’s ROLL fellas!! GO BUCS!!!

  5. Newbucsfan2 Says:

    I’m with MEGOAT:)!!

  6. SofloBucsfan Says:

    Is anyone in Tampa? If so hows the weather?? Hopefully it doesn’t rain like it is here in Soflo

  7. Mike Evans GOAT Says:


  8. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    I recall when alot people around here were saying Fameis is no luck. Allow me to be the first to say I’m glad.

  9. Coloradobucs Says:

    Pressure picks up a little bit with Washington just holding off Philly for the win.

  10. MadMax Says:

    Come on Bucs!!! Get another Home win!

  11. R.O. Says:

    Unfortunately Washington won. This game now is a MUST win for the Bucs.

  12. SoDakBucsFan Says:

    Saints with a backup guard at center GMAC should have a field day. By the way first time posting. Best BUCS coverage out there

  13. unbelievable Says:

    Sitting here at the airport in Mexico all bummed out cuz I’m gonna miss the game. Lo and behold the Bucs Saints game is the only afternoon game being shown at the bar!

    Feeling good about this one fellas. Still gonna miss the 2nd half since directv app doesn’t allow viewing of the games while outside the country but I’m still stoked.

    Go Bucs!

  14. WeAreLost Says:

    Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Dooshlarue Says:

    Please D, don’t let Brees get comfortable.

    Go Bucs!

  16. Coloradobucs Says:

    Those red endzones look so good!! Let’s put some red jerseys in there.

  17. unbelievable Says:

    3 and out. Defense looks fired up!

  18. ARGH_M8E Says:


  19. ARGH_M8E Says:

    HUGE D

  20. ARGH_M8E Says:

    Smart slide by james MENSA Winston LUV THIS MAN

  21. Boise Buc Says:

    Think New Orleans still offers bounties?

  22. ARGH_M8E Says:

    Jameis ^*

  23. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Saints headhunting Jameis????!

  24. Coloradobucs Says:

    C’mon D. Smith, lock in!

  25. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Good job, Robert

  26. Tampa Tony Says:

    Offense, D has carried your inconsistent ass for 4 weeks time to nut up and score!!!!

  27. DallasBuc Says:

    He made an extra point level FG kick. Cue the Janikowski comparisons and HOF talk.

  28. Gencoimports Says:

    Jamies needs to check down more. Looks like the Saints are giving that, like the Chargers last week.

  29. Tbbucs3 Says:

    41 yards is not an extra point….

  30. Gencoimports Says:

    Donavan Smith better not commit another penalty in this game.

  31. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Im still not used to seeing the opposing teams punter on the field. Keep it up D!!

  32. Zwak Says:

    He will..

  33. DallasBuc Says:

    And there it is!
    A 41 yard kick is a gimme at this level unless you are the notorious RobertOH AguaOh,no

  34. DallasBuc Says:

    Front four getting good pressure early. That is a very good sign.

  35. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    I’m starting to believe in this D. It’s starting to attack and use speed.

    GMC gets double teamed and LVD shoots the gap and hits the RB for a loss in the backfield. That’s exactly how our defense is supposed to work. LVD appears ready to play today which is obviously good news.

  36. Zwak Says:

    Who dat? Who cares 3 and out again aints!

  37. Dwood Says:

    So.. we bitch when he misses a kick and we bitch when he makes it.
    Got it


    GO BUCS!!!!!!!!

  39. Tampa Tony Says:

    Need a TD

  40. Coloradobucs Says:

    Let’s get a long drive and tire out these defenders.

  41. Tampa Tony Says:

    Play calling getting predictable

  42. ARGH_M8E Says:

    Is the ship rocking?!?!?!? I am in CT!!!!!!! Let’s go, MUCH LOVE TO THOSE MAKING THE NOISE IN RAYJAY

  43. Zwak Says:


  44. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    OK we win the first quarter now let’s win the second and then the 3rd and 4th.

  45. Gencoimports Says:

    Hey Joes, did you notice that spectacular blocking on that Doug Martin first and goal run? No RB in the universe would have got back to the line of scrimmage on that play.

  46. Tampa Tony Says:

    Get this TD!!!!!

  47. Dave Says:

    Brate had turned in to a fantastic all around TE.
    Now they need a number 2 WR
    Humphries – Shepherd are good, but 3 & 4

  48. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    TD, baby!!

  49. Gencoimports Says:

    Nice TD run!

  50. WeAreLost Says:

    Dang nice play by Doug.

  51. Gencoimports Says:

    Agree with Ross. WR has to be addressed next year in FA and/or draft

  52. Gencoimports Says:

    Agree with Dave rather. (Thinking they should draft Ross)

  53. DallasBuc Says:

    That was all Dougie

  54. Dave Says:

    Rams need to step up and beat ATL!

    Probably the only team left on their schedule with a realistic shot at beating them

  55. Chris Says:

    Feels pretty good, damn playoff caliber football

  56. Rrsrq Says:

    Doug still got to get beyond the defensive linemen in the backfield with him, let’s keep it going, TD

  57. Sampson89 Says:

    Looking good today. Hoping it stays that way.

  58. Destinjohnny Says:

    If we can get Jameis a solid 2 wideout
    We will be a handful on offense.

  59. LovieBall Says:

    Giving game balls to the fans! Love it!

  60. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Very classy giving the ball to a kid. THAT’S how you make lifelong fans.

  61. Gencoimports Says:

    The front four need to keep Brees uncomfortable.

  62. Rojas Says:

    Wouldn’t mind John Ross, or Corey Davis. Who ever is there when we pick.

  63. Tampa Tony Says:

    10-0 I like it

  64. Gencoimports Says:

    Nice D!

  65. MadMax Says:


  66. Tbbucs3 Says:

    All time low for Saints offense in a 1st quarter in Drew Brees carrer! This defense is no Lovie, I mean joke.

  67. MadMax Says:

    Kwon and VHIII!

  68. DallasBuc Says:

    Oh sht

  69. Rojas Says:

    VH3 first pick.

  70. MadMax Says:

    The new guys on D are really turning things around! Still cant believe we picked up Kwon with a 4th.

  71. Chris Says:

    Heartgraves ballin, Keon, David

  72. Coloradobucs Says:

    This is just fantastic!!

  73. MadMax Says:

    Beautiful disguise Mike S!

  74. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    I told my son before the drive started that VHIII would get a pick on that drive! I love being right! Lol

  75. JackJack Says:

    Dang JW needs to be more careful.

  76. JackJack Says:

    On another note, JW displays great presence and instincts on 3rd down. He’s the real deal.

  77. Gencoimports Says:

    That’s a catch

  78. Coloradobucs Says:

    That’s a catch

  79. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    Yeehaa…Sims on fresh legs…great explosion.

  80. Zwak Says:

    Just the beginning of an amazing run, enjoy this!

  81. MadMax Says:

    Knee was down! nu fumble zebras!!!!

  82. Gencoimports Says:

    Challenge that! His knee was down!

  83. jugheadfla Says:

    knee was down, 100%

  84. Sampson89 Says:

    That knee was down.

  85. Chris Says:

    St Pete Buc fan kept the faith when I didn’t have it, shout out to you

  86. Coloradobucs Says:

    He sure looks down.

  87. MadMax Says:


  88. Gencoimports Says:

    Its a disgrace that the Bus even had to challenge that.

  89. Gencoimports Says:

    That was a bad call. I don’t mind the play fake, but they should have attacked the perimeter

  90. MadMax Says:

    GJ again Roberto!

  91. Tampa Tony Says:

    Jameis run for the first!!!!!! Argh, can’t keep settling for FG’s

  92. DallasBuc Says:

    Young Janikowski hits another extra point level FG kick. En fuego

  93. Gencoimports Says:

    They should have faked it to Doug and thrown it to TE/FB in the flat.

  94. Buc50 Says:

    Bucs didn’t challenge it. All turnovers are reviewed automatically.

  95. SoDakBucsFan Says:

    Hope the BUCS just getting FGs doesn’t hurt us in the end. Defense is playing awesome right now.

  96. Gencoimports Says:

    I stand corrected on that, Buc50

  97. Tampa Tony Says:

    That’s why you need the inconsistent offense to score TD’s!!!!!

  98. Coloradobucs Says:

    I disagree with that facemask on VHIII. Anyone see it?

  99. jugheadfla Says:

    no good view of it

  100. Gilhealy Says:

    We’re a good team

  101. Sampson89 Says:

    Yah that was a sketchy call. I saw the hand… but there wasn’t a legitimate grab to me.

  102. Gencoimports Says:

    Bucs need to answer with a TD, now.

  103. Gencoimports Says:

    C’mon Huff!

  104. MadMax Says:

    The FK Hoff!

  105. DallasBuc Says:

    Huff best make up for that sht

  106. Coloradobucs Says:

    Idiot josh huff…

  107. Tampa Tony Says:

    Come on Jameis let’s get a TD now

  108. DallasBuc Says:

    That’s some peewee football intelligence right there

  109. DallasBuc Says:


  110. Tampa Tony Says:

    So F’ing predictable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  111. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


    Huff’s fault on that one. Not enough there for review change.

  112. Coloradobucs Says:

    Dammit Josh Huff!!

  113. WeAreLost Says:

    Holy fuk Huff screwed the team with that one.

  114. Stevek Says:

    Doug Martin sucks

  115. Patrick Says:

    Zero common sense on that return

  116. Gencoimports Says:

    You watch – Joe is going to blame Doug for that safety.

  117. Tampa Tony Says:

    Dirk got out coached there, you know they are coming after you

    PA would’ve been smart there

  118. WeAreLost Says:

    Martin sucks?????

  119. Stevek Says:

    Huff fuked up and Martin is just an ordinary back. Shame we had to pay him.

  120. lurker Says:

    martin has sucked, so why run with him?

  121. rayjay1122 Says:

    Way to go Huff. Stupidity it is kicking in now.

  122. Tampa Tony Says:

    Wow mistake after mistake

  123. Stevek Says:

    Let’s go D! We need a big play!

  124. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Stevek what are you talking about?????? They’re getting to him behind the LOS nlame it on this weak line JOE!

  125. Gencoimports Says:

    SteveK – The Saints were selling out vs. the run. It was a stupid call.

  126. WeAreLost Says:

    There was a wall of bodies

  127. Coloradobucs Says:

    Momentum. Is. Gone.

  128. Stevek Says:

    Damn! Ball
    On the 50.

    Let’s go Bucs!

  129. Tampa Tony Says:

    Damn Koetter killing us in a BIG game

  130. Zwak Says:

    That’s on Huff and Dirk not Martin?

  131. Brent Says:

    Josh huff is a stupid P.O.S .. and what a dumbass play call when your backed up that far and the saints d line has been getting in the backfield all day

  132. lurker Says:

    this ish is costly

  133. Bucamania Says:

    Terrible special teams plays. Really Huff? Really Anger?

  134. JMN Says:

    Did Huff smoke a blunt before the game. WTF was he thinking!

  135. Bucamania Says:

    Good call Dirk. Run into a 10 man front.

  136. Coloradobucs Says:

    This is the gut check here. If we want to be a playoff caliber team we have to change the momentum back to our favor with some great play.

  137. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Tampa Tony Says
    “Dirk got out coached there, you know they are coming after you

    PA would’ve been smart there”

    I doubt it. The got great penetration on that play. Quick pass from shotgun might have worked.

  138. Stevek Says:

    Doug Martin would’ve found a way if he was the back he was last year or his rookie year. His production an not consistent and not worthy of big money for his position. Doug just appears to be either hurt, disinterested, or just not able to replicate last years success.

  139. Broy34 Says:

    In 20 years of watching football I can’t remember handing a team momentum like that or stupidity like that. Easily a season changing swing. 8 points instead of 10. Their ball on the 50 instead of ours on the 25…I wanna turn this off. Saints score im done. That’s the dumbest 3 plays IVE EVER SEEN. THE PLAYCALL THE DECISION TO RETURN FOLLOWED BY A PUNT OUT OF BOUNDS!?! Playoffs my white ass

  140. lurker Says:

    anger has been the main consistent thing on this team. he has earned a mistake.

  141. Gencoimports Says:

    Cmon defense

  142. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    So much for Huff being a help. Bonehead.

  143. Tampa Tony Says:

    See Jameis that’s what good qbs do. Keeps drives alive

  144. Stevek Says:

    Jacquiz Rodgers doesn’t get hit for a safety there. Doug ain’t running hard, stacked front or not, Martin is no
    Longer a stud.

  145. lurker Says:

    bye broy…buhbye

  146. Tampa Tony Says:


    pA with qb to get out of the end zone or spread them out with a bunch formations

  147. Gencoimports Says:

    SteveK you are absolutely clueless.

  148. WeAreLost Says:

    Stevek you must be high bro.

  149. Stevek Says:

    Cmon Bucs!

  150. lurker Says:

    big play here

  151. Stevek Says:

    It’s cool, I accept the ridicule, but I just believe Martin isn’t 2015 Martin.

  152. Gilhealy Says:

    we’re fine

  153. Stevek Says:

    I hope Martin comes back to pro bowl form, I’m just frustrated by the inconsistency.

  154. Gencoimports Says:

    He may not be at his 2015 level. But I doubt Rodgers, Sims, Barber or any other RB, would have avoided that safety playing behind that mediocre line and that very predictable play call.

  155. WeAreLost Says:

    Lets get this bucs

  156. Coloradobucs Says:

    Tackling leaving something to be desired.

  157. Tampa Tony Says:

    Hopefully Jameis is taking notes from Bree’s on how to keep drives alive

  158. MadMax Says:

    Come on D, hold em!

  159. Rrsrq Says:

    Finally a call

  160. Gencoimports Says:

    And the offensive line play has nothing to do with with the lack of consistentcy????

  161. Gencoimports Says:

    Cmon, sack him! Now!

  162. Gencoimports Says:


  163. MadMax Says:

    YES AYERS SACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  164. Stevek Says:

    That particular play was tough, but I thought Martin was our pro bowl back.

    I agree most RB don’t make that, but I am just eagerly awaiting Doug Martin to elfin like it’s last year!

  165. RustyRhino Says:

    Now that sack, says I will not let you beat on me. NO MORE!
    GO! BUCS!

  166. Stevek Says:

    Huge play Ayers!

  167. Coloradobucs Says:

    That’s more like it!!!

  168. WeAreLost Says:

    Lets hope for a better second half. Go Bucs!!

  169. Gencoimports Says:

    Huff/Koetter gave the Saints 5 points. Thank you defense for it not being more.

  170. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    5 of their points are a gift from a boneheaded rookie. We were clearly the better team.

    If we can simply play as well the 2nd half as the 1st we’ll be fine as long as we don’t have any more world class stooooopid moves left in us.

  171. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Huff/Licht gave the Saints 5 points*

  172. Tampa Tony Says:

    Hoping for a much better 2nd half

    Jameis needs to learn to keep drives alive with smart throws and plays and Koetter needs to get creative

  173. cmurda Says:

    Somebody help me out. I’m at game. Howl was that a safety. Replay clearly showed Doug break plane of goal line

  174. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    We were in total control of the first half until ONE PLAY!!! And it’s hard to make a play that badly.

    So we simply settle down and play our game the second half. We have the better team.

  175. Captain Big Stick Says:

    the whole ball must leave the end zone.. challenge lead to play standing as called. There was no clear evidence the whole ball is out of the endzone..

  176. Gilhealy Says:

    ok boys, the way I see this shaping up in Quizz is gonna get the 4th quarter carries when the d line is tired and he’s gonna kill ’em. Dirk’s gonna take his foot off the brake in the second half and let Jameis air it out. This defense is the truth.

  177. Stpetebucsfan Says:


    TV explanation…going in for a score you simply need to break the plane…coming out is more demanding…you can’t simply break the plane you must have the ball totally onto the field of play.

    When viewed like that it is close but it’s not what messed us up. We should have NEVER been in that position!

  178. JMN Says:

    Cmurda….the entire ball had to get out of the end zone.

  179. cmurda Says:

    Thanks guys. Got it

  180. Ndog Says:

    Tampa Tony you are complete idiot.

  181. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    TampaTony why call out Jameis like he doesn’t extend plays? Like he’s not a good qb!

  182. Chris Says:

    Tampa Tony does have an agenda

  183. Captain Big Stick Says:

    Tampa Tony – that is a stupid comment..

  184. Buccfan37 Says:

    The safety was terrible. I was yelling don’t hand the ball off before the play. What a cluster*uck!

  185. Bucnut2 Says:

    It’s a different game if we finish drives

  186. Buc'N A Says:

    Watching the game on fox, the second and upper level of Ray Jay looks empty….how’s the crowd?

  187. Tampa Tony Says:

    How’s it a stupid comment when Jameis doesn’t run to get 1 yard to keep a drive going? Or he doesn’t audible out of the bad Koetter call?

    Stop being homers and demand better!!! My only agenda is to wanting to win

  188. Gencoimports Says:

    I agree with Tampa Tony that the play calling could be better

  189. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I thought cut blocks were illegal now?

    Saints are playing dirty today regardless.

  190. A-Train Says:

    Is it me or is this commentator a Saints fan

  191. Tampa Tony Says:

    Team needs to execute better

  192. RustyRhino Says:

    We held Mr Brees to 111 yards 0 TD’s and 1 INT to go with 24 yards rushing, a +3:00 time of possesion. I hope we can do that again in the second half.

    Get Huff the ball in hand again soon, we all make mistakes. Give him another shot asap, I feel he will make up for that error.
    Nice to See Mr. Ayers coming to play, Today! With a sack in a crucial situation. Great play. Wish I was at the game, that had me going off here!!!! Yarrr!!

    Go Bucs!

  193. Gencoimports Says:

    Good job defense.

  194. Gencoimports Says:

    Taunting when you didn’t ge the first down? What a clown

  195. Tampa Tony Says:

    Thanks Snead!!!

  196. WeAreLost Says:

    Is Snead an albino?

  197. Bucnut2 Says:

    Hey all- JW in control now

  198. Rrsrq Says:

    Wake up Bucs, game shouldn’t be this close with all the Saints mistakes, Huff owes us two points

  199. Coloradobucs Says:

    Been a LONG time since the offense has been out there. Feels like a hour.

  200. jugheadfla Says:

    who the hell is 66 Nester on our team?

  201. The Don Dotta Says:

    Jameis smashed Tampa Tony’s mom

  202. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I try to avoid the comments here because even when winning, certain people insisted on being negative and sucking the joy out of the game.

  203. Rrsrq Says:

    Where’s Quizz

  204. jugheadfla Says:

    I agree, more Quizz please

  205. Tampa Tony Says:

    Nice pass on 1st down

  206. Tre Says:

    What is happening

  207. jugheadfla Says:


  208. Gencoimports Says:

    Sigh another stupid call. Should have been a pass. Saints were waiting for it and that’s the second time the Bucs have been stuffed on that play.

  209. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    That guy that held Evans…did you guys see his reach out and try to jab Evans eyes?

    I’m disgusted with these saints today.

  210. Rrsrq Says:

    Sry conservatively called game

  211. A-Train Says:

    Long shot to Evans

  212. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    You morons who keep trashing Martin see that run???? #90 came right thru the line and he zigged right by him! So pleas be quiet!

  213. Bucnut2 Says:

    We suck!!

  214. Rrsrq Says:

    Very conservative called game

  215. WeAreLost Says:

    The O line my god.

  216. DallasBuc Says:

    Oline giving up the booty

  217. Sampson89 Says:

    Koetter…can we freaking stop with this bs play calling? Any day now..

  218. Rrsrq Says:

    Not playing to win, playing to keep from losing

  219. BennyBucs Says:

    Horrible play calling. Real talk. He’s hell bent on running the ball when they obviously have a horrible pass defense. These are the kind of games that make me really question WTF goes on in KOETTERS head

  220. Chris Says:

    Bad play calling

  221. Bucnut2 Says:

    The score will soon be 16-13 Saints

  222. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    Here we go again. Offence is 2 inconsistent, hope defence can keep us in the game.

  223. Gencoimports Says:

    Its amazing Jamies is playing as well as he is with that lackluster OL play. The only one of them that is worth a darn is Marpet.

  224. jugheadfla Says:

    whatever, give me Quizz all day

  225. RustyRhino Says:

    Just keep on plugging away Team, Still ahead on the scoreboard need to stay focused on the finish of this game.

  226. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    Hoping that it is all a setup for the PAP and not pusyfootin around… I hate seeing this much running when the game is close. Close for me is 17 or fewer point lead..

  227. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    #90 again! But it ain’t the lines fault!

  228. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    The play calls are fine. Execution is what sucks.

  229. A-Train Says:

    Holy Sh*t

    Can you be a fan and love that the Bucs are finally playing football…

    If not go to the IM a SUCKY FAN site please

  230. Bucnut2 Says:

    All of you JW lovers, where are you? he looks like sh@@@

  231. ElioT Says:

    Gotta play some defense here!!

    Get the ball back and let’s do something #3!!!

  232. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I agree atrain

  233. Gencoimports Says:

    Quiz won’t hold up all day. He’s a part time RB.

  234. Bucnut2 Says:

    Joes- this is NOT a playoff team.

  235. RustyRhino Says:

    We do have to play this same team in two weeks right? so lets just show them everything we can do right?

  236. Gencoimports Says:

    Cmon D

  237. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    Gonna need Donovan smith to man up

  238. Bucnut2 Says:

    RR- we need to win now

  239. Tampa Tony Says:

    Conservative plays will kill playoff dreams

  240. Tampa Tony Says:

    That’s why you don’t play zone against Brees

  241. Bucnut2 Says:

    TT- maybe Dirk is conservative because he doesn’t trust JW

  242. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    Bucnut2 you’re drunk, sit down

  243. University of Seffner Says:

    We need 1 big play, and another touchdown to take control of this game. By the way, no more penalties!

  244. lurker Says:

    it would suck to lose the last 4…

  245. Tampa Tony Says:

    Can’t rely on your d to hold Brees in check all game

  246. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    I think we left our stick @ home

  247. jugheadfla Says:


  248. lurker Says:

    let’s go defense. need a turnover

  249. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Brent Grimes sucks

  250. jugheadfla Says:

    and another hold

  251. Tampa Tony Says:

    Bucnut- that’s possible

  252. ARGH_M8E Says:

    STAND UP!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOOOO BUCS FANS!!!!!!

  253. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Hey BucNut, you were awfully quiet last week when Jamie’s was playing well.

  254. Bucnut2 Says:

    The saints are terrible and they are kicking our ass. We are NOT a playoff team.

  255. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    I’ve seen Noah get held twice badly with no calls

  256. Gencoimports Says:


  257. Sampson89 Says:

    Maybe that’ll light a fire under our a**

  258. WeAreLost Says:

    Well that blows.

  259. Gencoimports Says:

    He trapped it

  260. lurker Says:

    lol…why can this never be easy?

  261. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    If JW can one day be half as good as Brees, we will be alright.

  262. jugheadfla Says:

    ball was dropped

  263. Rrsrq Says:

    That’s what we get for playing not to lose, I don’t believe the refs will overturn the call

  264. Coloradobucs Says:

    I saw the same thing with Spence getting held in several plays.

  265. Destinjohnny Says:

    The play at the
    Goal line is going to cost us the season
    We had them
    On the ropes

  266. Tampa Tony Says:

    Jameis time to show your a franchise qb

    Good qbs don’t get shut down by the Aints

  267. Bucamania Says:

    Jameis gonna have to win this. Assuming Dirk let’s him.

  268. Pit Says:

    JW will become way better then Brees. So if you don’t like it get the F out of here.

  269. Sampson89 Says:

    Lucky us… let’s go Jameis!

  270. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    Luck be a lady tonight!

  271. rayjay1122 Says:

    We need a touchdown on this drive. This game is going to get away from us if we keep this up.

  272. Pit Says:

    Jameis is a franchise QB is our franchise QB so STFU

  273. Bucnut2 Says:

    TTB- JW has been playing well. Just not sure DK trusts him

  274. Chris Says:

    Tampa, Dirk is shutting down Jameis. No shots down field, continuous runs into the line, we’ve been gouging them on the perimeter with runs

  275. RustyRhino Says:

    Bucnut2 we are still winning this game,YES! the sky is getting close but it has not yet fallen complete over this team.

  276. Tampa Tony Says:

    That was a life saver

  277. Coloradobucs Says:

    Jameis, I believe in you Big Dog!

    Let’s go Bucs. Let me get a Tampaaa….

  278. Gencoimports Says:

    Pit, I agree with you, but James has only thrown 15 passes so far. They are being too conservative.

  279. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    Lol Huff got so scared of that bounce right there

  280. Bucnut2 Says:

    Pit- you sound VERY angry. Are you ok?

  281. Dreambig Says:

    IF Huff was really any good the eagles would not have cut him

  282. Rrsrq Says:

    Do we miss Hump, can’t we put n those same plays for Huff

  283. RustyRhino Says:

    BAY!!!!! TAMPA!!!!

  284. Tampa Tony Says:

    @Pit- what has he done to prove that? Stats don’t make you a franchise qb. Wins and clutch play do

  285. Gencoimports Says:

    See that last play. Shotgun but no play fake. Again, the play calling is horrible.

  286. Bucnut2 Says:

    This is a bad defense that is totally DOMINATING us

  287. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    If our receivers could get open…

  288. Chris Says:

    Huff sucks

  289. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    #3 seems out of synch right now…and so guess what…our offense is stumbling.

    Wow did we need that pass. Cam Brate!!!

  290. Gencoimports Says:

    There’s Rodgers for you. Only 2 yards.

  291. Gencoimports Says:

    There’s Rodgers for you. Only 1 yd.

  292. Gencoimports Says:

    And he is stuffed. Still think the line is blameless, Joes?

  293. Mtbucsfan Says:

    is mike evans playing?? where the hell is he??

  294. Gencoimports Says:

    Nice play Jamies.

  295. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    And the Winston haters disappear back under their rocks where they’ve apparently been hiding the last 5 weeks

  296. richbucsfan Says:

    it’s not the play calling, it’s the play execution….

  297. RustyRhino Says:

    17 yards for Mr. Huff

  298. Gencoimports Says:

    richbucsfan, you are partially right. You can get away with predictable play calling if you have quality blockers. Except for Marpet, the Bucs don’t have any.

    Nice run by Doug.

  299. jugheadfla Says:

    that should have been an easy TD, bad pass

  300. Stevek Says:

    That run by Martin was awesome! That’s what I ant along about. Feed #22!😀👍

  301. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    Haha loving the war chant for FGs

  302. RustyRhino Says:


  303. Sampson89 Says:

    Ugh, we needed a touchdown there. Heck, I’ll take it.
    I’m gonna need to be on Xanax and BP meds if each game continues like this

  304. Chris Says:

    What the hell was that play call? Fake pitch , fake draw, then what?

  305. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    how do the refs miss a flagrant spear?! WTF are they watching?

  306. ARGH_M8E Says:


  307. ARGH_M8E Says:

    WE NEED A PICK6 or a turnover DUH

  308. wisconsinbucsfan Says:

    D needs a stop

  309. Dreambig Says:

    Where the hell is our Dline?

  310. Gencoimports Says:

    Huge 3rd and short coming up.

  311. ARGH_M8E Says:

    Why are these games always hell… I had my feet up at 10-zip 🙁

  312. Coloradobucs Says:

    Need one of those Bradley McDougal INTs right about now.

  313. Stevek Says:

    Cmon D!

  314. RustyRhino Says:

    Good use all your time outs before you need them at the end of the game.

  315. Stevek Says:

    Cmon GMC! Work your magic! Monster sack on Brees coming up here!

  316. Coloradobucs Says:

    These commentators are only talking about Drew Bree’s and the Saints playoff hopes. And IM TIRED OF IT!

  317. wisconsinbucsfan Says:


  318. Gencoimports Says:


  319. MadMax Says:

    Interception GRIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  320. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    There ya go

  321. Sampson89 Says:

    Heck yes!!!

  322. ARGH_M8E Says:

    There it is MIKO!!!!!!

  323. WeAreLost Says:

    Need a TD to win lets go!

  324. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    now go getcha 7

  325. Coloradobucs Says:

    Oh yeh!!!!!!!

  326. Gencoimports Says:

    NO FG this drive. TD drive NOW!!!!!!!!

  327. RustyRhino Says:

    INT! Thank you Mr. Grimes

  328. MadMax Says:

    Come on O! D is stepping up! YOUR TURN!!!!!!!

  329. screamingeaglevet1991 Says:

    Let’s go JW and Dirk. Go for the juggler.

  330. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    Division games are supposed to be hell, hardly ever are they a Brees 😉

  331. unbelievable Says:

    Damn I got on the plane we were up 10 – 0 and had just picked off Brees. What the hell happened since?

  332. Rrsrq Says:

    Let’s go

  333. Gencoimports Says:

    Ok, play action pass NOW!

  334. Rrsrq Says:

    Don’t go so turtle predictable

  335. Stevek Says:

    Another strong Martin run. He’s getting physical out there. Love it.

  336. Gencoimports Says:

    Of course, what do they do instead? Feed it to Martin for the 3rd time in a row when the Saints are loading up on the box.

    Terrible play calling.

  337. Mikadeemas Says:

    Damn, Brees didn’t get that pass to the line of scrimmage! Should’ve been grounding!!

  338. Coloradobucs Says:

    Unbelievable- Josh Huff happened

  339. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    These dam refs…. pretty much all season,..

  340. Mikadeemas Says:

    Oh, I forgot I’m behind. Oops!

  341. Gencoimports Says:

    Nice job Special Teams!

  342. lurker Says:

    wtf? not even a fg smh

  343. MadMax Says:


    Now lets get a safety D!

  344. WeAreLost Says:

    Now get that safety back!

  345. Gencoimports Says:

    Lurker they were of range because of the sack

  346. Bucnut2 Says:

    Ok can we ALL agree that JW is playing like *@*@ today

  347. lurker Says:

    i know we were out of range. just saying we needed at lest a fieldgoal on that turnover

  348. Bucnut2 Says:

    JW sucks

  349. MadMax Says:

    GJ Noah!

  350. Gencoimports Says:

    Outstanding defense

  351. Bucnut2 Says:

    he can’t take that sack

  352. Boise Buc Says:

    I’m tired of hearing what the Saints have to do to make the playoffs.

  353. Chris Says:


  354. screamingeaglevet1991 Says:

    Huff can redeem himself with a return TD.

  355. unbelievable Says:

    Trollnut only comments when Jameis has a bad play / game.

    Such a Fake fan go f@ck yourself

  356. Sampson89 Says:

    Our defense is killing it. Great job guys!

  357. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    This is where the offense can seal the deal. Cmon guys…we’ve got our foot on their throats….STOMP DOWN DAMNIT!

  358. Boise Buc Says:


  359. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    Expecting a heavy dose of Martin here

  360. R.O. Says:

    Sorry.. but the Oline has been horrible as well as the play calling.

  361. screamingeaglevet1991 Says:

    I’m with Stpetebucfan. Now or never. Go for the kill

  362. rayjay1122 Says:

    Good thing our defense is balling because our offense is non existent. Cmon Bucs, let’s wrap this up.

  363. jugheadfla Says:

    a couple first downs and this game is actually over

  364. Rrsrq Says:

    Need three first downs here

  365. unbelievable Says:

    Gotta get some points and make it more than a 1 td score difference. Brees is still deadly in the 2 minute offense.

  366. jugheadfla Says:

    hell of a catch by Evans

  367. R.O. Says:


  368. Gencoimports Says:

    Nice catch Evans

  369. DallasBuc Says:

    Great catch

  370. Patrick Says:

    Where is Rodgers?

  371. Stevek Says:

    Keep grinding with Martin and play action to Evans!

  372. R.O. Says:

    Don’t agree with this play calling…

  373. Bucnut2 Says:

    Way too conservative

  374. jugheadfla Says:

    first down wins the game

  375. RustyRhino Says:

    hardly ever are they a Brees HAHAHAHAAHA great one!

  376. Gencoimports Says:

    I agree R.O. Some safe passes on first down are in order. Considering the lack of holes today.

    Rodgers today 2 carries, 0 yds.

  377. Sampson89 Says:

    I don’t understand this play calling…

  378. Stevek Says:

    Ok big play coming here. I hope Koetter goes for the kill. Let’s go Bucs!

  379. Tampa Tony Says:

    Never easy with this team

  380. Gencoimports Says:


  381. Bucnut2 Says:

    What a stupid call and throw

  382. screamingeaglevet1991 Says:

    What’s with the play calling DK????

  383. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    Not especially thrilled with the playcalling on the last posession.

  384. jugheadfla Says:

    no flag? BS

  385. Chris Says:

    This guy can’t make a 50 yrd field goal

  386. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    There goes Jameis’ td streak

  387. Gencoimports Says:

    Ok, D. Win it for us.

  388. screamingeaglevet1991 Says:

    D for the win!!!

  389. jugheadfla Says:

    they have to go 99 yds

  390. Stevek Says:

    Evans almost made another hell of a play and he was being held.

  391. DallasBuc Says:

    Here we go. Can’t kick a FG because of andalay AguaOh,no and his short bus limitations

  392. Chris Says:

    Went turtle since 1st qrt. Against the 31 st pass defense

  393. Stevek Says:

    Our punter is an absolute boss!

  394. Coloradobucs Says:

    So GD nervous…

  395. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    It’s been said defense wins championships…well our’s now has a major opportunity to get us to the playoffs.

    Hang on D!!!

  396. Bucnut2 Says:

    Even if we win, this is not a playoff team. We are NOT that good. we deserve to lose tonight. Brees about to kill us.

  397. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    Oh, I get the play calling. It’s the safest play calls… I just don’t like the idea of giving Brees the final 2 minutes… hope the D can stick it out

  398. Dreambig Says:

    Drew Breese 2 minutes. This is Scary!

  399. unbelievable Says:

    I’m loving Dirk for the most part, but his play calling on 2nd downs has been absolutely atrocious all season. What gives?

  400. DallasBuc Says:

    Agreed st Pete.

  401. Zwak Says:

    Not sure about this one but hoping for the best?

  402. R.O. Says:

    You do NOT ATTEMPT A FG there…

  403. Tampa Tony Says:

    Again this guy isn’t a Franchise QB. Can’t keep drives alive can’t be accurate in the clutch. Koetter is coaching for Jameis not to lose

    4 game win streak is because of the d and NOT Jameis

    Dude has a loooooooooong way to.go to be a true franchise guy

  404. jugheadfla Says:

    almost picked

  405. Chris Says:

    Here we go

  406. jugheadfla Says:

    his knee went down before he got out of bounds

  407. MadMax Says:

    Dammit D come on guys!

  408. Tampa Tony Says:

    Damn Brees is gonna put on a clinic

  409. Sampson89 Says:

    We got alot of holding going on by that Oline

  410. Gencoimports Says:

    Cmon D- pressure! Sack!

  411. Gencoimports Says:

    Nice tackle. 4th down

  412. Rrsrq Says:

    I think Dirk said he doesn’t want to show anything to the Saints for next game but has to be holding back

  413. jugheadfla Says:

    not getting any pressure up the middle

  414. lurker Says:

    let’s go defense

  415. Tampa Tony Says:


  416. Gencoimports Says:


  417. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    Drew Who?

  418. MadMax Says:

    GAME OVER TANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  419. jugheadfla Says:

    HELL YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  420. Tampa Tony Says:

    D let’s keep them out of the end zone

  421. Chris Says:

    Keith Tandy again

  422. R.O. Says:


  423. lurker Says:

    holy heck

  424. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    There it is! It worked just like Dirk expected it to… Not that I like it, but a win be a win yo!

  425. Boise Buc Says:

    18 year old Scotch – coming out NOW!!

  426. Gencoimports Says:

    INTs 5 games in a row by a Bucs safety!!!!!

  427. NJBucsFan Says:

    This D!!!!!

  428. MadMax Says:

    We got some serious ball hawks in the backfield!

  429. lurker Says:

    too much stress…lol

  430. RustyRhino Says:

    Way to go Mr. Tandy!

  431. WeAreLost Says:

    Bucs!!! Next week the offense has got to step up.

  432. Tampa Tony Says:

    Defense bailed the offense out!!! Yes!!!!!

  433. R.O. Says:

    Some moron that posted on here 2 weeks ago said he sucked.. he’s made plays all the time he’s started!!

  434. Sampson89 Says:

    Heck yes!!! It was ugly. But I’ll take it!

  435. COREYATX Says:


  436. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    Wow! The win-streak feels… different.. GO BUCS!

  437. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    TANDY IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!

  438. Love and Warrick Dunn Says:

    Can you see the big smile on my face???????????????


  439. Gencoimports Says:

    And the Bucs are 6-1 this year when Doug Martin plays.

  440. buccfan305 Says:

    Not pretty at all…but damn it we won………

    GO BUCS! ! ! ! ! ! !

    LET’S GO!!!!!!!!

  441. Stevek Says:

    Tandy is a boss. This D is for real. Go Bucs!

    Congrats to Coach Koetter for matching his predecessors two year win total in only 13 games. 8-5!

  442. RustyRhino Says:

    Sign our punter to a long term contract, great job he did today and all season.

  443. Tampa Tony Says:

    Offense needs to ball out next week to not be embarrassed on national tv

  444. BucsFanRioDeJaneiro Says:

    Five in a row,!!!

  445. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    Holding the number 1 offense in the NFL to 11 points… (really, 9) That is D-F-ing-ence!!!!!!

  446. Gencoimports Says:

    Anger should be in the Pro Bowl

  447. AtlBucFanDan Says:

    I’d love to see what would happen if they tried to run up the score someday… (See ATL 42- LA 0)

  448. screamingeaglevet1991 Says:

    Anyone age 5 years from that game?