Attitude Adjustment

November 26th, 2016

Dirk Koetter explains an attitude change.

It seems the Bucs have a different mentality than when they started the season.

Hearing from players following the beatdown suffered at the hands of the Cardinals in the second week of the season, Bucs players all but admitted they thought they had the NFL figured out after beating the Dixie Chicks on the road to start the season.

It seems that bad attitude was beaten out of them by opponents as the season progressed.

Now, Bucs coach Dirk Koetter told Alex Marvez this week on SiriusXM NFL Radio, the Bucs aren’t taking anything for granted.

Alex Marvez: You told us the Friday before you played Arizona, you didn’t like the [team’s] atmosphere, to be honest. I am paraphrasing what you said, too many people patting the team on the back, basically. You were concerned how the team would respond after the Atlanta game. I liked the fact this [big win over the Chiefs] is in the rear view mirror. Do you notice a little bit of a different focus this week coming off a huge win against the Chiefs than maybe you did in Week 1 after being Atlanta?

Dirk Koetter: I do feel like our guys are practicing at a much higher level than they were earlier in the season. Now that doesn’t always translate to wins on Sunday. But as a coach, you want guys practicing at their best. It feels to me like after the Thursday night game when we lost to the Falcons that we recalibrated a little bit. I feel like our guys are really into it in practice. On Sunday, you have a really good football team coming into [the Den of Depression]. So, preparation is one thing and it is a really important thing but it is the game that counts.

It is sad that a professional team would think they have it all figured out by winning one game to start the season, especially a team that had a grand total of eight wins the past two seasons, dropping their last four to end 2015.

Yes, preparation is a critical area. Executing in the game, blocking and tackling and not committing dumb penalties, is necessary to win.

22 Responses to “Attitude Adjustment”

  1. BJ Rassam Says:

    I’d agree that they’ve had a better approach and attitude as well as somewhat better results.

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Seems like some are forgetting the road we’ve traveled this year. We beat the Falcons in game 1, but 31-24 is hardly a blowout to get a big head over. Game 2 against the Cardinals (40-7) was a blowout; a good old-fashioned whoopin by a stout defensive team. Games 3 & 4 were against excellent defenses too, and voila … suddenly Bucs opened the season 1-3 with LOTS of injuries. For some reason don’t seem to remember gobs of media & fans being giddy over our prospects for the season.

    But then, starting with our win over the Panthers in Carolina our Bucs clawed their way back into contention in the division. Not a pretty win but it was a turnaround point I think even though Carolina (like the Bucs) was banged up. Starting with that Game 5, Bucs have won 4, lost 2 and are playing much better football. Getting healthier has helped for sure, but it’s the team’s attitude more than anything I think that’s made the difference. They’ve become believers … in Jameis, in Dirk Koetter and his coaching staff, and most importantly, in each other. Like Jameis says: family.

    Yup, there’s been an attitude adjustment Joe. And it bodes well for the future.

  3. Buccnbeliever Says:

    Love how even Koetter *seems* to call it the den of depression.

  4. Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    they are young. They had to not only learn how to beat a good team, but how to stay focused after they win and keep working. And they are not done. Remember the late 90’s when those Bucs had to learn to win in the playoffs?

    But the good news is they are on their way!!

  5. BenjaminBuc Says:

    This would be such a big win, not only for the franchise, but for the community and fan base. The Bucs have not won meaningful home games over the past decade, and in reality for the better part of the last 14 years. After an unlikely win in Kansas City, the Bucs are one game out of first place and have again received a decent amount of intrigue over the past week (albeit much of that was negative attention on the Chiefs as opposed to positivity on the Bucs). Winning tough games is always great, but winning them at home is so important to sustaining a winning culture.

    I remember after a strong end to the ’96 season, the Bucs opened the ’97 season against the 49ers at home – the original Den of Depression. The 49ers were an elite team, and nobody gave the Bucs a chance. Leaving Tampa Stadium that day, there was an electricity that seemed to immediately change the course of the franchise, one that lasted for several years and eventually brought a championship to Tampa. I realize that Sapp, Brooks, Lynch, Barber, etc are not coming back, but a strong home win late in November could be huge in sending Jameis and Co. towards sustained success.

  6. Scurvy Dogs Says:

    Well said Ben, well said.

  7. buccfan305 Says:

    Better to eat that humble pie earlier in the the season rather than later. Now lets see if we can compete with the big dogs to close out the season.

    GO BUCS!!!

  8. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    Yeah Ben I agree with Scurvy…well said. I remember that Niner’s game and it’s rare that you can point to a single game with such clarity but it was a special game.

  9. TouchDownTampaBay Says:

    I felt the AZ game earlier in the year was the equivalent of the 49ers game back in ’97. I believed it could have been a turning point for the franchise if they beat the Cardinals. They weren’t ready yet and had to grow as a team. KC was a big step in the right direction. If they come out tomorrow and beat the Seahawks I think they may have finally arrived.

  10. Chris Says:

    If we finish 9-7 , or 10-6, will it be Gerald Mccoys second least favorite season?

  11. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    A yo Tampa bay put a smile😀on yo faces cause we ain leaving witout a victorrryy..

  12. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Anyone remember the sergeant’s name from gomer pyle?

  13. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Who knows? Maybe winning a home game last week will help change the attitudes of the players.

    I’m not confident this week will be a win…in fact, I’m not confident we can win 2 more games at this point. But I’m hoping we do.

    I do believe the team is on the cusp, but it just needs a few more pieces and it need to remain stable at the coaching positions.

  14. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    buccfan305 Says:
    “Now lets see if we can compete with the big dogs to close out the season.”

    Not gonna happen. And that’s not me being negative, that’s me being realistic. I know the culture is changing, but nothing from this team has shown me they are ready to win much more.

    Really, they’ve been the benefit of penalties that helped them win. I want to see them take the field and just outclass the other teams. You know, like hte good teams do.

    Right now, wins depend too much on injuries (to other team), penalties and other factors we have little to no control over. The Bucs need to earn respect…from themselves, other teams, media and the fans.

    I’m saying this as a fan who will never give up on them, but also as one who clearly see’s how developed they are.

    My biggest concern is that Licht, Koetter or Smith will be replaced. That happens, I’m going to have big issues. The players need stability.

  15. RustyRhino Says:

    Sargent Carter! hut-2-3-4 I am glad I joined the corp.

  16. Willy D Buc Says:

    @ Buccaneer Bonzai
    Wasn’t his name, Sgt. Carter?

  17. Trubucfan22 Says:

    All part of learning how to win. The perennial contenders already learned it. This young bucs will know it soon enough.

  18. tdtb2015 Says:

    The CULTURE is seasoned and family like. Go Jameis, Holley and Ayers for being the Master Chefs to create the Right Culture change.

    Go Bucs!!!

  19. unbelievable Says:

    Gotta disagree with you on the injuries Bonzai. It goes both ways. Our team was ravaged in the beginning of the season and we still had to play. You think those teams that beat us are discounting their wins cuz we were injured?

    You play the team in front of you. A win is a win. Simple as that.

    We’re nowhere near an elite level, so you can’t expect us to go out and dominate anyone. They will all be fights to the end.

  20. Lou. Says:

    Big question is the team’s attitude toward the league. Not the fans’.

    Too often we mistake the view from the bleachers for the view from the bench. We all can tell how WE feel.

    We need the Joes and others to tell us how the players feel.

    The top teams enter the season expecting to win. The Patriots, the Seahawks, the Broncos and the Redskins came “knowing” they would be in the postseason. So did the Packers, Panthers and Cardinals BTW so it doesn’t always work out. But the attitude is in place.

    For the Lions, the Raiders, the Cowboys–and yes the Bucs — the building blocks were there but the mentality was not. It has to grow.

    I hoped this would be an 8-8 team at the start. I am optimistic now that they will do that well or better. But I don’t think they have the mindset of a playoff team. Next year I expect they will.

    I am hoping to be proven wrong.

  21. Buc Lives Matter! Says:

    His name was R. Lee Ermy. R.I.P.

  22. cmurda Says:

    Let me also add that ATL will have to deal with an angry, motivated Arizona team. We need to take care of our own business. We are capable of beating Seattle, who has been playing great football, but we need to believe that we will beat them.