Mike Smith In No Danger Of Leaving

October 2nd, 2016
Early signs point to a return for 2017.

Early signs point to a return for 2017.

One of the biggest fears among Bucs fans was that defensive coordinator Mike Smith would bolt after one season to take a head coaching gig.

Joe thinks it is fair to say Bucs fans can breathe easy.

Barring the Bucs defense somehow transforming in the next three months into the 1976 Pittsburgh Steelers defense, Smith is unlikely to be on a short list of head coaching candidates. The Bucs defense has been, well, unimpressive.

Smith is a really good guy and Joe likes him a lot, but Joe must be honest with readers. Sure, the defense played well for much of the first half today. Since that field goal drive at the end of the first half by the immortal Paxton Lynch, the defense wilted.

Sure, there were injuries. Yes, one could say this was the best the defense has played all year. Still, it wasn’t enough.

Smith has said it will take four games for his squad to begin grasping his defense and maybe today was a sign of that. Still, Joe doesn’t think the defense has or will impress an owner with a head coach opening enough to ink Smith to a pricey contract.

And that is good news for Bucs fans.

33 Responses to “Mike Smith In No Danger Of Leaving”

  1. BucinJax Says:

    We hope it is good news!

  2. dusthty rhothdes Says:

    The secondary is terrible and the LBs are getting worse, tough to blitz when you cant cover man

  3. tmaxcon Says:

    I’m disappointed in Smith I expected to be more competitive.

  4. D-Rome Says:

    Four games is nonsense and an excuse. Mike Smith has had OTAs, training camp, and pre-season games. There are upgrades in personnel across the board. The defense is unquestionably worse by just about every measure.

  5. sho nuff Says:

    …weak freaking sauce…exactly the same as when he was in Atlanta

  6. Mike Johnson Says:

    Disappointed in our D coordinator Smith? Theres a reason ATl owner Arthur Banks fired him you know. And we..picked him up behind the saviors(Koetters) recommendation. Grab some wood guys. We got a lot more losses comin our way this year. Maybeee even next week……

  7. Pit Says:

    Let’s start checking who will be our first round pick for next draft.

  8. thunderchunkyPA Says:

    This team is a dumpster fire, we are the BROWNS with better uniforms. KEENUM tore it up AGAIN last week. this is a mess. Didn’t take Schwartz weeks to turn Philly around, my god what a mess. Hey it’s the first week in OCT Bucs fans, time to talk DRAFT.

  9. Tampa Tony Says:

    Should’ve hire Schwartz and not his buddy Smith.

  10. Rossta Says:

    Just hope the Glazer don’t fire the coach again. I’m sick of going through this every few years

  11. Architek Says:

    There’s no good news with this mess.

  12. Rossta Says:

    I agree

  13. buccfan305 Says:

    That’s what happens when you hire your buddies, rather than the best man available….F#@k mike smith….there’s a reason Atlanta let his a$$ go….leave it to Tampa to pick up some one else’s trash and pay them millions


  14. LifeOfABucFan Says:

    Okay this was the fourth game..by the next one, it should be fixed…in theory…

  15. Kobe Faker Says:


  16. buccfan305 Says:

    We need new owners…glazers have no idea of how to run a franchise. ….they keep hiring bulls#!t for coaches and GM..

    It will be decades before we see another winner in tampa bay


  17. buccfan305 Says:

    With the 2nd pick in the 2017 NFL Draft, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers select???

  18. buccfan305 Says:

    Long snapper from NAVY

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucs had the #10 defense in the league last year.

    Everyone said he had to go.

    Here’s a hint ladies, maybe the talent in the defensive backfield for the Bucs is soo bad it was a miracle that Lovie got them in the top 10.

    But hey as we know firing your coach every 2 years is the key to success in the NFL, just ask the Browns.

  20. rayjay1122 Says:

    The Bucs should be renamed. The Tampa Bay Builders is more accurate because they are rebuilding each and every season since Gruden was let go.

  21. buccfan305 Says:

    2017 draft picks

    1rd long snapper
    2rd holder
    3rd kick returner
    4rd water boy
    5rd center
    6rd trade for 2020 8th rd pick
    7rd FB

  22. JonBuc Says:

    The Bucs haven’t has a hot commodity like Mike Smith since Glennon. Thank God these championship blocks will remain in place! Unless Glennon finds that “starter money”….

  23. Brent bull/buc Says:

    D looked ok what’s that like 5 dline guys out?

  24. EA Says:

    Well they sure do a good job of getting fans hopes up before every season, please don’t fire coaches after 2 seasons anymore, fans are tired of it. Give these players 4-5 solid years in one system and let’s hope things get better, heck fans are truly tired of going to home games and leaving heart broken.
    We hired a players coach, then a hard nose coach, then a proven winning coach, all canned after 2 years.

  25. Skywalker Says:

    You know what I’m starting to think!!!! Out team is too soft!!! And we don’t have as much talent as advertised. I think we are getting convinced by the owners, coaches, and Gm that some of the players are better than they actually are. Or maybe we have a team full of those “practice queens” who shine at practice and disappear during an actual game. Maybe our core players need to go, let’s do some outrageous trades, sign ray rice, I would even feel better if the hole team got busted for steroids cause at least I would feel like they where trying to win. ALL BUCS FANS ARE BEING SOLD A FALSE PRODUCT AND BEING TOLD ITS A FOOTBALL TEAM!!!!! ok I’m just mad but I would like to not feel like a fool for being such a avid BUCS fan. I’m gonna cry tonight watch lol

  26. Jeffbuc Says:

    Your the only one scared of Mike smith leaving after one year. Us real
    Fans saw that defense was Atlantas weekness his whole tenure. You joe were
    The one scared of losing him because you rubbed elbows and thought he was a cool dude. Quit trying to slam your crushes down are throat. He was fired we and he will be fired here. I have no clue what defense we are. But the sad thing is every offensive coordinator knows what defense we run. He is worse than lovie and I prayed I would never say that. Please bring back Raheem

  27. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Says:

    Yes, Raheem did so much, with so little. that was the last winning record we have had, in recent memory.

  28. Thomas Branham Says:

    He never had a great defense in Atlanta.So he probably won’t be able to get one here.Cut him now and let the line coach take over.

  29. Chucklehead Says:

    To see what Shwartz is doing right now and the success hes having and knowing he was there when we were shopping is killing me.

    But, none of my frustrations are the Bucs faults. They do what they do. Its my fault for buying into the thought that they were actually going to compete this season.

    I can literally see them flip the switch to coast when the game gets tough for them. We treat RayJ like a luxury resort for the teams that come in here. Home field disadvantage.

  30. JarvisMoss Says:

    Hey Joe and every wanna-be PUNDIT out there, please listen carefully: STOP LOBBYING TO HAVE COACHES FIRED! You cannot build jack if the next guy that comes in needs to go find his own players to make his system work.

    We are in perpetual rebuild mode every 2 years and it HAS TO STOP. Lovie Smith should NOT have been fired. Going from 2 wins to 6 wins was A STRONG UPTREND, and it could’ve & should’ve been 8 wins if not for injuries/suspensions.

    His defense bent just as much as Mike Smith’s, except they FORCED TURNOVERS. He did that with LESS TALENT than we have now. It was a stupid decision and now we have Koetter who is clearly in WAY OVER HIS HEAD as a HC…. he is LEARNING ON THE JOB and week after week we see him make bad calls, bad decisions, and bungle clock management.

    As bad as Koetter appears to be, you HAVE TO STICK WITH HIM. There is tremendous parity in professional coaching, each HC needs TIME to build his foundation & get his players.

    Belichick came into a sorry franchise and despite winning for 5 seasons he got CANNED and New England struck gold. STOP FIRING COACHES!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Not there yet Says:

    Everyone is taking the heat for Jason licht horrible draft this year giving up two picks for a kicker as if our defensive line has stayed healthy all these years. Did anyone really think drafting one cornerback would fix the pass defense because licht.

    Someone please tell me licht had no idea Mike Smith would be asking Chris Conte to be matched up deep with the fastest receivers of an offense on a regular basis because if he did the evaluation process is broken

  32. America's Commenter Says:

    Has anyone heard from Miko? She can’t be too far from erupting.

  33. macabee Says:

    Never thought he was leaving!