Jameis Body Nonsense Reaches New Heights

July 20th, 2016

Jameismug4Once upon a time, Joe watched a Taco Bell–addicted, 22-year-old Bucs quarterback absolutely tear up the NFL with his legs and arm — and plenty of fat.

Josh Freeman was a manbeast in 2010, playing at 6-6 about 260 pounds. That year he finished with 25 touchdowns, six interceptions and ran for the second most yards in the NFL among QBs. Only Michael Vick had more on the ground. Freeman also locked down 10 wins and his peers named him among the Top-100 players in the league.

Joe references this warm part of Bucs history because of all the endless blubbering about the body of America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston. A year ago, legions complained Jameis was too pudgy and soft, too disinterested in dedicating himself to fitness. Then there was steady diet of stories about Jameis getting in shape, committing to a better body after seeing shredded stars at the Pro Bowl.

Then came moreĀ chatter about a leaner, meaner Jameis, culminating in all kinds of national stories of topless Jameis this week looking pretty and ready for an L.A. Fitness endorsement.

That’s all nice. Joe’s glad Jameis has substituted parsley for Pringles, but it all has little to do with football in 2016.

If anything, Jameis being in better condition might add to his bravery when it comes to sacrificing his body — exactly what the Bucs don’t want to happen to the face of the franchise. Joe would prefer a more cautious Jameis, 3rd-and-19 not withstanding.

No, Jameis won’t be greater because of his new body this season. His career might last longer taking care of his body, so that’s good. But Joe won’t pretend that Jameis being in shape is going to help the Bucs this season. And if Jameis adds 13 pounds over the next six months, you won’t catch Joe thinking that’s a problem.

35 Responses to “Jameis Body Nonsense Reaches New Heights”

  1. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    I support JWs new commitment to fitness… Mainly because he does have a slight history of ankle injuries. Being a bit lighter and more agile can only help.

  2. BucswinBucswin Says:

    Sad by a true fat man. Leave him alone .. At least it gives him some attention until he proves it on the field!!

  3. Joehelldeloxley Says:

    I disagree with you on this one Joe. I think Jameis doing this is once again a proof of his huge professionalism. He understand what it means what it costs and what you have to do to be a professional player and to last as a professional player.

    Few kilos/pounds less can make a huge difference on a run but also in being stronger when you are hitten by DT/DE/LB and being quicker to avoid them.

  4. CL Bucs Says:

    Why so obtuse Joe? Having a leaner frame will make Jameis quicker in the pocket and while scrambling. How is this not an improvement to his game?

  5. MonsGM Says:

    I disagree when it comes to Jameis. I think his lack of fitness (along with footwork) were the biggest reasons for his deep ball struggles. Just an opinion

  6. Vic Says:

    Agree Joe. Fitness is nice, but it’s not going to mean squat this year.

  7. Walter Says:

    I take it as a positive, mentally it shows he’s taking it serious, and physically it’s not like being more fit will make Jameis worse.

  8. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    It also sets an example to the rest of the team.

  9. Lord Cornelius Says:

    Footwork Joe. I’ve read a lot of his work out routines were designed to get him moving quicker in the pocket with his feet. Sure the weight loss / 6 pack likely won’t improve his QB execution but he had really sloppy and slow feet to start last year – and I think most of his extra curricular training has been focused on that

  10. briandorry55 Says:

    As someone who has spent various stages of life in and out of shape…being in shape helps EVERYTHING.

  11. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Like the old saying….”Nothing is worse with money”…..Nothing is worse being fit.
    Since when did being more fit as an athelete become a negative. I salute Jameis for paying attention to his body instead of someone else’s.

  12. Buccfan37 Says:

    I agree that being in better shape physically can only help Winston’s progress. The noticeable limping last year was cause for concern. Keeping him upright will be a big positive step.

  13. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Speaking for Pablo

    “Now Hamus has another thing in common with Pablo…..Hamus has become fit like Pablo……working on hot Pasco County roofs and table dancing at night keeps Pablo fit. Haboo and Pablo both have elongated arcs but having elongated arcs without being fit is practically worthless”

  14. Buc1987 Says:

    Joe did this because of the few whiners that might still be out there squawking about Winston’s weight gains. Trying to find anything negative about Jameis that they can. Especially if he does gain weight during the season. Thanks Joe.

    Career highlights and awards :
    Pro Bowl (2015)
    NFL Rookie of the Year* (2015)
    Heisman Trophy (2013)
    Walter Camp Award (2013)
    Manning Award (2013)
    Archie Griffin Award (2013)
    AP Player of the Year (2013)
    Sporting News Player of the Year (2013)
    BCS National Championship (2014)
    BCS National Championship Offensive MVP (2014)
    Orange Bowl champion (2013)
    Consensus All-American (2013)


    Jameis Winston – Super Bowl Champion! (2017???)

  15. Love and Warrick Dunn Says:

    Well, I think losing weight via a trainer, and improving your diet can benefit you athletically.

    Losing weight via the ol’ snort and toot diet? I’m more doubtful of that. Not that I am referring to anyone in particular… šŸ˜‰

  16. Buc1987 Says:

    Pablo is out of control!

  17. The Buc Realist Says:

    Unless it is about jfro-6pak passing out in bars (allegedly), no one should ever bring up accomplishments or comparisons using jfro-6pak as a baseline!!!!

    Go Bucs!!!!!

  18. DB55 Says:

    Jaboo has killed the off-season in impressive style. I’m so stoked to see him ball-out HAM this season.

    Maybe just maybe he can add 2016 NFC South Champion to that resume of his. If we suck this year it won’t be from lack of effort or leadership that’s for sure.

  19. LifeOfABucFan Says:

    briandorry55 Says:

    July 20th, 2016 at 11:01 am

    As someone who has spent various stages of life in and out of shapeā€¦being in shape helps EVERYTHING.


    So true..not to mention mentally..when you’re fit, seems like you’re in better spirits..you sleep better, concentrate better and can move a lot better..

  20. Nick2 Says:

    Don’t tell Doug Martin that. Pudgy Doug Martin= 400 yds rushing and an injury in the waiting. Toned Doug Martin = 1400 yards rushing just missing the rushing title. I am sure that being leaner will help Jameis this year. Not nearly as much as Doug Martin but I am betting he is sharper and more focused in the fourth quarter than he was last year.

  21. Bucsfanman Says:

    I don’t see how this is an “issue” at all. His “pudgy” play was pretty good. How can it hurt for him to be in better shape?

  22. Pickgrin Says:

    Joe – your take that Winston’s commitment to being muscular and in top shape is not likely to help his play is pretty ridiculous. Especially since you are using fat Freewee’s 2010 season as the example of why being in good shape doesn’t matter for a QB.

    I know its silly season and real stories are hard to come by right now – but you can’t really be serious with this – um – opinion…. Can you?

  23. Cobraboy Says:

    Freeman slimmed down, but I’m not sure he was in better shape.

    Winston is in much better shape.

  24. Erik w/ Clean Athletics 'The Kwon Alexander of Bucs Fans' Says:

    Tisk tisk, Joe.

    You don’t see fitness helping an athlete at all??? Lmao

    Anything a weak muscle can do, a strong muscle can do better.

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    I am not convinced that being thinner helps a QB, I think having a little fat (not a lot) helps a QB take a beating. Winston was very durable last year, he didn’t miss a snap, he’s always been very durable – that is in large part a body issue. It doesn’t mean a thinner Winston can’t take the same beating, but it always worries me when someone has a pretty big change to their body type and then go out and play the same way they used to. For me I lost a ton more weight than Winston, around 100 pounds, I then went out and did some of the things I used to do and getting hit flat out hurt a lot more, everything affected me more and I seemed to get hurt more. Overall I felt better, but I couldn’t take the same punishment I could before. Again Winston is nowhere close to that big of a difference, but blindly thinking thinner is always better, I hope that his weight loss comes with a speech that, hey, you might not be able to take as much punishment, so go down quicker.

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    Cobraboy – Did you see shirtless Freeman? The guy had like an 8 pack, he was in incredible shape, dramatically more than Fat Freeman was. But Fat Freeman was one of the best young QB’s in football. Also Freeman lost a lot more weight, they say 260 but I think Fat Freeman at one point was approaching 290lbs and he got down into the 220 range at 6′ 6″, that was a huge difference. Freeman has much less weight loss but I still don’t buy it’s a big deal for the QB position.

  27. James Walker Says:

    Wasn’t there a call to bring back the fat Freeman?

  28. Kevin Says:

    My biggest problem with Jameis was his footwork. I dont mind the weight but strengh and balance in the legs were obvioulsy lacking at times. If he cleans that up I dont give a rats arse what his belly looks like. I am glad to hear he is in shape all around though

  29. stopthemadness Says:

    Freeman probably got skinny from doing blow all the time. I have a feeling this weight loss might be a little more legit.

  30. MonsGM Says:

    Kevin, I feel like his lack of fitness contributed to his sloppy footwork and mechanics. He does not need a 6 pack. He needs to be able to perform at a peak athletic level for an entire game. Better fitness should help him maintain better mechanics throughout the game.

  31. Cobraboy Says:

    Rod, a 6-pack doesn’t mean better football shape.

    Back in The Day we’d have pumped up hulks come to camp. They couldn’t play. The meme went “Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane.”

    I did not think the slim Freeman played at all well. Winston didn’t so much lose weight as he transformed.

    We’ll see how effective he is, although he got high marks for his off-season work.

  32. NCBuc Says:

    When was JW ROTY??????

  33. Rod Munch Says:

    Cobraboy – Freeman had an 8-pack, that guy was ripped, it was just an amazing transformation from being a pretty chunky guy to just being that in shape. It wasn’t just blow, he was doing something more than just drugs, if I could get in shape like that doing drugs I would.

    But yeah Fat Freeman was the vastly superior player, I don’t think there is any doubt. I don’t disagree at all about Winston, but depending on how much weight he really lost it can change your ability to take a beating. Winston hasn’t lost nearly as much as Freeman did, but Winston also has been very durable, and those hits are harder when you have less padding, at least that’s how I personally felt.

    For being ripped you’re right, it doesn’t mean much – the most jacked person I’ve ever seen in person was Tyji Armstrong and he was awful. So agree there.

  34. Buc1987 Says:

    NCBuc Says: “When was JW ROTY??????”

    Note the asterisk. Pepsi ROY.

  35. JarvisMoss Says:

    So, body weight doesn’t matter for a QB? Do the words JaMarcus Russell mean anything to you, Joe?? No, a leaner frame isn’t going to make him Joe Montana, but it’s yet another step in the right direction for JW.