It’s Not The Running Backs

October 15th, 2014

bobby rainey 1009

Offensive line coach George Warhop talked to media today and wasn’t willing to share the blame for the Bucs’ struggling runningĀ game.

Warhop went out of his way to praise Bobby Rainey’s success and Doug Martin’s effort and insisted they’re running hard. The running game failures aren’t on them, Warhop said.

Here’s a couple of minutes of Warhop’s chat below. He touches on a few subjects. Audio via WDAE-AM 620.

28 Responses to “It’s Not The Running Backs”

  1. DallasBuc Says:

    Oline sucks. Thanks Licht…bang up job!

  2. Zam Says:

    I never listen to these I just look for Joe to summarize it. thanks Joe!

  3. port richey george Says:

    cornerback coach gil byrd is now blaming himself

  4. unbelievable Says:

    It all starts with the line. There’s no run-blocking, therefor no running game.

    If thesee guy could get an initial push, then we could worry about the TEs and WRs doing a better job blocking out on the edge or downfield.

    BTW, why do we never run to the outside, or do a sweep toss? Just up the gut behind the the LT or RT, nothing else..

  5. Luther Says:

    OL is certainly bad but Doug Martin is still a problem. Anyone who can’t see that needs to have their eyes checked.

  6. DB55 Says:


    We ran a toss sweep up the gut thru the A gap on Sunday. Craziest sheet I’ve ever seen. Never seen a toss sweep up the got for a 1/2 yard. Learning so much about football this year, amazing!

  7. ddneast Says:

    Unbelievable, I have been saying that for the last couple of weeks. Sure is easy to defend the run when you know where 90 percent of them are going to after a simple ha

  8. Ray Rice Says:


    After that toss sweep up the gut on Sunday did Haloti Ngata pick our RB up. I can’t remember. I was wasted before game time. Lol!

  9. ddneast Says:

    I hate IPads.
    As I was saying, runs are pretty easy to defend when you know where they are going. There is no deception or misdirection going on at all.
    DB55 that was hilarious.
    We have such a need for an experience OC.
    I just can’t believe this is what Jeff Tedford had imagined. It looks like someone left an old copy of Schiano and Sullivan’s playbook on his nightstand.

  10. DB55 Says:


    Nah they might have stepped on martin but they didn’t pick him up. Just heard sapp on the Radio with booger he said that when he saw McCoy pick people up he almost threw up and that he called mccoy this morning and they had a heart-to-heart

  11. Ray Rice Says:


    That explains why Gerald was so pissed in the interview he gave. Lmfao. Cant wait till we play the Bengals. Burfict is not only going to knock them on their a$$ but twist their ankles in the process. And that my friends is what I call attitude. Lol

  12. NJBucsFan Says:

    This o-line reeks of Lovie Smith. He is a poor evaluater of talent on the lines. He did this in Chicago. Please see Gabe Carimi and he also traded for Brian Price and late Gaines Adams. We were warned by Bear fans.

  13. Andrew 1 Says:

    I actually finally, FINALLY saw Doug Martin get back to form in the second half. He wasn’t dancing as much, he was just making one cut then heading up field hard. He needs to do more of that, no sense in waiting around for these guys to block.

  14. Andrew 1 Says:

    And what the hell was up with those orange socks? ugly as f.

  15. RastaMon Says:

    It’s the coaching….

  16. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    And Bill Cowher calls the Steelers defense SOFT. Obviously he has not seen the Bucs Defense play.

  17. DWE Says:

    @andrew 1 says
    You can’t play well when you don’t feel good about yourself. So how can you play with orange socks matched with pink. Gag me lol

  18. Hawk Says:

    Maybe it is the Oline. Rainey has 54 carries @ 4.9 per carry. Martin has 48 carries @ 2.9 per carry. Why aren’t the Bucs running Martin behind the same line as Rainey? smh

  19. RealityCheck Says:

    @Hawk..those stats are meaningless. The sample size is ridiculously small and the context is lacking. Who carries the ball on first and 10 when the Bucs inevitably run directly up the middle for no gain behind their crap offensive line? Doug Martin.

  20. Owlykat Says:

    Warhop is the major culprit but Licht’s poor ability to judge free agent OL and failure to draft lineman higher in the draft is the other culprit.

  21. AnotherJ Says:

    The O-line hasn’t blocked for either running back, and It seems like they only pass block some of the time. Most of the offensive woes began up front, and They end with Marcus Arroyo forgetting to call a play in.

  22. RP Says:

    Don’t forget the brilliant OL draft picks of Kadeem Edwards and Kevin Pamphile. Why are they even on the team? That’s right all the draft picks made the team. Football politics wins over talent.

  23. Louis Friend Says:

    I’d like to see the Bucs where pink uniforms the rest of the year. I really would. The the boobs on the field play for the boobs off the field – get something out of this disaster of a season. Hell, change the logo to a pair of tits while they’re at it. It’d make them more palatable to watch on Sundays.

  24. Incognito Says:

    Warhop sounds like a typical inept buc staff member.

  25. Warthog Says:

    The gutting of the o-line and shipping out of serviceable starters like zuttah in favour of free agents will for me forever go down as one of the biggest wtf moments in recent Bucs history.

  26. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    No run blocking and crappy pass blocking.

    Mike Glennon does fine when he has a good OL. Not great yet, but fine.

    But when he’s rushed? Whole new ball game. And our opponents know it.

  27. Phillip Says:

    Anyone think it might be Warhop’s teaching? I mean the Browns are leading the league in rushing this year(I believe or Dallas?) and only a few months removed for Warhop being their coach….I don’t believe in coincidences either btw.

  28. Hawk Says:

    @ RealityCheck

    It was a JOKE. The Bucs don’t have two different O-lines. They barely have ONE. ALL stats are meaningless except the final score.