Joe & Chris Fischer Wrap The Loss On The Field

September 15th, 2014

joemugshotJoe’s not much of a TV guy, but Joe’s always happy to work with WTSP-TV, Ch. 10 sports anchor Chris Fischer.

Joe (one of the Joe’s) left the sad postgame locker room and got on the Stadium on Dale Mabry Highway field after Sunday’s heinous loss to the Rams to talk all things Bucs.


7 Responses to “Joe & Chris Fischer Wrap The Loss On The Field”

  1. jo_mama Says:

    I see that Joe did not mention Running Lovie Smith out of town like he did Greg Schanio.

    The countdown begins for Joe to get on board.

    Little early to run the head coach out of town. Of course, Joe didn’t run Schiano out of town. The former commander did that all by himself.–Joe

  2. Keith Says:

    Fisher is one of the rare locals unafraid to ask a tough question. YOu can hear him in some of the news conferences. Nice video here.

  3. The Ether Says:

    Problem for us fans, is Lovie’s gotta ‘long term’ mindset… Lovie & Licht might talk about ‘winning now’, but thats just cliche coach speak… They know their jobs are kush for another year or two, so they have no problem even with an 0-2 start… while REAL fans like me, are up at the devils hour, trying to figure out just how in the hell we manged to lose to a crippled azz 3rd string QB-ran team…

    Put my heart into this team year in and year out since 94,95… I’m startin to get too old for this sht… Need a HC with balls as big as mine… Gruden had balls…. Dungy was almost there… Im starting to think that Lovie is either lacking in big-balledness, or just way in over his head… Cause so far, he’s given us an utter joke of a team.

  4. James Says:

    I’m going to call it “The Curse of Chucky” I love the Bucs but this team hasn’t done crap since firing Gruden after a winning season.

  5. Fred Says:

    Lovey ; what did #55 ever do to you for you to fu(k up his special day so badly? When is it ever permissible for a coach to choose not to put enough points on the board to win???? Bryan I hope you paid attention to those comments by your new coach.. You needed to leave him in his basement. What did he do all that time he claimed he was shaping a winning staff and winning team. Way it looked today Lovey couldn’t coach any team to victory. Bet there will be some fire Lovey signs at our next home game. I know I will make mine later today.

  6. Newbucsfan!!! Says:

    Winston people, the rams will win atleast four more games and if the Bucs tie their record than they still get the #1. Again, this is a good thing for this team. the coaches im sure are taking this time to see who can play and what they need going forward. The offense is good just need to draft winston in the first. The defense is good at both tackle positions and verner as the starting corner plus david and lansanah at linebacker (run on sentence). Need DE, MLB, RG, and another CB plus safety. Not that far from being a great team

  7. Spartin Says:

    Newbucsfan, Winston is the last player this team needs. Have you paid attention to RG3’s career? Winston is a great college player but he will stay injured in the NFL much like RG3.