McCarthy: Expect Energy, Fundamentals

February 21st, 2014

Live in Indianapolis, Joe loved hearing Mike McCarthy’s take on Lovie Smith.

For the better part of the last decade, Mike McCarthy and the Green Bay Packers have pretty much owned the NFC North. That is, unless Lovie Smith and the Bears rose up and batted the Packers away with a big ol’ paw.

As we all know, Lovie is no longer in Chicago. He’s with the Bucs. And his old foe in the frozen, snowy north thinks the Bucs couldn’t have found a better man to lead the Pewter Pirates out of a playoffless rut.

The Super Bowl-winning coach had his moment with Joe and assembled NFL media in windy Indy today at Lucas Oil Stadium, and Joe was able to buttonhole McCarthy for his take on Lovie.

In short, McCarthy said, Bucs fans can look forward to good football.

“I think love an excellent coach,” McCarthy said. “The things I always look for in an opposing coach are, are the players doing what they are taught to do? His teams were always fundamentally strong. You could always see, schematically, what they were trying to do. They all did it the same way. They [brought] energy. I think Lovie will do a great job in Tampa Bay.”

That was refreshing. The Bucs will be fundamentally sound and bring energy? That’s what Joe calls good football. They won’t beat themselves too often.

The more Joe speaks to Lovie and Jason Licht, and the more Joe hears from the giants of the game about Lovie and Licht, the more Joe is anxious for football season.

Winter has returned to Indianapolis today. But Joe’s in a summer training camp frame of mind.

13 Responses to “McCarthy: Expect Energy, Fundamentals”

  1. Bucfan#37 Says:

    With Lovie and company on board, let me be the next to predict a winning season for the Bucs in 2014.

  2. Buc Fan #237 Says:

    That is the same recipe Schiano used.

    Good. It will be more of that.

    See, nothing has changed… except for now, we have a coach that the media adores.

    I’m okay with this.

  3. theDON Says:

    im ready too Joe, but we must endore 162 Rays games with Dwayne Staats and Brian goofing all over the airwaves…Go rays, bucs

  4. William Says:

    @BF237 – Yes the same recipe. But we upgraded the a cook to a Chef.

    Men will be treated like men not children. Players will be able to smile on the sidelines if they want. Leadership without a ruler or a paddle to spank the children. Even the A/C will not be controlled.

    Needless to say we are about to be able to enjoy adult beverages while watching NFL quality game planning for 2 complete halves.

    Let’s go Bucs!

  5. Rob Says:

    Lovie is going to be less important to the Bucs having a winning season than whoever is starting at QB. Look around the league, the ‘genius’ coaches all have steady to great QB play.

  6. lurker Says:

    so what coach will go on record and speak ill of a colleague?

  7. 1976Buc Says:

    Where is the like button đŸ™‚

  8. lurker Says:

    caption should read:
    “dang lovie, you pulled a gruden and were 7-1, then went 3-5 and missed the playoffs again.”

  9. lurker Says:

    “but whoooooooey, the energy your team display. wow.”

  10. Joe Says:

    so what coach will go on record and speak ill of a colleague?

    Jim Harbaugh. Often.

  11. lurker Says:

    musta missed his quotes on a fellow headcoach.

  12. PRBucFan Says:

    Great piece đŸ˜€

  13. rayjay1122 Says:

    Nice article and commentary Joe. Thanks for your work on getting these interviews and your dedication to this site. I too can’t wait for Football. Offseason is torture!!! Go Bucs!!!!

    Happy to serve Bucs fans. Tell a friend. –Joe