Donald Penn Lobbies Darrelle Revis

March 30th, 2013

donald pennEven though it is quiet, don’t believe that Bucs rock star general manager Mark Dominik and Jets general manager John Idzik haven’t discussed a swap for Darrelle Revis in the past two weeks.

Obviously, Dominik can not begin hammering out a new contract forĀ RevisĀ until Idzik grants permission for Dominik to talk to Revis, and that likely won’t happen until a trade is agreed upon in principle.

But the lobbying with Revis has already begun through back-channels.

Bucs offensive tackle Donald Penn is new to Twitter but the guy is Twittering like a madman; like a kid with a new toy. And Penn is wasting no time using this tool to soften up Revis.

@DPENN70: @Revis24 lol u r a lil close what’s up my dude we waiting on u #BucsNation

Now the “lil close” reference was a response to a non-football question Revis had on Twitter.

Joe thinks it is pretty cool that Bucs players are already greasing the wheels and buttering up Revis to agree to a contract extension to play for the Bucs.

One Response to “Donald Penn Lobbies Darrelle Revis”

  1. Kurius Boy Says:

    Keep lobbing him Penn, If we get him, and he comes back healthy. Our secondary is gonna be much improved