Carl Nicks On Injured Reserve

October 30th, 2012

The biggest blow to the Bucs playoff chances just happened today with word from Woody Cummings of the Tampa Tribune that All-Pro left guard Carl Nicks was placed on injured reserve with a toe injury.

@RCummingsTrib: Bucs LG Carl Nicks lost for the season to a toe injury. He’s been dealing with that injury all year long.

There simply isn’t a bigger hit to the Bucs than this. The Bucs’ offensive line is now officially a shambles. Nicks joins fellow All-Pro right guard Davin Joseph, who’s on injured reserve.

Just when the Bucs started to get a running game going with Doug Martin bursting onto the scene, now he will be dodging for his life more than exposing creases and holes in the offensive line.

Joe’s seen that toe numerous times. Frankly, Joe’s not sure how Nicks was playing on it to begin with.

Joe’s not sure how the Bucs recover without the human armoire on the roster. Ted Larsen at left guard?

This is a crushing blow. No way to sugarcoat it.

84 Responses to “Carl Nicks On Injured Reserve”

  1. Eric C Says:

    wow, what next? Can we ever have a somewhat healthy team???

  2. ShutTheBucUp Says:

    this sucks man. torn plantar plate sidelines this beast for the year? what a way to go

  3. Big Rob Says:

    I want to cry šŸ™

  4. ShutTheBucUp Says:

    but its not the end of the world. guys have been doing a good job of stepping up. at least we’ll be going up against a softer team this Sunday. hopefully the new guy can get in a groove and we can figure something out…

  5. Patrick Says:

    Time to sign Andre Gurode

  6. Ian's Gay Lisp Says:

    At his size, this may be career ending. So long pal

  7. DallasBuc Says:

    So depressing

  8. Murse Says:


  9. Big Rob Says:

    That does not sound like a fun injury šŸ™

  10. Ladyz Says:

    All I can say is get well big guy! We need you, but more then that Tampa Bay loves you. God Bless.

  11. stevek Says:

    Bad news indeed.

    Larsen stinks. We need to trade for a Guard.

    Both of our Guards missing is like having GMC missing on D. Sucks, but I wish both of them a speedy recovery along with Clayborn.

  12. adamant Says:

    We’re screwed

  13. Big Rob Says:

    This link makes it seem even worse.

  14. raphael Says:

    nope..its officially the end of the world…

    Ted (swinging gate)Larson is in at LG

  15. Sneedy16 Says:

    Well this sucks. Next man up. I’m just hoping that Doug Martin and Josh Freemen don’t get slaughtered behind this OL.

  16. Patrick Says:

    HELLO! Sign Andre Gurode! 5x pro bowler. Experienced. Good temporary fill in for the remainder of year.

  17. Sneedy16 Says:

    Oh a another note we will see how well the back up guards perform.

  18. Colorado Buc Says:

    Yeah there is no next man up for the human armoire. This sucks so bad I just threw my coffee cup…been a while since that happened

  19. OrlandoBucsFan Says:

    This really does suck so much between this and Joseph our offensive line is nothing like it should be. The Bucs have some serious injury issue this year with Adrian Clayborne and just getting Bowers back. I believe our team would be significantly better with those starters in there, more wins better. This sucks.

  20. ShutTheBucUp Says:

    Nicks in a wheelchair is probably better than Larsen in there. I’ll echo the “trade for a guard” sentiment. Although we’ll see if this practice squad guy shows any promise.

  21. Macabee Says:

    Schiano should call his buddy Belichick and see if he will let him talk to Brian Waters. Waters is still under contract to the Pats, but refuses to report!

  22. houstonbucs Says:

    Just the thought of Larson on the field gives me heartburn.
    Reaching for tums….

  23. kh Says:

    This sucks.

  24. BigMacAttack Says:

    I’m not ready to pull the plug either. This sucks yes but we’ll get both guards back on 2013. I think maybe Trueblood may be the guy and he’s healthy. It’s hard to guess what they’ll do but someone had to step up. I’m hopeful though and playoffs were probably a reach anyway. Lets see how it plays out.

  25. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    I really thought we may have turned the corner against Minnesota. We played a complete game, and beat a good team at their house on national TV. Since then, we find out the other of our top 2 corners is either injured or about to be suspended, and now we lose quite possibly our best player. If this damages my morale, imagine what it must do to the players on the team. Unbelievable.

  26. bucky23 Says:

    That is too bad. was really looking forward to a 2nd half push from this team. Hopefully someone can step up and be serviceable, but there is no way to replace him. Lace up your track shoes #5.

  27. Tbuc Says:

    This teams depth is so pathetic(Thanks Dominik) they can’t afford to lose any starters. The run game will suffer for the rest of the season.

  28. BigMacAttack Says:

    Well at least we didn’t get hit by a hurricane. Carl Nicks will be here for years to come and better to have him healed properly than defective for the remainder of his career. Everything revolves around your big toe. It is amazing he has played this long and well with that injury. I love the guy and I’m glad he has a long contract.

    Next man up.

  29. 911bucs Says:

    Well on a positive note the backups are getting plenty of playing time. Hopefully they gain some skills to give us more experienced depth next season.

  30. bucfanjeff Says:

    Just when the offense was clicking.
    HUGE, HUGE blow.
    This WILL set our offense back tremendously.

  31. kh Says:

    Earth to Tbuc, almost every teams depth is pathetic, when you lose Joseph and Nicks do you expect Dominick to have two more pro-bowlers waiting in the wings? Get a grip.

  32. Zach Says:

    Next season up.

  33. aep1717 Says:


  34. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    Seriously, I am so sick and damn tired of morons blaming Dominik for everything under the sun. Excuse him for not having a backup Pro Bowl caliber Guard!!!! You can’t just build up a team with Pro Bowlers, and with great depth in a few years. It takes time.

    First everyone complains he can’t draft, but this year many of his draft picks look to be excellent picks (GMC, Martin, David, Barron, Foster, Williams, etc.). Then everyone complains he doesn’t bring in quality free agents, so he then brings in the top 2 guys in free agency. Now everyone is complaining we don’t have quality backups for our 2 pro bowl guards! Some people just love to point the finger at others.

  35. 76buc76 Says:

    C’mon Carl pull a Ronnie Lott and get back out there.Bro’s befor toe’s dude.Also Joe I broke this story a couple day’s ago on your message board (Nick’s not right)but it didn’t make the cut I guess

  36. Jordon Says:

    We’ll miss you Big Guy!!! Next Man Up!!

  37. Tbuc Says:

    It’s Dominik’s job to have quality depth behind key players. Never said they had to have backups who are pro bowlers. Just quality backups. This team is dangerously thin at key spots like offensive line, the secondary and RB. That falls on the GM, he brings in the players and is lauded as a “Rock star” time for him to earn that moniker.

    If the Bucs can rack up wins with practice squad players along the offensive line and in the secondary Schiano deserves to be coach of the year.

  38. Teddy Says:

    Wow. I seriously had to check my calendar to make sure it wasn’t April Fools’ Day. Was NOT prepared for this bit of news.

  39. Miguel El Magnifico Says:

    I hope they hang on to Blount just to spread to carries out among the backs. Without Nicks they are going to get pounded.

  40. bucfanjeff Says:

    Freeman’s health is now in jeopardy. Trade deadline on Thursday, find a guard.
    I was considering buying tickets to the Philly game and driving down with my family…that’s on hold until I see how they do now.

  41. Bobby Says:

    Tbuc….dude, you truly are the definition of couch potato coach. Shut the pie hole about lack of depth. There is always going to be a drop off in talent with backup players. How do you know we don’t have depth until you see? We managed without Joseph. We’ll just have to get by without Nicks.

  42. Hawaiian Buc Says:


    I would bet my house you can’t name one backup guard in the NFL without the use of google. And neither can I. Meredith has done an admiral job at Guard, but who in the hell would think we would lose both Guards? Nicks has never missed a game in the NFL. To blame Dominik for that is preposterous! Then again, it’s very typical for an ignorant, blame everyone type fan. Sometimes sh!t just happens.

  43. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    To those thinking we can just trade Blount for a left guard, think again. Player for player trades in the NFL almost never happen. In fact, aside from Clinton Portis for Champ Bailey, I can’t think of one player for player trade involving key players (and that trade was done in the offseason). We would have to give up picks, and any GM would know how desperate we are and would make us give up way too much for a starting caliber guard. Anybody here want to give up a first or second round pick for someone who most likely won’t see the field next year when our two guards come back? Unfortunately, we have to roll with who we have. It sucks, but it is what it is.

  44. Jwayne Says:

    Wow! Would of really been nice to see how this young Buccaneer team would of done this year healthy! Between the injurys and suspensions im ready to throw up!

  45. blackmagic00 Says:

    So how’s the draft looking? We should be near the top……….again!

  46. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    “Wow. I seriously had to check my calendar to make sure it wasnā€™t April Foolsā€™ Day. Was NOT prepared for this bit of news.”


    I seriously did the exact same thing! It’s one thing to lose a good player, but it’s quite another to lose 2 Pro Bowl players on the offensive line, quite possibly the best at their respective positions. I don’t know of any team that could recover from that. This is a sad day for Buc fans.

  47. Deminion Says:

    Sad to c sucks but go bucs

  48. Karl Says:

    What team has 2 quality backup guards let alone one quality backup guard? We’ve been finding out what our backups can do since D.Joseph went down.Guess were gonna find out some more.It will hurt us this year but hopefuly our backups play well enough to be quality backups next year. UGH!!!

  49. mainebuc Says:

    Buccaneers lost for the Season…fml

  50. FlBoy84 Says:

    Only upside to this injury and the CB situation is that backups that would’ve probably never seen the field this season are getting valuable reps. Nothing you can do but roll with it. Team will be stronger going forward next season and beyond because of this. That, coupled with a couple more strong drafts should position the team well for the future.

  51. Sneedy16 Says:

    It’s like blaming Ozzie Newsome because Ray Lewis was hurt and they can’t find a good backup to replace him.

  52. CanadianBucsFan Says:

    With Joseph and Nicks done for the season ( who would have ever imagined that happening before the season started.. ) and the trade deadline approaching, Dominik and Schiano must be exploring the options for a guard we can trade for and start him right away. This team has said they are committed to running the ball, so far this season when we run well it opens up our passing game for Freeman

  53. FLBoyInDallas Says:

    Jake Scott would be a hell of a lot better signing than Andre Gurode. Even Montrae Holland would be better. Plus, Gurode played center all his years. Not guard.

  54. Matt D Says:

    His injury must have come from those dreaded training camp drills Schiano forced upon them all.

  55. snook Says:

    Why the F does no one on the Falcons ever get hurt?

  56. FLBoyInDallas Says:

    Jeff Brown also still available from what I understand. I would expect the Bucs probably sign either Scott, Holland or Brown. We don’t have anyone at guard right now who is a step-in-and-start kind of player. Need help.

  57. 76buc76 Says:

    Did you all watch Nick’s in Minny.The guy was just average (because of the toe).We never even had the real Nick’s yet.Panther’s…95per cent Giant’s 90…Cowboys 80…skin’s 75…KC 70…Saint’s 65…Minny 55.

  58. Derek Says:

    Joseph,Clayborn,Nicks 3 stars already lost before midseason. the football Gods must be angry at our Bucs. A 3-4 team without 3 key cogs just imagine what could have been…

  59. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    “Did you all watch Nickā€™s in Minny.”


    Yeah, I did. Why don’t you check the stats and see how Doug Martin did running and receiving on the left hand side.

  60. Buc U Says:

    Joe, from what you have heard could this be a potentially long term injury (into training camp next year, next season, etc.)?

  61. BucFan20 Says:

    Didn’t Martin get out the gate on the Saints left side too? Right side damn sure can’t open a hole when healthy for Martin or Blount.

  62. tha truth is... Says:

    this is depressing.

  63. bucs33 Says:

    put zuttah at guard and larsen at center

  64. blackmagic00 Says:

    Can dline play oline? Receiver play cb? Maybe we can roll with a 20 man roster of nothing but backups and heal everyone for next season. We have a porcelain football team that makes bad decisions. I love my bucs but somethings gotta give. Maybe the pats can start playing two games a week and coach can talk the pats in to suiting up for us too.

  65. Pete 422 Says:

    I also thought it was a joke when I got in my car and turned on the radio. The first thing that I heard was, ..Nicks out for the season…”

    I like the idea of signing one or two available guards as mentioned above. I don’t like the idea of moving Zuttah from center.

  66. USFPANTHER Says:

    Everyone…this is where we see how much an o-lineman are really worth… we lost one of the best earlier this year and didn’t seem to miss a beat. Lets just wait and see before we past judgment…this might be a lesson in not investing to much in an o-line because non-drafted free agents might be able to protect the QB

  67. menofear Says:

    Josh!!!!!! and Doug….. Stay healthy PLZ…….

  68. alex Says:

    what are the realistic odds of us actually picking up or trading for a guard?larsen sucks at every position possible.

    we cant give up hope guys. schiano is a great coach and leader. im sure he has a plan. aqib comes back the day before the panthers game so that will help our defense along with bowers return. we got this

  69. Pelbuc Says:

    Losing Joseph was tough, losing Nicks is devastating. Look like Freeman is going to have to roll out a lot. Losing Talib and Wright is actually a blessing. Neither are “buccaneer men”. We need depth on OL, DL and DBs. Now let’s see what this team is made of. Winning in Oakland will be a huge mental toughness leap for this team.

  70. Teddy Says:

    Holy cow. I looked at those links that Big Rob posted in this thread, and it makes one wonder what kind of man it take to have 375 pounds playing on a gruesome injury that would probably put the toughest guy down for the count.

    Those pictures told me all I need to know about Carl Nicks’ drive and ability to overlook pain, when he played six games after the injury. That’s a man right there.

  71. Patrick Says:

    Jake Scott protected Peyton Manning for 4 years and helped the Colts win a super bowl.

    Sign him. Now. Ted Larson……hell no.

  72. BigMacAttack Says:

    I guess the Bucs are taking a look at this Roger Allen guy, 6-3 325 just bumped up from practice squad.

    I used to get real upset about injuries, Gruden was also plagued with them. He had teams that could have gone all the way but when you put 14-15 guys on IR every year it really hurts your chances. Raheem had the same problem and now Schiano has inherited it too. It always seems to be your best players that get hurt as well. I now accept it is a big part of the NFL and especially being a Buc Fan. We have been snake bit since the Super Bowl win and it does suck, but it is what it is. Injuries are how Donald Penn got his break and how Brady got his. Earnest Graham really came on because of RB injuries. Meredith is doing pretty well and should improve. Zuttah got his shot because of injuries. Someone has to step up and probably will. I think it may just be Trueblood. Yeah too tall, knee bend, blah blah but he can do it and may just have too. It sure appears that the Larsen Guard experiment is over, but Zuttah may go to LG and Larsen may go to center, but I hope not.

    They’ll find somebody, have faith, but there is only one Carl Nicks in the NFL, but an injured Carl Nicks is not the same as a healthy one.

  73. Ladyz Says:

    @ (Thomas ) Tbuc. Don’t believe I’ve seen you on the bord before. It is obvious you don’t understand medical things or you just like to Gripe. Also blaming Dom for our bad luck of all the ones down or suspended is like blaming hurricane Sandy on someone. Get a life and let’s hear something positive.

  74. nate Says:

    I think this is a clear sign that this year is not our year.. but hey the packers did really well a few years ago with alot of there core players…

  75. Pete Dutcher Says:

    This is a prime example of why rosters need to be expanded, along with the salary cap. If teams could add 4 more players at competitive salaries, it would enable them to handle hits like this better.

    The sad thing is that all of these injuries are preventing the chemistry from developing.

    Also…we need to really find a way to protect Freeman from injury now. This one will not only hurt the team, it could be disastrous for Free.

    Personally, I think injuries are par for the course in Tampa and Miami. I still hate it when it happens though.


  76. Pete Dutcher Says:

    By the way…what does everyone think team defenses will do now that they know we have so little experience at Oline? They will stack the box because they know they can keep Freeman from having the time to throw the ball reliable now.

    I expect to see Josh slipping into his “take too many risks” mode some time soon…and really, who could blame him? Gonna be hard to watch the remaining games. Seeing pain inflicted on our players is going to be hard.

    And…”Hello blackouts” again šŸ™

  77. Jimmy Says:

    “Andā€¦ā€Hello blackoutsā€ again ”

    What do you care about blackouts for anyway? You’re too lazy to go to the games as it is. You brag about watching games on the computer. Big phony!

    Why don’t you try to find another phantom personal foul on Mark Barron, will you?

  78. Rican Says:

    I think our Bucs are seriously cursed…

  79. Capt. Jean Lafitte Says:

    The Bucs will probably resign Derek Hardman. He is already familiar with the playbook, and Schiano should already know his strengths and weaknesses, and the best way to use him. In 2010 he filled in for Joseph admirably. Trueblood is serviceable too. I’m not ready to give in the towel just yet. Schiano and his staff have done a bang up job to this point getting these first and second year players prepared. Although it’s difficult to replace a multi dimensional pro bowl calibre player, we may have to utilize the different strengths from two lineman to make up what Nicks did, but I’m confident Schiano will have them prepared.

  80. Have A Nice Day Says:

    Now that Doug Martin is bound to struggle, let’s put money on when the Negativeers will strike. Anybody?

  81. robert Says:

    well, at least we might stop running up the gut for 2 yards! time for more sweeps, screens and airing it out.

    could be for the best!

  82. Buc Fan #237 Says:

    I guess he had one toe accross the line.

  83. Pete Dutcher Says:

    Jimmy Says:
    October 31st, 2012 at 1:59 am

    ā€œAndā€¦ā€Hello blackoutsā€ again ā€

    What do you care about blackouts for anyway? Youā€™re too lazy to go to the games as it is. You brag about watching games on the computer. Big phony!

    Why donā€™t you try to find another phantom personal foul on Mark Barron, will you?


    You have absolutely no grip of the facts, Jimmy. Last year I bought over twenty tickets in an effort to prevent blackouts. That’s over a ticket per game in case you can’t count.

    I live out of town, and cannot go to the games…but I bought those tickets anyway. Unfortunately, you and others like you failed to do the same, and my money was wasted.

    So before you foolishly attack an out-of-towner that STILL buys tickets, you should check yourself. And keep in mind…even though I am in the viewing area but too far to attend (and unable to do so physically), I should still be able to watch the games…especially if I CANNOT GO but buy a ticket anyway.

    So before you speak, know your facts, Jimmy. Don’t pick a fight with me. I wouldn’t advise it.

  84. Buc Fan #237 Says:

    You bought 20 tickets? Who went to the games on those tickets?

    You didn waste your money, and there needs t be no analysis that will tell you that fact.

    You would have been in much better shape by just donating that money to and/or place an ad on his site linking people back to your personal blog.