Eric Wright’s Actions Could Put Bucs In Mess

July 6th, 2012

Look, Joe’s not going to even attempt to make an excuse for Eric Wright’s mistake the other morning in Los Angeles, getting into an accident and being charged with a felony DUI.

Joe could sort of understand this happeningĀ in the sticks someplace where there is no such thing as a cab. But Wright was in the second-largest city in the United States. Throw in the fact he could afford to buy a limo service much less afford a cab, this was stupidity at it’s worst.

But the dumb move could be worse for the Bucs, so writes Bradenton Herald columnist Alan Dell, who believes Wright’s dumb-headed stunt could really screw the Bucs.

He was brought in to play corner opposite Aqib Talib, who just got a get-out-of-jail-free card, but still hasn’t escaped the long arm of NFL top sheriff Roger Goodell.

The Bucs could begin next season without these two cornerbacks if Goodell seeks to suspend them a few games for conduct unbecoming to everything pure and wholesome in the NFL.

Wright could become another Dominik mishap and an embarrassment to himself and the organization.

This is a subject Joe didn’t exactly think about when he heard of Wright’s arrest. There is no guarantee NFL warden commissioner Roger Goodell won’t suspend Talib, despite the fact Talib’s charges in Texas were dropped.

Throw in Wright’s wreck, and Goodell could see to it that the Bucs are down two cornerbacks to open the season. This leaves open the door for Ronde Barber to return to a starting cornerback gig.

21 Responses to “Eric Wright’s Actions Could Put Bucs In Mess”

  1. Meh Says:

    Goodell will let the legal process take its course before suspending Wright. I don’t think their suspensions will end up overlapping, but I do suspect both will be suspended. Talib admitted lying to the cops. Wright admitted driving drunk and refused the breathalyzer. They’re both likely to sit a few games no matter what, I just don’t think they’ll end up being coincident suspensions.

  2. jb Says:

    I couldn’t care less what Goodell does to Wright seeing as he’s mediocre at best, and obviously one of the dumbest people on the planet. A backfield consisting of Barber, Talib, Baron and Grimm sounds pretty good. But, if Talib is suspended we really are screwed. Schiano needs to make an example of Wright REAL FAST! I doubt they’ll cut him, but they should.

  3. Macabee Says:

    Before everybody starts talking about what Goodell might do to Wright, it might be wise to become familiar with the new CBA and it’s language regarding DUIs, especially first-time offenders. Listen up! Wright is not going to be suspended any games. The NFL is pushing for stiffer penalties, but the NFLPA is resisting. Google is your friend! Google “the CBA and DUI offenses and read some of the articles. It might lessen some of the crazy talk that is sure to follow.

  4. jb Says:

    With all this upheaval in our secondary, What’s the contract status of Mark Barron, Joe? I thought he’d be signed by now!

  5. Pinnacl3 Says:

    At this point, isn’t he still “under suspicion of driving drunk”? This could still turn out to be similar to Mike Williams’ situation a year ago.

  6. Dini's Biceps Says:

    Mr. Wright wouldn’t be caught drunk without “Mariah” (he named his car after Mariah Carey. $170,000 Gull-Winged Mercedes and he refers to Mariah on Twitter sometimes) So, there’s NO WAY that guy calls a cab. He talks about his car on twitter more than his own wife.

  7. OAR Says:

    Mariah? Too funny. I guess he does look like Nick Cannon. Wonder if Mr. Wright named his earrings Moroccan and Monroe?

  8. mjmoody Says:

    Thanks for the link Macabee. I wonder about the language, “aggravating circumstance” and if it could not be applied even in this first time event, where an injury accident occurred with another vehicle. The bodily injury and subsequent felony classification by the LAPD could open the door for Goddell. I would certainly agree that its far too early to fear a worst case scenario.

  9. Dini's Biceps Says:

    OAR <—– Hahaha…. but honestly, i hope he gets it together b/c we and Mark Dominik NEEDS him. ProFootballFocus just released another 3 year study "DB's with the most missed tackles" and Ronde Barber & Tanard Jackson were at the top of the list.

  10. Buc Me in the Goat Azz Says:

    Why would the Bucs cut this guy after giving him a huge signing bonus AND living through Talib.

    I bet Talib is relieved that the heat is off of him now.

  11. Buc Me in the Goat Azz Says:

    One more thing… this proves that coaches and team manangement have absolutely ZERO control over their player’s actions.

    If the Wright didn’t realize what was happening with Talib, then that is totally on him… not the team.

  12. Bucsfan47 Says:

    Hey, I heard janoris jenkins is unhappy in St. Louis, since we love trouble cornerbacks, why don’t we give him a shot, may be a lot cheaper than keeping wright, just sayin’.

  13. Eric Says:

    The DA still has to review Wrights case to decide whether to charge it as a felony. If the injury involved was only back soreness and nothing more it seems likely it would be a misdemeanor.

    That decision might influence whether The Warden suspends him.

    Driving a 170k car is a reason these type guys end up broke after football.

  14. OAR Says:

    Not sure why some are shocked? This guy did come from the Detriot “Another Arrested” Lions. There must be something in the water up there or he just didn’t want to miss out on what his old teammates are up too?

  15. Eric Says:

    While we’re at it might as wel bring Clayton back to mentor our receivers.

  16. jarrett Says:

    both players will be there day one. Everyone needs to stop freaking out. Wright will have his charges dropped. plus goodell would have to suspend the gaggle of lions for dui first.

  17. Snook Says:

    These guys don’t take cabs because that’s not “baller”.

  18. Amar Says:

    Jarrett, I hope you are joking !! Or else you may be the biggest jack rabbit that has ever left a comment in this page.

    Snook, sadly that is the truth. That’s exactly what these eneducated people with more money than the know what to do with, think like. :/

  19. Oahubuc Says:

    Is he really that much better than EJ Biggers? I’m not too worried about this idiot being out for a few games.

  20. The Dutcher Journal (Pete Dutcher) Says:

    They don’t take cabs because the NFL no longer provides them for free. Goodelle stopped it.

  21. Ed Ketber Says:

    Wouldn’t have failed sobriety check if he had been able to keep “the toes on the line.” He has inspired a news Schiano directive: in addition to room temp at bars and other drinking establishments being kept a cool 68.7 degrees, players must wait 1.45 hours between drinks of .01 fluid ounces of alcohol or more. Additionally, the two bottles of water rule appors to nightclubs as well.