Fundamentals, Discipline Key For Jackson

June 14th, 2012

There are huge expectations for the Bucs’ passing game after the team signed free agent stud wide receiver Vincent Jackson this winter.

Jackson politely dismisses any talk that he’s something of a savior, or evenĀ better than his wide receiver teammates by admitting in many ways he’s just like a rookie because, along with every other Bucs players, the team is adjusting to the New Schiano Order.

Despite this, Jackson is trying to be a big brother to Mike Williams, Arrelious Benn and other young Bucs receivers. Jackson is actively trying to take a leadership role with the wide receiver unit and helping out when he can, confessing he must learn the new system first before he can impart much wisdom to his receiving brethren.

“It’s a new system, we were all on the same page coming in here, but as guys, we are helping each other,” Jackson said after the final day of minicamp at One Buc Palace. “They are sharing tips with me, there are things I can improve on. Some of these young guys, there are some things they have not been fundamentally coached on. We are going to be disciplined. Technique is everything in this league.

“We want to be one of the best receiving corps in this league. I think with the years under my belt and the things I have accomplished, [younger receivers] look up to me. I’m not a real in-your-face kind of leader but I lead by example. I come to work every day, I take good notes and I think they see that.”

Mike Williams admits that Jackson has pushed him to study more tape than he normally would.

“Getting off the field, you watch a little film and then you go home,” Williams said. “That’s not Vincent. You get off the field and watch a little bit of film, he makes you watch a little bit more. Then you think you have a little bit more film done, and he makes you watch a little bit more.

“He makes you watch yourself and watch what defenders are doing to you. That is kind of what I learned from him: You have to keep evaluating yourself and evaluating other players too.”

4 Responses to “Fundamentals, Discipline Key For Jackson”

  1. dan Says:

    what they didn’t say is that Vincent Jackson is a cinephile, and they’ve been watching Madagascar 3.

  2. Dini's Biceps Says:

    If International Party Man —-> Josh Freeman doesn’t throw for 4,500 yards, 32 Td’s this year…..then he’s a MASSIVE BUST 6″6 250, strong arm (tiny little party brain. let’s party wooo hoooo)

  3. flmike Says:

    Okay, we get it, Josh pimp slapped you and took your girlfriend home, get over it.

  4. Nick2 Says:

    Wow what a difference a year makes. All the free agents keep saying they are helping to teach fundamentals that our younger players never were taught. Kind of makes you wonder what Raheem and his men were doing through all those practices???