Joe’s Days In Indianapolis

February 1st, 2012
Media Center headquarters at the J.W. Marriott in downtown Indianapolis.

OK, Joe’s going to name drop here and just ramble about his three days in Indianapolis around going to the Super Bowl Media Day Tuesday.

Joe’s been to a few Media Days before, including when the Steelers played the Cardinals in Tampa. Even with the chilly — not cold — weather in Indianapolis, Joe will have to give this year’s event two thumbs up. Two BIG thumbs up.

The best thing about this year’s Super Bowl is the location. Yes, you read that right. It’s been roughly 15 years since Joe last visited Indianapolis and man has it changed. You don’t need to go further than three blocks from your hotel and there are many choices of things to do whether it’s restaurants or bars.

Indianapolis seems like what life would be like in 100 years or so on a giant space station that held a colony of people. One can go from hotel to hotel, convention center (the former Hoosier Dome) to hotels, restaurants to shopping and bars, and not once step foot outside.

It seems the entire downtown is connected by a honeycomb of skywalks. It’s really amazing. Joe walked from his hotel, the Hyatt, to the Media Center some five blocks away, and not once stepped outside.

Peter King, in his annual Super Bowl Tweetup, marveled that he hadn’t set foot in a car or van since he was dropped off at his hotel.

The people in Indianapolis are very kind. Hoosier hospitality. The people who worked in the hotels, bars, etc., really put out an effort to make visitors feel at home.

Overall, it was a superb job by the locals. From the kindness to the futuristic construction of the city to having everything so compact, Joe can easily see the Super Bowl coming back to Indianapolis.

This was just the second Super Bowl to be held in the Midwest since 1992 and the locals treated it as a giant civic celebration. They came out in droves. Blueclad Colts fans far, far outnumbered Pats fans or Giants fans on the streets of Indy.

The first night Joe was there, Joe was walking down the sidewalk checking out the scene and who did Joe meet? King, who was very gracious with Joe as King remembered Joe from previous meetings. The next night leaving King’s Tweetup heading back to Joe’s hotel, Joe ran into Pats owner Bob Kraft of all people on the sidewalk, who briefly chatted with Joe (he’s much shorter than Joe had imagined).

In a way, Indianapolis is like New Orleans with all the places to go within an easy walk, sans the slutty, filthy bars and live music. Sort of a family-friendly New Orleans.

(Don’t worry, Joe loves New Orleans.)

On Media Day, Joe was stunned at how many people across the country knew Joe and read his works daily; people came up to Joe out of nowhere saying they are fans of the site. Most of the SiriusXM NFL Radio people knew Joe by name and welcomed him with open arms. Wow.

Tuesday morning, Maggie Gray of approached Joe and asked, “Aren’t you with JoeBucsFan?” Why, yes, Joe answered. She replied, “You posted that video of Peter King and myself talking about Greg Schiano, didn’t you?” Joe was stunned. It proved Gray is a reader.

Maggie was really cool and asked Joe all sorts of intelligent questions about the sports scene in Tampa Bay and why fans tend not to attend games.

Joe saw Peyton Manning roaming around town a little. The dude doesn’t have followers, he has a court. Wherever he goes there’s a mob following. It’s really amazing.

When Joe last visited Indianapolis, it was a Hoosiers town and Bob Knight was the messiah. No more. For every person Joe saw with Hoosiers gear, Joe saw 50 people wearing Coltsgear. This has really turned into an NFL town and Manning is the deity.

Joe heard time and again all day Tuesday from strangers that knew all about this site. Adam Schein of SiriusXM NFL Radio personally thanked Joe for posting his weekly Cosmic Schein video for example. Bob Papa ignored others requesting an interview, and gave Joe time for a few questions, calling Joe by name.

Joe was humbled.

What nearly dropped Joe to his knees was the lovely Tiffany Simons of TV does not do justice to her. She is stunning in person. Of all the talent at Media Day, no one outranked Simons, and Joe is serious, not even Maria Menounos.

When Simons asked Joe who he worked for and Joe told her, JoeBucsFan, she did a double-take and asked, “You are always writing about Gregg Rosenthal, aren’t you?”

Joe was so smitten and flummoxed, he forgot to give Simons his business card!

At any rate, Joe got a lot of work done, interviewing tons of media types and ex-players about all things Bucs, and was simply exhausted and sore from all the walking. You will read these interviews in the coming days. Some great insight into the Bucs from those in the know in NFL circles.

17 Responses to “Joe’s Days In Indianapolis”

  1. RCH Says:

    Great job Joe keep up the good work look forward to reading about the tons of media types and ex-players about all things Bucs.

  2. gotbbucs Says:

    Good job Joe.

  3. FLBoyInDallas Says:

    Indy of all places being cool. Who woulda thought? Great job going the extra mile not only for your business but also for Bucs fans!

  4. thegregwitul Says:

    Did you and Peter King have a chance to share some oatmeal and talk favorite Thomas 2.2 comments?

    Nice work, Joe. And let’s not forget, it’s all free content and updated several times per day. Good job!

  5. Bobby Says:

    Great job Joe, but I have to say…Maria>Tiffany.

  6. Chris FWC Says:

    Awesome job! That looks so cool on the side of the Marriot. Anything on the Hilton building? Paris doing lines showing off her flat arse?

  7. BucFan813 Says:

    no videos=lies

  8. BigMacAttack Says:

    Hey Joe, will you see if you can get an interview with Clyde Christensen of Indy and his potential for an OC spot, possibly here???

    Joe, Tampa hasn’t been the same since you left. I don’t how we’ll ever get along. Are both of you guys there, or who got the shaft??? Did anybody see the Lightning game last night? That makes 5 straight wins.

  9. sensiblebuc Says:

    “no videos=lies”


    Haters in the building.

  10. FLBoyInDallas Says:

    BucFan813 = moron

  11. sensiblebuc Says:

    @ Joe

    I was up there for the Combine last year and I completely agree. Amazing city, nice people, never sat foot in a bus or cab.

    Congrats on your nationwide notoriety. Next up, world domination!

  12. sensiblebuc Says:

    @ BMA

    Just had some Vietnam Vet-type flashbacks of the Clyde Christensen offense bro. NOT COOL. đŸ™‚

  13. Dew Says:

    Sounds like you are having a blast. Awesome. Thanks for the summary.

  14. BigMacAttack Says:

    @Sensible, LOL

  15. admin Says:

    Joe here,

    @BucFan813 – Normally Joe would have just ex-communicated you for lies against Joe and misrepresentations of Joe, and for coming after Joe maliciously for absolutely no reason. But Joe is so amused by your stupidity, he’ll keep you around a bit.

    You really think Joe is lying about going to Indianapolis as credentialed NFL media? If Joe were to concoct BS, he would have made a phony trip to the Pro Bowl instead and had grass-skirted, brown-skinned native women tending to his every need.

  16. Thomas 2.2 Says:

    If you see Warren sapp ask him about his quote on the front page of today’s times on Gerald McCoy that he can’t “live soft and fight hard.”

    We are all curious as to why he says that McCoy is soft.

  17. Garv Says:

    Glad you are enjoying yourself Joe.
    We all appreciate your work for Buccaneer fans and the free interaction between us concerning all things Buccaneer.

    Keep it up and have a safe flight home!