BSPN Looks At Lions-Bucs

September 9th, 2011

Slur-hurling Trey Wingo, Mark Schlereth and Hugh Douglas of BSPN break down the Lions-Bucs game.

28 Responses to “BSPN Looks At Lions-Bucs”

  1. MikeBucFan Says:

    Well, that was great of them to talk about the Bucs…oh wait, they just talked about how incredible the 6-10 Lions are.

  2. McBuc Says:

    I weas just over on a Lion’s blog…those fans are jacked up and ready for some football. They all, 100%, are calling for the Lions to win. Most think by a TD to 10 points! They are also ripping on our fans for not selling out the game, and for underestimating the Lions. Not sure what site they have been on, but we have plenty of our own fans saying the Lions are going to win. Gotta love their spirit!

    My prediction
    Bucs 27
    Lions 17

  3. McBuc Says:

    Mike, it is crazy, that is all anyone is talking about. It is mind blowing! Good, The Bucs will come in with a chip on their shoulder. I am not sure how everyone loved the Bucs a couple weeks ago, and now it is back to the same old crap.

  4. Flip Flopper Says:

    ESPN’s NFL coverage is beyond horrific. They’re literally forcing the resurgent Lions narrative down the public’s throat. I almost feel like Schlereth and Hugh are hoping for Freeman to regress and the Bucs to fall off the map, so ESPN can continue to pump up the Leos.

  5. Architek Says:

    BSPN is a waste most of the time. Dallas goes 6-10 and they talk about them being a 10 win team. Tampa goes 10-6 and now we are a bad team.

  6. nick b Says:

    Here come the nay sayers.. I thought that after last season this crap would be over.. guess not.. BUCS TO THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!

  7. MikeBucFan Says:

    Exactly. BSPN is all over Dallas and San Diego EVERY year, regardless of how they did the previous year. They’re shoving the 6-10 Detroit Lions down our throats, and it’s making me sick. When we win, all they’ll talk about is what the Lions need to do to improve. It’s ridiculous.

  8. Joke Says:

    Joe, enough with the “slur-hurling” jabs at Wingo. “Radio Raheem” was not intended to be a slur and should not have been taken as one.

    Just because you’re weak on good films (“Do the Right Thing”) and heavy on crappy ones (“Radio”) doesn’t mean everyone else is, too.

  9. OAR Says:

    BSPN = Buccaneer’s Skeptics Purely Negative!

    On another note:
    I wonder if Hugh Douglas got to punch Del Rio in the face yet?

  10. Joe Says:


    Get used to it. Joe’s not going down this road again and Joe’s going to use that moniker each week.

  11. Espo Says:

    Well… they didn’t say anything bad about us. They didn’t really say anything about us.

  12. Capt.Tim Says:

    Joeyou cant have to many jabs for that bunch of slackers. If it isnt Brady, Romo, or Farve-then it better be about Suh.they’ve went from sports reporter to gossip columnist. they should be on entertainment tonight, not a damn sports channel!!

    Is it just me,or is the “gay for Suh” club purposely forgetting the fact they we already played “the mighty suh”? And that our second string rookie guard shut his big ass down! I remeber checking the program to make sure he was playing, cause you never heard his name! yeah, i guess we’ll survive the terror that is suh. but Dont let that stop the girly reporters at BSPN from continuing to polish it for him!! just sad!

  13. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    All this is the best thing possible for our team. We were getting too much love (for my taste) after the season ended, and it seems to have all worn out. I haven’t seen one person predict playoffs for us, which I think is a good thing. Hopefully it will motivate us to prove everyone wrong.

  14. McBuc Says:

    Capt Tim…I sue hope they shut him down again, so Thomas can stop his love affair with Suh and his anger over the bucs not drafting a player that was not availible to them.

  15. 2 Buc Bill Says:

    the consensus is that lions will win – must mean bucs win this week.

  16. Snook Says:

    I love when ESPN picks against us. Its money in the bank for a Bucs win.

  17. Joke Says:


    You’re not going to go down that road again, yet you’re going to continue to bring it up every week? Interesting.
    So that’s basically:
    1. Shout put-downs
    2. Stick fingers in ears and cry “lalalalalalalala”

    Regardless of this little controversy, you’ve gotta Watch Do the Right Thing sometime, man. It’s a great movie.
    Even if it doesn’t change your opinion of Wingo one iota, you’ll be glad you watched it.

  18. HIRE GREG OLSON! Says:

    I think its very hypocritical for Joe to call Wingo a “Slur-hurler” yet continues to call the King David show “Too-Jewish Sounding”.

    Would Joe say something is Too-Black sounding?? Doubt it…

    I’m not offended by the too-jewish description but since he can’t resist beating the Wingo dead horse, I think it’s very relevant…

  19. BamBamBuc Says:

    Joe’s site, Joe’s nicknames.

    Not like the lockout wasn’t “asinine”, but it was definitely better than the two previous labor stoppages in the NFL. Those actually lost games (or had scab players playing the games). This one was really pretty tame compared to the last couple, even though it lasted longer.

    Many don’t like Goodell, and Joe has every name in the book (usually tries to get them all in every time he’s mentioned in an article). I don’t necessarily agree, but doesn’t mean he’ll stop. Just makes me care less what Joe writes in the articles and more about what everyone else here has to say. I start seeing nicknames, I just skip down to the comment section. Pretty simple.

  20. gotbbucs Says:

    if the bucs had won all of their preseason games espn would be calling for them to be in the super bowl. who gives a rat’s fat ass what any of these talking heads have to say, lets play a game first and then talk.

  21. Jonny Says:

    Most of you might not remember this, but last season when we started well, Bucs were the clear favorites to win against the Steelers, the Saints (1st time) and the Falcons (2nd time). Bucs lost all those games and the experts will obviously be cautious to make predictions this season.

    Enough with all this ESPN hate. Let us see a Bucs team that starts hot on offense, plays solid on defense and finishes the game in a dominating fashion. Until we do that 2-3 times to better than average teams every season, Bucs will be looked at as suspects and pretenders.

    Detroit is easy to be loved at the moment, they aren’t a team that look like being carried by ONE player like Freeman. Their D-line is good, RB is explosive, TEs are solid, WR is electric and QB is impressive when healthy. Most importantly, they are an entertaining team to watch on offense and defense.

    In contrast, Bucs do not have an entertaining offense, it has been boring as hell for the first three qtrs and picks up in the 4th. That kind of a trend is what hurt us last season against good teams. Defense has found ways to make opposing offenses make entertaining with their inability to stop the run AND not rush the passer. Hopefully, we aren’t that kind of an offense and defense anymore and if we are, we deserve all the lack of recognition.

  22. Amar Says:


    Where is your boy Cosmic-Shein? Is he still stuck in outer space?

  23. Amar Says:

    darn it, nevermind….did not scroll down far enough. eh.

  24. Joe Says:



  25. Joe Says:


    Not like the lockout wasn’t “asinine”, but it was definitely better than the two previous labor stoppages in the NFL. Those actually lost games (or had scab players playing the games).


    Many don’t like Goodell, and Joe has every name in the book (usually tries to get them all in every time he’s mentioned in an article).

    Joe’s main beef with Goodell was the lockout. He came across as an absolute hatchman, a powerless man, a stooge. Joe has no problems with Goodell whacking clowns who run afoul of the law. Don’t want to get suspended? Don’t act like a moron, real simple.

    As for rule changes, Goodell certainly greases the wheels but he does not run the competition committee nor is he the league’s sole arbitrator when it comes to suspensions and fines. Often, he just rubber stamps what Merton Hanks or Gene Washington decides.

  26. Joe Says:


    I think its very hypocritical for Joe to call Wingo a “Slur-hurler” yet continues to call the King David show “Too-Jewish Sounding”.

    Surely you have never seen “Blazing Saddles,” which Joe has linked to several times?

    And if it helps, Joe knows both Toby David and Shaun King and both of them think it is funny.

  27. HIRE GREG OLSON! Says:

    So, because Joe knows King and David, it’s ok to call something “too-jewish sounding”??

    And I have tried watching Blazing Saddles, but I didn’t find it funny. Not one of my favorite Brooks’ films.

    That’s neither here nor there when it comes to the hypocrisy of calling Wingo a slur-hurler. With all the monikers you assign, you’re far more a slur-hurler than Trey. I know arguing with Joe is like arguing with the wall, so I’m sure this will go no where.

  28. Capt.Tim Says:

    McBuc- well, we know we have one Guard on the roster that can shut Suh down. If our 6’2″ starting guard has trouble with Suh, Hopefully we bring in our 6’6″ backup guard. Book on Suh says he has more trouble with tall, long armed guards- longer reach helps Negate his speed a little. Suh is a great player, but we have proven he can be shut down.