Game Film Look At Ronde Barber

July 5th, 2011

Standing ovation to the Bucs’ multimedia staff on its latest work showcasing Ronde Barber via a classroom Xs and Os film breakdown by secondary coach Jimmy Lake on

Two cuts from the three-part series have been posted. Here’s No. 1, and click through here for No. 2. Essentially Lake walks and talksĀ fans through a few plays highlighting Barber, explaining why Barber is exhibiting Hall of Fame greatness, even if he didn’t finish with an interception.

Hey Buccaneers, let’s get more of this and less of, well, everything else that doesn’t involve cheerleaders.

Interestingly, in the first Barber breakdown, Lake goes out of his way to say he believes Steve Smith is the No. 3 wideout in the NFL.

Since Lake was expressing that so freely and confidently, Joe had to wonder who else in the organization feels that way and whether Smith’s potential availablity could be too tempting for the Bucs to ignore.

7 Responses to “Game Film Look At Ronde Barber”

  1. Macabee Says:

    I enjoyed this piece too! Just for laughs, look at the words about Brees on the board behind Lake. The boys at One Buc are playing hardball.

  2. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    Ronde is the best nickel corner in the history of this game….completely redefined the way the position was to be played close to the line of scrimmage.

  3. Hunter Says:

    The best part is the notes form the New Orleans game…

  4. Bucnjim Says:

    There is no surprise as to why the best part of the Bucs defense was the secondary. We all disagree as to who is weak or soft in the middle, but there is little or no question as to Barber’s toughness. Throughout his career; he’s taken on offensive lineman & TE’s, he’s met RB’s head on at the line of scrimmage, and he’s covered some of the best WR’s in the NFL. You can’t say enough about Barber and how important he’s been to the Buc’s. I think Ruud owe’s Barber a big thanks for covering his deep middle zone though.

  5. espo Says:

    Joe, cut that out! Our receivers will be great. Id rather have those lesbian Panther cheerleaders than Steve Smith in our lineup.

  6. HFXBUC Says:

    What a great way for coaches to coach players and review film during th lockout. Do film sessions and post them on a public site as entertainment for fans…will we see more.?Perhaps a break down of our D line.

  7. Keith Says:

    @HFXBUC – Intelligent thought there. Great idea.