A Few Thank Yous Helped Put Blount In Tampa

January 6th, 2011

Picture LeGarrette Blount feasting in a One Buc Palace mess hall with a bunch of other young college guys in Tampa for pre-draft interviews by the Bucs.

Then Blount is the only one who gets up and walks to the back of the room to thank the banquet staff and chef, and peek his head into the kitchen to toss a thumbs up at the dishwashers.

Mark Dominik told this story on ProFootballTalk live today to host Mike Florio.

Dominik explained that a staff chef alerted Dominik of Blount’s appreciativeĀ gesture, and Dominik said it was a glimpse into Blount’s character that really stuck with the general manager. The Bucs were the only team, Dominik said, to put in a waiver claim for Blount.

Just a great story about No. 27.

Joe will have more from Dominik’s interview later.

28 Responses to “A Few Thank Yous Helped Put Blount In Tampa”

  1. Dew Says:

    That was a good interview and we learned a few things. I can’t believe we were the only team to put in a waiver claim on Blount. And it sounds like they plan to resign many of our free agents. Since Blount is now on the one year contract they will have to pay him too with a new longterm deal. And I totally agree Rah should be the Coach of the Year.

  2. bucfanjeff Says:

    31 teams kicking themselves right now. 30 for not putting in a claim and 1 for letting him go.

  3. Dave Says:

    Great story.

    The only bad things I have seen from him and Talib are anger issues. Personally, I kind of want that in a football player. Maturity will help take care of that issue off the field…. usually.

  4. Travis Says:

    What anger have you seen out of Blount since he has been in Tampa? He runs angry, other than that hes done anyhing to make anyone think he hasnt grown up since his college incident. The TC scuffle in Tenn doesn’t count, every summer there are skirmishes. Hell Shockey about got killed getting mugged last year in TC.

  5. gitarlvr Says:

    im glad we have blount now but why did it even come down to a waiver claim? why the hell didnt the bucs draft him instead of a freakin punter? of course the entire league screwed the pooch on drafting him. but jeff fisher? what crack was he smoking? he must have seen the guy running like a beast every day in practice and still lets him walk? fisher is on the hot seat anyway but if i owned the titans fisher cutting blount would be the final,straw. i fail to see what scared teams away from this guy so badly. punching football players. so what. he didnt have any off the field arrests . i mean far less talented guys with actual arrests have been drafted but not blount. its amazing to think how the decision makers on all 32 teams had their heads so far up their rear ends on this guy.

  6. d-money Says:

    Dear 31 other teams in the NFL,

    Suck It.

    Yours truly,


  7. tim Says:

    i met LaGarrette after the panthers game on Nov 14th, and he was the nicest guy!, he was out signing an autograph for every fan, he must of been there for over an hour. I wanted the bucs to draft him last year and was bummed when they didn’t, but we need to sign him to a long term deal!!!
    this guy is the best running back we have ever had!!

  8. Dave Says:


    I did not say I have seen any since he has been in Tampa. I was talking in general in their pasts.

  9. Theodore Says:

    If Mike Williams and/or Blount prove themselves two years in a row, Dominik may have some contract issues to deal with. It’s hard to believe a 4th round/undrafted player will want to wait longer after proving himself his first two years in the league.

  10. Dew Says:

    One thing we do need to worry about is will all these young guys behave in the offseason.

  11. SuperBucFan Says:

    I went to a game with a friend and we waited outside after the game to meet some of the players. Blount hung around with fans for over an hour and made sure everyone got a picture, an autograph, or a handshake. No other player showed that much dedication to the fans. Most stopped, signed a couple autographs and then got into their cars and left. Blount stuck around and is doing everything he can to create a good image for himself.

    Great pick up for the Bucs and another core player that will only make this offense better.

  12. OB Says:

    The way they have played, learned, and have done in the community proves that we don’t have to worry about the off season, they all know their next contract is going to be a monster if they continue on the course they are on. I will also bet they all show up at “5’s” pratice sessions in the off season. They want to prove themselves and win it all.

  13. oar Says:

    We can only hope they will have to deal with those contract issues!
    BTW d-money, it’s Peterbilt Blount, baby!

  14. Dew Says:

    So Luck is returning to Stanford. That’s good for us cause now Carolina can’t get him. So who will be the #1 pick? Mallet from Arkansas looked really good to me. If he had receivers they would have won that game against Ohio.

  15. Travis Says:

    I think Luck returning to college pretty much locks Bowers up as the #1 overall. (Peppers/Mario clone)

  16. Fernando Says:

    DMoney on the money. I can’t wait when we go to Tennesse next year. And the truck runs them over!!!! Jaja!!!!

  17. d-money Says:

    LOL @ OAR,

    Still not feeling it.

  18. @eric Says:

    One of “the” if not “the” best ever pick up from waivers for the Bucs is Blount.
    I have to laugh at some of you and the others I give a internet High 5 to….
    Rewind back when TN released him and I said he would be a great pick up for the Bucs and is exactly the kind of RB we need with Caddy and the majority of Joebucsfan’s who lit me up calling me an idiot, I was stupid for posting such a comment and that would be the worst thing the Bucs could do, I say “suck it” especially you Gatorbuc…..

  19. wdub Says:

    A better questions about draft evaluation is HOW IN THE WORLD did josh freeman last till he did. Its incredible that as mature as he is and probably interviewed combined with his size and strength lasted till he did.

    GO BUCS!!! Get well A benn and CODY!!

  20. TheQ Says:

    I think that Fisher didn’t like the blitz pickups by Blount.
    His loss, the Bucs gain.
    The kid just needs to stay healhty and hit the study room
    to know what to do on blitz pickups and catching the ball.
    And I hope the Bucs do not low ball him on signing him to another one year deal. Give him some $$$ and lock him up for four years or more.

  21. oar Says:

    Hopefully, especially if Caddy re-signs, Peterbilt Blount will learn from him about those pick-ups and become even more vaulable!

    eric(the red one),
    I must admit, I was one those septical ones too, but I’m glad I was wrong!

  22. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    At the Cleveland game, I was there when Blount arrived at the stadium. Although most players signed autographs, Blount stayed longer than anyone. He even crossed over the barrier and stood with the fans. He was signing and talking for over half an hour. In fact, I left and he was still hanging out with the fans, so I don’t know how long he stayed.

  23. McBuc Says:

    @Eric…I remember, and it was one of the things you and I agreed on. I liked this kid coming out of college, and I was shocked no one drafted him.

  24. jackson5 Says:

    Nice story. Too bad it’s 2 1/2 months old.

  25. admin Says:

    Joe here,

    @jackson5 – Actually it’s almost 10 months old. You might want work on your addition. …Really doesn’t matter when anyone first put it out there, Dominik shared it today, so Joe chose to share.

  26. Guest#27 Says:

    “… you need To work on your addition.”

    Now that shiiiii is funny!

  27. Guest#27 Says:

    And how could I forget. Blount is such a beast the guy is a running highlight reel that will spoil us to death.

    As far as why he was released by Tennessee. They wanted to pick him up and put him on the practice squad so bad that they vocally complained when Mark D picked him up. They had Chris Johnson a 2000 yd running back. But another reason was he got in a fight in practice which could have been thought to stem from the punch that didn’t get him drafted.

    Now, why did no team spend a 7th round pick on him is beyond me.

    Oh, did he even get invited to the combine?

  28. The White Tiger Says:

    Excellent story about Blount – giving us insight into who actually is – but I think it gives us even more insight into who Mark Dominick is.

    To have someone take the time to notice those that typically go un-noticed is definitely an indication of good character – especially when he had no way of knowing it would get back to anyone that mattered in the organization.

    To be someone that is so approachable that those who typically go un-noticed feel that their opinion matters enough to share it with them – says that you have someone special.

    It takes good character to recognize good character.

    This organization is special. Mark Dominick is special. Raheem Morris is special – and the talent on this team so recognizes this that several have stated publicly that they never want to play anywhere else.

    It will never surprise me again when these men tell us not to worry, “the next man up” will get the job done!

    Well done!