Dominik Shoots Down Kampman, Parker Rumors
March 5th, 2010
"I can find much better ways to waste $10 than to read on some Web site that I'm going to sign Aaron Kampman and Willie Parker."
As Joe suspected, these nasty, unsourced rumors that the Bucs are going after Green Bay defensive end Aaron Kampman and Pittsburgh running back Willie Parker are blatantly untrue.
Unnerved at the rumors, Bucs general manager Mark Dominik saw fit to speak with the dean of Tampa Bay sports radio, “The Big Dog,” Steve Duemig, this afternoon to deny the Bucs have any “interest” in the two players.
“The Buccaneers have not reached out to any unrestricted free agents,” Dominik told Duemig, as Duemig reported on WDAE-AM 620 this afternoon.
Dominik really didn’t need to go public, as the rumors were so outrageous to Joe he couldn’t write about them with a straight face.
Joe also suspects the main culprit in the area for spreading these unsourced rumors as near fact, the formerly colorful Bucs magazine, is no longer on Dominik’s Christmas card list.
March 5th, 2010 at 4:10 pm
All rumors of the Bucs actually trying to improve the team are absolutely false.
Thanks for the clarification.
March 5th, 2010 at 4:13 pm
I love the bucs, but their becoming a very boring team to follow and watch…
March 5th, 2010 at 4:16 pm
Eric, that is some funny shit.
I hope we make a trade to improve our WR situation then.
March 5th, 2010 at 4:20 pm
I just heard that brandon marshall might be dealt to seattle for seattles 6th pick in the first round! Hopefully we get boldin or someone!
March 5th, 2010 at 4:24 pm
Pretty interesting that he made a point of saying “un”restricted free agents. I think he’s probably still exploring trades.
March 5th, 2010 at 4:28 pm
in other news glazers save more money
March 5th, 2010 at 4:43 pm
Someone needs to get thier facts straight, that report came from
March 5th, 2010 at 4:44 pm
This idiot dominik is not doing shit. He is basically writing his and Raheem’s pink slip which is fine with me. I can’t stand the guy.. Why anyone with the needs we have will not use FA as source to improve your team and only banking on the draft is just stupid. Wake up glazers and fire this dumbass already.
March 5th, 2010 at 4:45 pm
no matter what everyone say to me but i feel confident about go and build with the draft, look marshall for example was taken in the 4 round, why we can take another steal like that?? if glazers want to save money they never try to get K2 o Ward, if all u wanna big names well all u can become a chicago bears fan, i trust in Dom
March 5th, 2010 at 4:48 pm
If we were close to being contenders I would be just as pissed about not doing anything. But, its not like one guy is going to make a difference. I do think we need to do something about WR. Having a vet who Freeman can throw to and teach our younger receivers is a must.
March 5th, 2010 at 4:53 pm
And a follow up:
“Aldo committed to psych ward for delusional thought patterns”.
(just joshin with ya man)
March 5th, 2010 at 5:11 pm
It is fustrating and boring, but…..
You guys realize the Bears are overpaying old players with very few years left in the tank because they are desperate and have first or second rounds picks….right?
In reality, we are much better off with or three picks in the first two rounds than the Bears are with thier overpaid free agent splurge.
I know it’s boring right now, and I wish we’d sign one or two of the younger DBs out there, but just remember the big picture here. It may be much more exciting to be a Bears fan today, but come draft day it’s gonna suck very badly for them. We will be having an exciting day drafting 3 potential new stars while Bears fans twittle thier thumbs.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:13 pm
Meant to say the Bears have NO first or second round picks.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:16 pm
yes it will be a sad day when Chicago fields a team of free agents, veterans, and proven players, meanwhile the Bucs hit the field with a team of rookies, how sad.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:17 pm
Thanks J Double.. for some damn reason you always make me feel better.. I just got home and listening to ESPN talking about Brandon Marshall going to Seattle and Boldin going to the Ravens and Burelson going to the lions. It just makes me sick were doing nothing yet we can cut Bryant. I just wish i knew if this was a Glazer thing or just some dumb plan Dominik has..
March 5th, 2010 at 5:20 pm
Exactly what free agents would you knuckleheads want the organization to waist money on? There is only one free agent half-way decent to even consider and that id CB Dunte Robinson. Even that would have to be approached with caution. We have CBs in the waiting that are learning under Barber, i.e. Biggers.
Stop the Marshall / Bolden talk!!! Neither are worth the 2nd round and 3rd round pick it would cost to get them when you add in the money it would take to resign them and the locker room desention each could cause. Especially Marshall. We are too young of a team to have negative banter in the locker room or distractions outside.
With the depth of this draft yo absolutely keep every pick you have and make the most of it when it comes time. You may find that you gain an even better athlete/team player when it’s all said and done.
You can sign a boat load of overwhelming free agents and possibly make the first round of the playoffs and then their careers are done.
Make the right draft choices and you can make a superbowl run in two to three years.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:22 pm
bucfanlostiniowa Says:
“yes it will be a sad day when Chicago fields a team of free agents, veterans, and proven players, meanwhile the Bucs hit the field with a team of rookies, how sad.”
Yeah and when those free agents and veterans and proven players are done in two or three years and the Bears are back to square one the BUcs will be built on a solid foundation for the next ten years.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:22 pm
I wish we’d atleast offer next year’s 3rd and this years 5th for Boldin. I don’t wanna lose any of our draft picks from the first 4 rounds of this draft, but I’d like to see an effort made to work something out. Boldin could give us a solid #1 for 2-4 years. That would help Freeman alot.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:24 pm
D-money…..couldn’t have said it better myself.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:26 pm
“Cause all 10 draft picks are future hall of famers right? What are you guys somkin’ the draft is like a trip to the casino roll the dice and take a chance.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:33 pm
and gruss what makes you think these knuckleheads running the team will make the right choices when it come to the draft.. and what makes you think they will make an instant impact.. I’m not saying brake the fu***** bank but you cant tell me there’s not some FA players that can help this team. Dude we have so many holes we need alot of help and FA is just another avenue. Why can other teams think about signing a Marshall but were too good to make the move.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:33 pm
Man, this is gonna be one amazing super duper draft coming up, I almost feel sorry for the poor bastards on our schedule.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:35 pm
I agree. Peppers isnt a player we should want anyway. Chester Taylor MIGHT be a good pickup. I doubt he will be very good in Chicago, their offensive line is a worse than ours (and dont let me start with Jay Cutler). Bottom line, they are geting old and wont be worth much of anything, especially after the lockout.
How many rookies do you think are going to be on the field at one time, two maybe three(what a big deal)? And by the way, I would MUCH have rather had Deshaun Jackson, Percey Harvin, and Pieire Garcon on my team rather than Calvin Johnson, Tory Holt, and Terell Ownens. Nuff said.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:35 pm
No one is saying that all of the draft picks will be future hall of famers but if you draft well they will be the FOUNDATION, you know what that means right? , for years to come.
Blowing money on a week free agent class is not going to make you a good team for the long hall.
I’d like to see us get a reciever but after that really what other positions are out there in free agency that we could go after. And don’t give me this Julius Peppers garbage.
What players are out there for the needs that the Bucs have that are really worth going after?
March 5th, 2010 at 5:39 pm
I think we have drafted so badly for so long, that many of you have become jaded and confused. Building thru the draft isn’t some new concept. It is how you are suppose to build your team and maintian you team.
I agree there are some young guys that could help us out there, but we are 16 hours into free agency. All the guys that go in the first 24 hours are the guys that get paid waaay more than they are worth. Dom is likely watching and waiting like 80% of the other teams in the league for a reason. If we don’t sign any guys at all by the end of next week, then I will agree there is a problem. Freaking out right now is just childish.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:44 pm
Brad you hit the nail right on the head. Not only is building through the draft and ignoring free agency stupid, look at the clowns we’ve got in charge of drafting.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:44 pm
Im all for being positive and Im excited we have a lot of draft choices but how can anyone think this will be the cureall (sp?) What history do we have to think this regime is going to make the right choices? The jury is still out on last years draft. No one can say for sure yet that it was a success and I know this years draft is deep but that still doesn’t mean these morons are going to make the right choices. Maybe Ill feel better afterwards but still have to believe there are players in FA that can make an immediate impact on this team..
March 5th, 2010 at 5:45 pm
Even Chester Taylor is turning 31 in September. The Bears gave him a 4 year deal with 7 million garaunteed. I don’t know that I would have gave that to a RB turning 31 before the start of the season. Much rather spend a 3rd or 4th or a guy like Monterio Hardesty or Ben Tate.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:47 pm
Not freaking out, just realistic, and not in a dream world.
How does the GM of the bucs know the price of a player if he doesn’t call anyone?
Plus, he was heavily involved in the bad drafts you are referring to. So, why do you have such supreme confidence in him?
March 5th, 2010 at 5:48 pm
the bucs idiots glazers do not belong in football we cant give a
2nd rnd pick to get a reciever
March 5th, 2010 at 5:50 pm
Eric, how do you know how much Dom was involved in the draft picks of the past? Just curious.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:50 pm
Once again your right JDouble..Sometimes I feel like your my counselor. You keep me grounded and don’t allow me to overreact.. but damn it’s hard when you want something to happen yesterday….
March 5th, 2010 at 5:51 pm
marc – good
mark -bad
March 5th, 2010 at 5:52 pm
I’m out folks. Don’t follow free agency so closely, it only makes it more frustrating. :p
March 5th, 2010 at 5:55 pm
If they are knuckleheads when it comes to making the right draft pick, what is the difference in making the right free agent signing????
Mute point on your behalf!!!
My point is the fact that building through a very talented filled draft can set this team in motion for a sustained run at championships in the future.
True, it takes making the right decisions on those players, however if the right choices can be made in the draft (not used up free agency) then you can build a solid team.
Do me a favor. Tell me what free agent you think can help this team AND is worth the money and length of contract it would take to sign them???
I’ll be waiting.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:56 pm
its all about the tailgate i mad as well sit on the couch the bucs are
March 5th, 2010 at 5:59 pm
and I’m not as confident at all about the draft.. you can say Dominik wasn’t involved in the past drafts but he was last year and it’s way too early to tell if that was a success.. I just hope the Glazers have someone monitoring who their picking and I hope someone knows what their doing when it comes to evaluating this year talent pool.. especially when there are so many players that are supposed to be good. jDouble what makes you feel confident that we will have a good draft? I want to feel good about it but knowing the amount of boneheaded moves we made last year and there were alot.., I’m not as confident as some are..
IMO I think the glazers are waiting to get through this year and once a new CBA is in affect we won’t see Dominik or Raheem.. That’s why im hoping someone other than Dominik is overseeing this year draft cause it’s big.
March 5th, 2010 at 6:18 pm
Dennis Hickey has been with the bucs 13 years, last five as Director of College Scouting.
Mark Dominik has been with the bucs since 1995 and Director of Pro Personnel for last eight years.
These are they guys in charge of the draft, and they have been for years. Maye not as final decision makers, but definately heavily involved.
March 5th, 2010 at 6:22 pm
I agree that we won’t know what last year’s draft will truly turn out to be for the next 2 years. However, I am quite sure you have worked under a supervisor at sometime in your life. I am quite sure you did at least an adequate job of following the lead of your supervisor even if it was not the same as your opinion. You may have stated your opinion, but you did what your supervisor said.
Now let’s put that in place here. Marc Dominic worked under Bruce Allen. marc may have had a difference of opinion in what should be done in the draft or free agency but don’t you think, after possibly voiceing his opinion, he did what Bruce Allen told him to do? Same can be said for Raheem under Gruden.
Last year’s draft is what we have to go by. Taking in account the true value for 2 years.
Freeman : shows good potential
Miller: shows good potential
Moore: shows good potential
Stroughter: shows good potential
Not too bad for their first draft!
March 5th, 2010 at 6:23 pm
HAHAHA ! Pewter Report is a joke ! They are so desperate to try and “scoop” something in order to justify thier pay-per-view articles that they have resorted to MAKING STUFF UP.
Basically throwing sh*t at the wall and hoping some sticks.
Anyone that subscribes to Pewter Report: I have a bridge to sell you…
March 5th, 2010 at 6:29 pm
Anyone and Everyone at this point.. We were 3-13 last year.. Watch Espn for about 30 minutes and I’ll take any of those players.. Because IMO there better than what we have.. Now I agree the contract for Peppers was ridiculous.. but if we could get marshall for a 2nd rd choice.. I would take that all day.. What player in the draft can you guarantee will be an NFL star. And I know the Bears have to go after players cause they are not players in the draft.. But do me a favor.. Name one player on the Bucs that would be starting for any other team in the NFL.. Beside Winslow and Barbers.. And I’ll be waiting for your response.
March 5th, 2010 at 6:31 pm
Iowa, Brad,
So your saying Freeman, Miller, Stroughter weren’t good draft picks???
BTW Hayes, Zuttah, Talib, TJacks, and Sears …. ( thats only over three drafts… the list goes on) were all drafted under the same college scouting dept.
March 5th, 2010 at 6:36 pm
You are claiming Sears , Mister “I go AWOL for an entire season because I’m crazy in the head” a good draft pick??
By the way , even if we hit on all 10 of our draft picks this season , it might not be enough to turn this team around. We HAVE to fill some holes in free agancy, yet we aren’t even going to try?? .
What it tells me is the Buc are not serius about trying to win this season. F – you Dumbinik …
March 5th, 2010 at 6:39 pm
Marc love how you put words in my mouth. What i said is to ignore freeagency and depend on the draft is stupid
March 5th, 2010 at 6:40 pm
I think last years draft seems good right now.. and I’m excited about Freeman.. But I don’t know for sure that he will be a star.. I hope so.. Same for the the others. Stroughter was a nice pick up for a 7th rounder but how many catches did he have. I’ll give you Talib, Jackson, Penn, and Sears.. but other than that.. not sure if anyone would be starters on another team. I’m hoping we have the best draft ever.. I’m just saying I’m not confident these guys can make the right choices.. I hope they do.. and if they do.. I’ll be pumped..
March 5th, 2010 at 6:45 pm
Your right Radio.. I won’t give you SEars for a starter.
March 5th, 2010 at 6:48 pm
brandon marshall whould help freeman, boldon, anyone we are setting up freeman to fail is this what he needs?
March 5th, 2010 at 6:49 pm
That’s what I’m trying to explain to you. I AGREE ABSOLUTELY that getting Marshall for a 2nd round pick LOOKS like a must be done deal.
However, if you take into account that Marshall wants an outrageous contract, could not work under Shanahan, could not work under McDaniels, both of which want(ed) to get rid of him, there has to be an ongoing issue that overrides his unbelievable athleticism.
Do we really want to give a 2nd round, of this talent filled draft, and an overpaid salary to gain the rights to a premadonna, self-centered team sore. NO WE DON’T!
Thank you Dominik for not buckling to this fan base.
In answer to your question:
I guarantee you St. Louis would love to have picked Freeman last year. What position would they be in for this draft now.
Talib is a starter.
T. Jackson is a starter.
D. Joseph is a starter.
Ruud is a starter.
Miller should be a starter this year.
Winslow starter
Barber starter
Pay close attention to the fact that how many of these came in with this GM and HC. How many players from the previous GM – HC should not be starters?
March 5th, 2010 at 6:49 pm
Actually, on the bucs web page, they tout one of the “achievements” of Mark Dominik as the drafting of Gaines Adams, because he made the all rookie team.
To state these guys werent involved in the past poor drafting is not true.
That is why I am amazed at all the optimism and faith, given the debacle last year, and the track record of the folks that are in charge of this all important draft. I see nothing that indicates they know what they are doing.
Let alone that the Dream is the Head Coach.
March 5th, 2010 at 6:52 pm
Goodbye Antonio Bryant. Just say no to worn out free agents like Kampman and Boldin. Don’t worry everybody we’ve got Clayton and 10 draft picks woohoo it don’t get any better than this.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:00 pm
I will only say this.. No matter who we draft.. if we go after no one in FA this year.. we will have another bad season. If the Glazers are behind this, then Dominik has my forgiveness but going by what he said that he has no money constraints from the owners and he is choosing not be a player in FA then he will fail. He is writing his own pink slip. Isn’t his contract up next year? He needs to make a splash and I would think that splash should start now.. I agree don’t overpay for older players that are passed there prime but there are people out there that can help us now..
March 5th, 2010 at 7:00 pm
Also on the bucs Web Page, Dominik brags about key free agents he has signed:
“In addition, Dominik was pivotal in recruiting and signing notable free agents including Pro Bowl KR Clifton Smith, Pro Bowl P Josh Bidwell, C Jeff Faine, T Donald Penn, FB B.J. Askew, DT Chris Hovan and DL Jimmy Wilkerson”.
But of course we can’t use free agency anymore. These guys are totally full of crap.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:05 pm
I am not saying Dominik or Raheem have not made mistakes. We all know they have.
I am saying, that given the circumstances, I believe they are doing an adequate to good job.
If you take lead of a team, and your owner says do not spend money, what is your only choice? DRAFT.
At the same time, we are building on a team that has, at most (as I posted above) 8 starters. Why in the world would you pay a high priced, free agent premadonna a large sum of cash to come in here? We have a 2nd year QB that is learning his way. And some others with potential here and there. You throw money at some free agent for, let’s say a 3 year contract, and just when they all become cohesive the premadonna looks for more money (renegotiate) elsewhere.
We’re young, we’re going to be young, get as many picks in this draft as you can and load up with the highest qualtity you can find in this draft. Let the whole team grow together.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:08 pm
Please , you guys are spelling his name wrong.
It’s DUMBinik
March 5th, 2010 at 7:11 pm
Eagles released veteran linebacker Will Witherspoon. 29 year old guy that can add solid depth. MUCH better than the scrubs we have now as 2nd string LBs.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:15 pm
You are absolutely right, if the owners wont let him sign free agents, he has no choice.
When I say these guys are full of crap, im really venting at the Glazers, who have created this mess.
Dominik and Raheem are who they are, and the Glazers hired them.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:17 pm
well according to Dominik he has no constraints.. so unless otherwise stated.. i believe what he said. so no signings is on him..
March 5th, 2010 at 7:19 pm
I will absolutely stand side by side with anyone to bash the worthless Glazers!!!! They took money from a U.S. based team (our Bucs) to pour it into a foreign market based team (Man-U-Suck).
Not only does that take from my die hard fanship of the Buccaneers, it also spits in the face of American based economy.
That be ing said, I stand behind Dominik and Raheem for doing the best they can do with what they have to do it with. Are all decisions correct, hell no. But I truly believe, given the right circumstances, they can be a great tandem and will succeed.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:22 pm
Stop with the Dominik “says he has no constraints”. He does like his job. He does want another, if this one ends. You do not do anything besides cover your ownership’s azz if you want to have a future.
It’s called, shut your mouth, do what you can do, if your asked questions you respond positively, and you stay employed.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:30 pm
Bolden and the Cards 5th rounder just got traded to Baltimore for their 3rd and 4th round picks. Baltimore already has a deal in place with Bolden for 4 yrs/ $28 mil. Sure wish the Bucs wouldve made this deal!
March 5th, 2010 at 7:32 pm
gruss you can hire Dominik when his azz is fired cause he won’t be here after next year.. he sucks and even if the owners told him not to spend a dime.. he sucks. the mistakes he made last year are ridiculous and anyone of them should have resulted in termination.. so i don’t want to hear about Dominik and how good he has done.. cause he hasn’t done shit but sign Winslow.. and many thought it was too much before last year.. so take Dominik and your overprice theory to the unemployment line.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:37 pm
Gruss – hate to tell you but you’re wrong about taking money from the Bucs for the Mann U kickball team. The records have shown that the Glazers take money from Mann U for their own personal “empire” that’s one (among other) reasons that the kickball team is swimming in red ink.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m anti-kickball in general but from the stuff I’ve read from across the pond the Glazers AREN’T using NFL $ to support EU kickball.
As for FA – I really am a FA fan but for this year with the condition of the Bucs I can’t justify bringing in any FA’s for what these guys are asking – especially with the threat of a lock out in 2011.
My biggest beef with the Bucs is that I just don’t have much faith in their drafting abilities. The class of 2009 shows some potential (it’s too early) but with the team in “disarray” I gotta say that it would be better to draft a “lot” of players and hope they develop and grow together like Sapp/Brooks/Alstot/Lynch did.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:38 pm
You mean other teams are making moves to improve BEFORE the draft?
What a bunch of morons!
Just wait till we play those idiots!
March 5th, 2010 at 7:42 pm
Sorry guys, but none of you have answered the question:
Before you answer, if you do, does that free agent get us to the championship nect year or the year after?
If not, why waist money on a washed up, probably injured or problem child? If they’re not one of these, they are not let go by their team.
But please, please, go ahead and tell me which one of these has-beens you really want!!!
March 5th, 2010 at 7:42 pm
Don’t worry , I’m sure we will draft a WR in round 3 that is better than Boldin could ever dream of being…..
HA !!! or not.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:47 pm
has beens? is that what all free agents are? then why do teams use things like the franchise tag and high tenders that require first and third round picks? why not just let those damn hasbeen free agents walk away?
March 5th, 2010 at 7:49 pm
Aldo “I trust in Dom?” Oh lord yes we have the ultimate faith in him. In fact I think he will get GM of the year this year for doing so little with well so little. I think Dom and Raheem were hired as the Glazers told them both “Ok you two will get a little on the job training making much more than you currently do. The ONLY catch is you will have to spin this to our fans and the media that you are not spending any money but its a GOOD thing. You will routinely have to come out and deny rumors that we are actually spending any money at all. We will start these rumors just like we did last year with Cutler so the fans get giddy with excitement only to realize we truly are cheapskates.” Don and Raheem have marching orders but I have lost total respect for either one of them. Their statements that come out of their mouths are garbage and I don’t think they believe a word of it. They are just idiots ruining the team for a little on the job training and a big paycheck.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Sorry, nice try, but that’s why those aren’t free agents. They’re worth using any rule you can to keep them. Plenty of rules in place to keep a valuable player. If they’re let go, it’s either monetary (salary cap) reasons or they’re not worth keeping.
Take care gentlemen! Have a great weekend! Truly, it has been a blast having intelectual conversations with people that have other thoughts without it turning into a name calling match like it does on another forum.
Regardless of our opinions of management:
GO BUCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 5th, 2010 at 7:54 pm
Oh please don’t go yet I want to hear you say that peppers and Boldin and some of the others are all hasbeens not worth signing
March 5th, 2010 at 7:54 pm
Oh and for you guys thinking of Boldin three teams are in the hunt according to Do you think any of them are the Bucs? Noooooooooooo ofcourse not. Why pick up proven talent when you can roll the dice on the draft. Dominick needs to be tar and feathered. This offseason is such a joke. Every time I hear about teams landing free agents I tknow we could not possibly be talking about the Bucs. Anyone who is dreaming we will get any decent free agents this year is smoking something Its sad but its reality. 2010 is already looking like such a long season of misery.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:56 pm
At least Gruden could go into the Glazers office and bully them into signing some old farts….now we can’t even do that….
March 5th, 2010 at 7:58 pm
gruss are you seriously saying we would not be better with either Brandon Marshall or Anquan Boldin??? Oh my lord Dominick and the Glazers probably have you on their tiny misicule payroll.
March 5th, 2010 at 7:58 pm
The Bucs biggest move ever was the signing of FA Hardy Nickerson.. I totally disagree that all FA are has beens..
March 5th, 2010 at 8:00 pm
I think its funny that all of the Dominick Glazer supporters are being drowned out by the realists who see what a sham we are now left to deal with as far as ownership, management and a coach. I do feel bad for the players and will always love the Bucs but they just depress me with terrible decision after terrible decision.
March 5th, 2010 at 8:01 pm
Silence fools, RahDom has spoken “just say no to free agency”
March 5th, 2010 at 8:07 pm
I would love to see Brandon Marshall on the Bucs IF we could get rid of Clayton. That’s about the only FA I would care for in 2010
March 5th, 2010 at 8:12 pm
Mr. Lucky have you not heard RahDom the god of football, he of the two heads, the one who walks in dark and light, has decreed no more talk of free agents allowed!
March 5th, 2010 at 8:17 pm
When I REALLY think about it I would LIKE to see the Bucs pursue these FA’s:
1. Karlos Dansby
2. Nick Collins
3. Ray Edwards
4. LeRon McClain
5. Kevin Walter
6. Donald Penn
7. Barrett Ruud
Yeah 2 guys on our team that will be sought after by others unless the Bucs get them under wraps.
March 5th, 2010 at 8:43 pm
I think the worst thing about the statement was that Dominik hasn’t reached out to ANY unrestricted free agents. None! You mean to tell me that there is not one free agent available that could help the team?! Absolutely ridiculous.
Right now it looks like the Bucs are not going to get a quality WR in the trade/free agency market. Boldin is gone. Marshall is not coming here. I gather that Walter hasn’t been contacted. Burleson went to Detroit. There is no one left after that. This is great. It looks like the Bucs will have Sammie, Clayton, Stovall, rookie and some worn out retread can’t play anymore receiver for their receiving corps. Wonderful.
The Bucs got rid of AB and his 10 mil salary. They have been way below the salary cap for several years now. Now if Dominik truly has no spending restraints, I would have gone after Dunta Robinson (always good to have at least 3 good corners back there and Ronde is close to retirement), Aaron Kampman (nice pass rusher who excels in the 4-3), Kevin Walter (quality player for the depleted receiving corps and would cost less than AB), A. Rolle (stabilize the safety position), Karlos Dansby (team him with Ruud and Hayes and that is a fearsome LB unit), Chad Pennington (to mentor Freeman and start in a pinch). Those are some of the free agents I would have targeted. They wouldn’t have gotten all of these players, but these are just some that would have been nice additions. This paragraph was mainly targeted to the poster who wanted which names the Bucs should have gone after. There you go.
March 5th, 2010 at 9:03 pm
Yep, that old “has been” peppers just got right at $80 million, with 40 mil guaranteed in the 1st 3 years. Has been! ha! Chicago has been spending some money. I wonder how long it’s going to take some of you to realize that the Bucs are “not” going to spend any money this year. have ya heard the Bucs name mentioned in a deal? When you get to the Draft you “may” not be surprised when the Bucs trade down, even with Suh on the board, because they do not want to spend any money. Radio & Dumynik are the scapegoats, and the fans that purchased season tickets this year are the “sheep” that are going to be “sheared”, while the Glazers collect all the cash they can get. Welcome to the tightwad zoo.
March 5th, 2010 at 9:09 pm
tampa2 dare not tempt the wrath of RahDom! Do not mock the RahDom!
March 5th, 2010 at 9:23 pm
Cheapness can be understood, if not tolerated.
However, stupidity is totally unacceptable.
March 5th, 2010 at 9:30 pm
This is starting to become ridiculous….. 10 picks in the upcoming draft and three most likely, if we are lucky will become starters… I keep hearing we shall build through the draft ( Which basically means we will spend the money required to field a JV team to go 4-12 !) Building through the draft means 3 to 4 years of suffering for the fans! I can’t wait till the fan base literally stops goin to games ! Freeman will never grow with stovall, clayton and the only decent possesion receiver we have in sammie. The real joke is that everyone says the draft class is so deep, well that may be but just like it was stated earlier do you really think that all 10 draft picks will be studs and a 4th rounder will become a Marshall like talent ! These owners are clowns, we don’t spend money on free agents to better a team that has more holes then legit players! Not to mention we don’t even try to keep our best players, look at Rudd and Penn tender offers and haven’t even sniffed a new contract ! If it wasn’t for the lack of the CBA they be gone and we be even more screwed….Ask the chiefs how rebuilding is… they sold out every sunday and monday game until recently… and I wonder why , cause the fan base is tried of LOSING! Hell at least the Lions are trying and the Browns are locking up the best Player in Cribbs ! As bucs fan we should know that no free agent wants to play here …..the organization is a joke, can’t wait till the draft so much talent!!!! Maybe we will win 6 games !
March 5th, 2010 at 9:35 pm
Do you think we would have won the Superbowl if we didn’t go out and sign “old has-beens” like Keenan McCardell , Brad Johnson , etc.
I think not.
March 5th, 2010 at 9:55 pm
Mushmouth – I agree with you that Keenan & Johnson were integral pieces of the SuperBowl puzzle.
With this current Bucs squad there aren’t too many FA’s that would push the Bucs into a playoff conention mode in 2010.
March 5th, 2010 at 10:23 pm
I love that “we suck soo bad we don’t need free agents” argument.
March 6th, 2010 at 12:16 am
I learned something today from all these posts — all free agents suck! I thought some of them were pretty good. I thought the last big-money free agent we signed (Faine) was pretty good, but I must be wrong.
If the Bucs plan is to build through the draft, they are setting themselves up well to do just that. They’re going to have a lot of REALLY high draft picks for the foreseeable future.
March 6th, 2010 at 1:31 am
It appears that Joe is pulling a fast one on all of us. There is no quote from Dominik. Dominik was not on Duemig’s show today. All information is sourced through Duemig. So Joe can call out whatever website it wishes while Joe’s “fan(s)” appear to have been duped again since he’s using a source known to put out information which is certainly either stretching or far from what most people consider the truth.
March 6th, 2010 at 2:27 am
Kevin Walter signed for less than what Clayton got. Still one of the dumbest moves that Dominik has made.
And why can’t the Bucs contend next season? Every season there are a few surprises. Cincy went from 4 wins to a division title this season. Last year the Phins won the division after winning 1 game previously. In 2007, our very own Bucs won the division after winning 4 games the previous season. It can happen. But with this attitude that the Bucs have, it isn’t going to happen this season. They don’t seem to want to get better. It is fine and good to count on the draft. But it is silly to think that several draft picks will make huge impacts on the season. I just don’t get it.
Why not shoot for the fences this year? Go after Rolle and shore up the secondary. Get Kampman and McCoy for the DL. Sign Walter to a nice deal. Draft another WR in the 2nd round. Now that is a team that has more impact players. The fans would get fired up and more season tickets get sold. Instead the Bucs are going to count all their eggs on the draft basket. The fans deserve better. I am curious. How did New Orleans get Drew Brees? They must have drafted him because that is the only way to go. What? They got him in free agency?! Really. Hmm. What about those LBs Jonathan Vilma and Scott Fujita who had huge games in the playoff?. Those guys had to be homegrown. Only way to build. What?? They were free agents as well? Heresy I say. This must be wrong somehow. What about Jabari Greer and Darren Sharper in the secondary? Greer is one of the better corners in the league. Those smart Saints draftniks. Great pick there. What? He was a free agent. Ok then. At least they have draft pick Darren Sharper who stabilized this secondary after all the problems in 2008. Huh? This can’t be. He was a free agent as well. Blasphemy. You only build through the draft.
My point is that avoiding free agency like the plague really isn’t all that smart. Heck look at our SB team. Rice, Pittman, Joe J, Brad Johnson, K. McCardell, some of our starting OL were all free agents. Throw in Keyshawn from a trade and that is how you can build a winner. Get some key players from free agency/trades and make wise draft picks. That is how you build a winner. It shouldn’t be an either or kind of thing. Ridiculous.
March 6th, 2010 at 10:15 am
Holy Sh*t Batman!!! 90 comment posts. I bet Pooter Repore doesn’t get that many. Hahahahahahahahahaha.