America’s Game: 2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers

March 12th, 2010

It’s a gloomy Friday in the Tampa Bay area. So Joe thought he’d bring you a treat.

Joe understands, to a degree, that Joe’s readers who do not have the NFL Network — women — likely have never seen one of the greatest NFL Films productions, “America’s Game,” a mini-series on the NFL Network which is basically an hour-long documentary devoted to each Super Bowl winning team.

(Little known fact: One of the reasons there is so much unrest among the millions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is the resident arrogant, Satanic cable company, Out House Networks, has held the locals hostage by cruelly denying them the NFL Network yet brazenly forcing them to have countless mind numbing shopping channels and relegating Al Jazeera to a costly “premium-tier.” That alone would certainly drive Joe to throw rocks at army soldiers and provoke him to walk into a sidewalk cafe and set off a backpack explosive.)

Recently, the intelligent executives at the NFL have decided to upload loads of NFL content onto, including all episodes of America’s Game. Below, Joe brings you the Bucs segment.

Despite Hulu, and indirectly, the NFL, offering embed codes, Joe suspects for some reason he may get an angry e-mail or phone call from some suit. If the NFL doesn’t want Hulu to share the videos, why offer embed codes? As a preemptive measure, Joe would like to thank those responsible for the video:

Steve Sabol, Ed Sabol, Rich Eisen, the NFL Network, Mark Dominik, the NFL, Chucky, the Oakland Raiders, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Rachel Watson, Bryan and Joel Glazer, Al Davis and anyone else remotely connected to the aforementioned organizations.

7 Responses to “America’s Game: 2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers”

  1. nick Says:

    I miss Rich McKay

  2. OAR Says:

    I may be bias, but that one is the “GREATEST” America’s Game!

  3. alan thomas Says:

    I miss winning. Alot.

  4. Kyle Says:

    I downloaded this game off of a website (have had it for 4 years now) and put it on a dvd I watch this game and it makes me so happy I just love watching Gannon throw interceptions and the Bucs dominate the Raiders

  5. MichiganBucsFan Says:

    Thanks for the post Joe enjoyed it a lot. I just wanna point out to you that it’s not only women who don’t have NFL Network, there’s a pretty significant population of us poor college students that just can’t afford it.

  6. JK Says:

    Thanks Joe

  7. BucsFan Says:

    Great Show. I miss those days.