Stock Up On Caybrew Before Kickoff

December 20th, 2009

Look, Joe knows this will be a very busy week for you with Christmas looming. Lots of honeydos among other things to take care of, lots of crowds and traffic to navigate.

And that’s not counting preparing for a Bucs game today.

Since there’s a late kickoff, there’s plenty of time to shake off the cobwebs of a thirsty Saturday night and head out to stock up on your brew, Caybrew. Make sure the fridge has an ample supply for the next week.

Don’t forget that Caybrew is also an intelligent and thoughtful holiday gift for work associates, close friends, loved ones and Rachel Watson.

It’s the holiday season. Why not treat yourself instead of settling for the nasty pilsner swill brewed in Wisconsin? You’re better than that!

Click on the beer or ass below to find Caybrew retailers and smart bar owners near you.


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