Joe’s First Quarter Thoughts

December 13th, 2009


* What the F! First play of the game and Olson calls a pass play which results in an interception. What the hell are they passing for with the Jets having the best pass defense in the league!? GEEZ!

* Man, the Jets got a push on the defensive front like any team got on a Jim Bates defensive front.

* Jets look dominating on defense. Absolutely smothering, just like the Bucs used to be.

* Bucs are playing right into the Jets hands

* Nice coverage on the screen pass. Only way the Bucs win this game is by defense and defesive turnovers.

* Nice defense thus far. If Jim Bates was still with the Bucs, the Jets would be up 14-0 by now.

* Nice call by the Jets on the fake punt. Joe has to give credit where credit is due.

* Capt. Lou Albano is going to lose 10 pounds wearing that sweater on a Florida 80-degree day.

* Joe is very impressed with the Bucs defense thus far. This is going to be a black-and-blue kinda day.

* With a running game like the Jets have, Joe understands how the Jets can get a good push for a yard and a first down on a fourth down call.

* Why can’t the Bucs use Josh Johnson in a formation like Brad Smith with the Jets? Oh, that’s right, it takes a little imagination.

* Ronde Barber with a strong tackle.

* I think Joe understands how a rookie beat out Kellen Clemens for a starting job.

* Bucs are VERY fortunate to only be down six points. VERY.

* Reavis blanketed Antonio Bryant.

* Horrible Bucs offense.

* Joe again is impressed with the Bucs defense and wonders what they could have been if they had a defensive coordinator with a clue from Day 1?

* Nice job by Stylez G. White! Forced a bad throw from Kellen Clemens.

* On first down you have 12 guys in the huddle? WTF???

* Dave Moore is just ripping the Bucs for having 12 guys in the huddle on first down. Joe agrees. Inexcusable.

* Dave Moore on the Bucs radio network is really unloading on the Bucs offense for having their collective heads up their asses with the penalties and turnovers. Joe agrees.

* Freeman appears to be forcing the ball. Joe isn’t so sure if it is the Jets defense or that Freeman is really regressing or both.

* Are the Bucs scared to throw the ball downfield now? Seems as though the Bucs just gave up on that call.

2 Responses to “Joe’s First Quarter Thoughts”

  1. RastaMon Says:

    clear the officer decks……

  2. RastaMon Says:

    you can still think…..I am in awe at your power of concentration Joe