A New Season; Rachel Is Gone

September 13th, 2009

rachel_watson-0508As regular readers of Joe know, Joe is, well, smitten with Rachel Watson.

If there is a more beautiful woman walking the streets of Tampa, Joe would like to meet her.

In lieu of a meeting, Joe would like a photo.

Rachel was one of the reasons Joe so enjoyed the Bucs cheerleaders. Alas, Rachel has gone on to bigger and better things. Word is Rachel wanted to concentrate on her budding career as an elementary school teacher.

Joe can honestly say none of the nuns he had as teachers in grade school looked remotely like Rachel.

So Rachel is gone, likely leading a comfortable life in south Tampa. So Joe too must march on. No, Joe will not stop lusting over Rachel, but he has to pick a new Bucs cheerleader to gawk over since Rachel is gone.

Joe was intrigued with Tiffany Jimenez and her video work and her bubbling pesonality. But she’s not Rachel. Joe was, um, distracted by Evan Longoria’s squeeze Jamie Hanna, but alas, she neither is Rachel.

Nina Stauffer

Joe did some research on the Bucs website and it seems Nina Stauffer has potential. A rookie cheerleader, Nina may be someone Joe should look out for.

Nina did catch Joe’s eye at Bucs training camp, and she is the brunette cheerleader in the photo just to the right.

Meanwhile, in honor of Rachel and her career choice, who better than Joe’s favorite band to sing an ode to Rachel.

Ladies and gentlemen, Joe offers to you the Van Halen Orchestra and the famous song, “Hot for Teacher.”

One Response to “A New Season; Rachel Is Gone”

  1. Mike Says:

    Obsess much, Joe?? 🙂