Gruden Unhappy On FOX
November 28th, 2008
FOX is reporting that Pam Oliver upset Jon Gruden during an interview this week in Tampa. It airs Sunday during pregame coverage at noon
So what set off Chucky during his interview with Pam Oliver of FOX Sports this week? The mystery will be solved Sunday when FOX airs the interview during its pre-game coverage in the noon hour.
During its Thanksgiving Day yawner, Seattle at Dallas, FOX promoted the interview saying Jon Gruden was unhappy with Pam Oliver’s line of questioning, “You don’t want to miss it?”
Joe’s guessing Oliver irked Gruden by one of two subjects: Jeff Garcia, and the decision to bench him for four games, or Oliver disrespected the Bucs by calling them a “surprise” or implying that they have to prove themselves in these next three games.
Again, those are just guesses by Joe. There are any number of topics that could get under Gruden’s skin, but probably not too many that Oliver would bring up.
Regardless, this is a good development. Joe wasn’t a fan of the kindler, gentler Chucky this season. Too much calm on the sidelines and passive quotes in news conferences. It’s about time Chucky gets fired up and fires back at the lack of respect shown his team nationally. For a coach as ego-maniacal as he, it was only a matter of time.