About Those Bucs Playoff Tickets…

November 19th, 2008
If Roger Goodells plan goes through, Bucs playoff tickets will be easier to get, and cheaper.

If Roger Goodell's plan goes through, Bucs playoff tickets will be easier to get, and cheaper.

If Roger Goodell has his way, local scalpers will be screwed if the Bucs make the playoffs.

The NFL commissioner is tired of scalpers making out like bandits while the NFL is not making the same amount of mark-up. In recent years, the NFL has partnered with “ticket bookies” like StubHub.com in an effort to getĀ its slice of the scalping pie.

But the NFL, always out to make an extra buck, is irritated others are making cash. So Goodell is trying to figure out a way to leave the scalpers eating their tickets.

In an article by Sam Farmer of the Los Angeles Times, Goodell might force fans to show identification upon entering the gates to prove they actually bought their tickets from the NFL, not from Sam on the street corner.

“It’s difficult and it’s time consuming, but it may be the next step that we need to take is where you actually say, ‘You come to the stadium with your identification, and you’ll get your two tickets after you’re inside the gate,’ ” Goodell told a small group of reporters in Los Angeles.

While Joe is a capitalist at heart, this proposal warms Joe’s heart. This might make tickets to a playoff game both easier to get, and cheaper.

Goodell’s naughty-minded wife also warms Joe’s heart.

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