Romo’s Injury Good News for Bucs
October 14th, 2008
Like Jeff Garcia when he was benched for Son of Bob, Joe is confident Tomy Romo will be able to find ways to pass the time until the pinkie on this throwing hand heals.
Joe never likes to see a player suffer an injury, even a trivial one. So when Joe learned Monday that Dallass quarterback Tony Romo (who graduated from the same school as Mike Shanahan, Sean Peyton, Brad Childress and Joe) broke the pinkie on his throwing hand, he had to smile.
First, a broken pinkie is nothing. Second, that means when Dallass will face the Bucs in two weeks in Dallas, the Cowgirls will not have the services of arguably the best quarterback in the NFL.
Cowgirls backup Brad Johnson is quite a dropoff.
As long as Chucky doesn’t get stupid and put Son of Bob back in the starting lineup, there are few games the Bucs should lose on the rest of the schedule. Late season games at Carolina and Atlanta will be tough. Other than that, the Bucs should not be an underdog the rest of the regular season.
October 14th, 2008 at 11:04 am
“arguably the best quarterback in the NFL.”
Are you for real?
This team was supposed to be AWESOME…but with Romo at the helm they aren’t winning like they should. Best QB? You do remember the nightmares he caused Cowgirls fans last year right?
Romo isn’t even in my top 5 QB’s in the NFL. Besides a REAL QB would just tape the PINKY!!!! to the other finger. Weak!…weak!
October 14th, 2008 at 11:05 am
October 14th, 2008 at 3:33 pm
I agree with Chris. I know we wish many losses to the saints but what about MVP Drew Brees this guy is slinging pigskin. I cant Wait for that Showdown in the South when Bucs Host the Saints, we should Have beat in New Orleans
October 14th, 2008 at 4:32 pm
LOL and Miami passed on him…no pun lol! He fell right into NO’s lap like a Mons Venus dancer!
October 15th, 2008 at 8:08 am
Best in the NFL?? He is a younger version of “Bad Hands Warner”, you just know at sometime, under pressure, he will just drop the ball. I’d rather face Romo so that when we kick South America’s favorite teams’ ass, we just might get some love.
On 2nd thought, screw what everyone else thinks, we’ll just go into the bye @ 7-2.
January 21st, 2009 at 12:40 pm
Haha possibly the best..what a joke he was a tottal upset to all cowboys fans. Try the likes of Peyton Manning or Kurt Wanner. Romo dosen’t even belong in the top 5 as far as i am concerned.