Quick Programming Note

April 1st, 2011

Big time draft coverage from Justin “The Commish” Pawlowski fires up again after midnight tonight and runs through the weekend right here on JoeBucsFan.com. And you can get other juicy draft nuggets now from the Commish on 620wdae.com.

Baseball season may be in full swing over on JoeRaysFan.com, but Joe never sleeps when it comes to covering the Bucs and the draft.

There are no days off in Joe’s world.

And a quick thanks to Joe’s beloved readers. Traffic on JoeBucsFan.com was up a whopping 50 percent in March, versus March 2010. Not too shabby, especially in the throes of a lockout.

Thanks for making JoeBucsFan.com undeniably the most popular Bucs-focused website on earth.

4 Responses to “Quick Programming Note”

  1. MichiganBucsFan Says:

    your welcome

  2. Bucsnutt Says:

    There’s a reason your traffic has increased as it has. Your passion for the Bucs, the game, and the fan perspective are front and center for all to see and appreciate, regardless how we, as the non-literary types, feel about the team. I’m sure I’m not the only fan that, for the longest time, thought that the MSM AP and REUTERS cookie cutter stories were the best Bucs fans could ask for. Thanks for scouring the “interwebs” as much as you do and bringing all things Bucs to a singular site. Not much, nothing that I’ve found, that is related to the Bucs goes unnoticed by your crack team. Good job, sir(s).

  3. Joe Says:


    There’s a reason your traffic has increased as it has. Your passion for the Bucs, the game, and the fan perspective are front and center for all to see and appreciate, regardless how we, as the non-literary types, feel about the team. I’m sure I’m not the only fan that, for the longest time, thought that the MSM AP and REUTERS cookie cutter stories were the best Bucs fans could ask for. Thanks for scouring the “interwebs” as much as you do and bringing all things Bucs to a singular site. Not much, nothing that I’ve found, that is related to the Bucs goes unnoticed by your crack team. Good job, sir(s).

    Man! Joe feels like he was just serviced by Rachel Watson after a lengthly, sweaty, heavy-breathing session of intense rapture.

    You are too kind Bucsnutt. Thank you and you pretty much captured exactly what Joe tries to do, all in one paragraph.

    Joe is humbled.

    Now, back to the Rays game!

  4. Capt.Tim Says:

    No, thank you Joe. We all love this site. Your passion for all things Buc, plus tireless efforts to keep us informed educated, is greatly appreciated! Reading JoeBuc is a highlight to my day! Thank you, guys, from the bottom of my Lil pewter and Red heart! You are the best, and we are all grateful for your hard work!